The Prime Minister unveiled the ‘Technology Vision Document 2035’ while
inaugurating the 103rd Indian Science Congress on 3rd
January 2016.
The document foresees the Indians of 2035, and technologies required for
fulfilling their needs. It is not a visualization of technologies that
will be available in 2035, but a vision of where our country and its citizens
should be in 2035 and how technology should bring this vision to fruition.
The document is dedicated to late Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, the former
President of India.
The Prime Minister in his foreword to the document hoped that the 12
Sectoral Technology roadmaps being prepared by Technology Information,
Forecasting and Assessment Council, (TIFAC), which is also the author of this
‘Technology Vision 2035’ document, would excite our scientists and decision
makers. He also said “India will be the country of young for the next few
decades. It is imperative that every youth blossoms to his/her full
potential and that the potential is fully tapped for the benefit of the
nation. This in turn requires that needs of our children and youth for
nutrition, health, knowledge, skill, connectivity and identity are met. Sh.
Narendra Modi had called upon the intelligentsia, Universities and think tanks
to actively work for fulfilling the vision”. After unveiling this document, in
his speech Sh. Modi said that his government intends to integrate Science &
Technology into choices it makes and strategies that it pursues.
The 12 identified sectors of Vision Document are:
Medical Sciences & Healthcare
Food and Agriculture
Information and Communication Technology
Roadmaps, when prepared, will be presented to the
Government of India and they would lead for further adoption of technologies in
those sectors.
The document says that as technology is for empowering individual
citizens, it will empower the country as well.
The Aim of this ‘Technology Vision Document 2035’ is to
ensure the Security, Enhancing of Prosperity, and Enhancing Identity of every
Indian, which is stated in the document as “Our Aspiration” or “Vision
Statement” in all languages of the 8th Schedule of the Constitution.
The Vision documents also identifies twelve (12) prerogatives- (six for meeting
individual needs and six for the collective needs) that should be available
to each and every Indian. These are:
Individual Prerogatives:-
Clean air and potable water
Food and nutritional security
Universal healthcare and public hygiene
24x7 energy
Decent habitat
Quality education, livelihood and creative opportunities
Collective Prerogatives:-
Safe and speedy mobility
Public safety and national security
Cultural diversity and vibrancy
Transparent and effective governance
Disaster and climate resilience
Eco-friendly conservation of natural resources
Assurance of these prerogatives, according to the Vision document, is
the core of technology vision for India. For assuring these prerogatives, technologies
are mapped as: 1) those readily deployable, 2) those that needs to be moved
from Lab to Field, 3) those that require targeted Research and 4) those that
are still in Imagination. The last of these category of technologies could come
about as a result of curiosity driven or paradigm- shattering ‘Blue-sky’
Research like on Internet of Things, Wearable Technology, Synthetic
Biology, Brain computer Interface, Bio-printing and regenerative medicine.
Precision agriculture and robotic farming, vertical farming, interactive foods,
autonomous vehicles, Bioluminescence, 3D printing of buildings, earthquake
prediction, weather modification technologies, green mining etc are some other
such technologies expected that would go a long way in sustainably fulfilling
the needs of the present and future generations of mankind.
To illustrate such mapping here is the table of categorization of
various technologies for meeting the need of ‘Clean air and Potable Water’:
The vision document also makes a mention of three critical essential
prerequisites or Transversal Technologies i.e., materials,
manufacturing, and Information and Communication technology (ICT) to provide
the foundation upon which all other technologies would be constructed.
The document also talks of required infrastructure which it says
primarily include relevant knowledge institutions besides ports, highways,
airports, railways, cold chains, etc. Among the essential prerequisites,
it also mentions fundamental research in the fields of physics, chemistry,
biology and other allied sciences.
The document dwells upon the grand challenges in the field of
Technologies which, it says, we should resolve as a nation. The
challenges are:
Guaranteeing nutritional security and eliminating
female and child anaemia
Ensuring quantity and quality of water in all rivers
and aquatic bodies
Providing learner centric, language neutral and
holistic education to all
Developing commercially viable decentralized and
distributed energy for all
Making India non-fossil fuel based
Securing critical resources commensurate with the size
of our country
Ensuring universal eco-friendly waste management
Taking the railway to Leh and Tawang
Understanding national climate patterns and adapting
to them
Ensuring location independent electoral and financial
There has also been a raging debate on the Social Impact of technology
and the choice between capital intensive and manpower intensive. Capital
intensive technology, especially in India with abundant human resources, has
been projected as detrimental to the use of ‘Manpower’ as it is argued that it
would reduce jobs. The Vision Document seeks to bust this myth by arguing in
favor of judicious policy and conscious planning in employing technology to
impart new skills to the manpower and fulfill needs of the society. It
visualizes technology as a great leveler rather than as an enhancer of social
In order to overcome these challenges, the Vision Document 2035
envisages a rational assessment of the capabilities and constraints of the
Indian Technological Landscape. It categorizes technologies into a six-fold
classification from an Indian perspective which is as follows:
Technology Leadership – niche technologies in which we have core competencies, skilled
manpower, infrastructure and a traditional knowledge base eg., Nuclear
Energy, Space Science.
Technology Independence – strategic technologies that we would have to develop on our own as they
may not be obtainable from elsewhere eg., Defence sector.
Technology Innovation – linking disparate technologies together or making a breakthrough in one
technology and applying it to another eg., solar cells patterned on
chlorophyll based synthetic pathway are a potent future source of renewable
Technology Adoption – obtain technologies from elsewhere, modify them according to local needs
and reduce dependence on other sources eg., foreign collaboration in the
sectors of rainwater harvesting, agri-biotech, desalination, energy efficient
Technology Constraints – areas where technology is threatening and problematic i.e. having a
negative social or environmental impact because of serious legal and ethical
issues eg., Genetically Modified(GM) Crops.
The Vision Document, in a separate section, gives a ‘Call to Action’ to
all the key stakeholders. It brings to notice that for long term sustainability
of India’s technological prowess, it is important that
Technical Education Institutions engage in advanced research on a large scale leading
to path-breaking innovations.
Government enhances its financial support from the current 1% to the long-envisaged
2% of the GDP.
the number of full-time equivalent Scientists
in the core research sector should increase.
Private Sector Participation and Investment in evolving technologies that is readily deployable
and is translatable from lab to field thereby increasing efficiency in terms of
technology and economic returns.
Academia-Intelligentsia-Industry connect is established via idea exchange,
innovative curricula design, based on the needs of the industry,
industry-sponsored student internships and research fellowships inter alia.
Creation of an Research Ecosystem so as to achieve the translation of research to
technology product/process by integrating students, researchers and entrepreneurs.
The document also identifies three key activities as a part of the ‘Call
to Action’. The first being knowledge creation. It says that
India cannot afford not to be in the forefront of the knowledge revolution,
either applied or pure. The second activity that cannot be reflected, it
says is ecosystem design for innovation and development. The
document again interestingly says that the primary responsibility for ecosystem
design must necessarily rests with government authorities. A third key
activity that it mentions is technology deployment with launching
certain national missions involving specific targets, defined timelines
requiring only a few carefully defined identified players.
While this Vision document walks towards the future taking into
consideration the country as a whole, the technology roadmap of each sector
would provide of outlining future technology trends, R&D directives,
pointers for research, anticipated challenges and policy imperatives pertaining
to each sector.