Interview Guidance for UK PCS

    Interview Guidance for UK PCS

Intensive Interview Programme for UKPCS -2016 INTERVIEW

if we look at interview conducted for last PCS exam,we can identify some core area from where some questions are asked during interview.
  • Culture of uttarakhand (dance,music,painting,architect )
  • Religious places and their importance at least of your district and places in news
  • Migration-causes,issues,govt policy,way out to solve it
  • Tourism:contribution in economy ,uk govt policy,present scenario,challenges,wayout
  • Energy: source(hydro,solar)energy policy of uttarakhand,future plan
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Natural disaster and management
  • Industry
  • agriculture
  • Tribals
Student can contact for Biodata analysis and guidance till the UKPSC declares the date of interview.Donot waste the time in joining too many coaching for mock interview but focus on your basic capability and practice to give practical and simple answer on  complex issues.
Interview board will consist of Retired IAS and PCS OFFICER  and other expert.Interview will be conducted in real atmosphere and each candidate will be given detail feedback  of their performance.Both programme will consist of 2 personal sitting and 2 mock interview.
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There is two type of Programme:

Programme 1(3 weeks):

This programme will consist of
  • Guidance for communication improvement and presentation of idea.
  • How to tackle tactical and stressful question
  • Discussion on all relevant topic of indian polity,economics,social programs,IR etc
  • Discussion on issues related to Uttarakhand economics,geography,social dimension.
  • Analysis of Bio data related questions
  • Personal sitting with candidate and personal feedback
  • Mock interview with expert
  • Video graphy of mock interview.
  • Guidance for communication improvement and presentation of idea

Programme 2(1 weeks): For working aspirants (5-7 hours per day).

It will start once ukpsc declared  date of interview.MOST SUITABLE programme to OUTSIDE and Working student .

This programme will consist of
  • Guidance for communication improvement and presentation of idea.
  • How to tackle tactical and stressful question
  • Discussion on all relevant topic of indian polity,economics,social programs,IR etc
  • Discussion on issues related to Uttarakhand economics,geography,social dimension.
  • Analysis of Bio data related questions
  • Personal sitting with candidate and personal feedback
  • Mock interview with expert
  • Video graphy of mock interview.
  • Guidance for communication improvement and presentation of idea
UKPSC has conducted mains exam in last week of september(2017).Now there are no optional subject,only common papers.All the information from different sources indicate that UKPSC may announce result by January 2018.Let’s wait for it.

What should be strategy before UKPSC MAINS RESULT…..

There are two group of candidates .Group1 who are preparing for UPSC and has good exposure for current affairs and bio data related questions  and Group2 who are preparing for UKPCS only and many of them have have written mains exam first time.Those who has appeared first time in mains exam and have not attended any interview,they have to do more homework.
The interview board of UK PSC mainly  focus on
  • Uttarakhand related issue
  • Indian polity
  • Economics and social issues and policies
  • Bio data
The Focus should be on followings…during this period
Identify Uttarakhand related issues like unemployment,poverty and development difficulties of mountain areas,education,social status of women, migration and their realistic solution and government effort.Potential of uttarakhand like tourism,hydro power,renewable energy,industry,food processing etc .Cultural and religious location and their importance and disasters in uttarakhand  should be prepared.
one can say candidate should prepare in depth what ever syllabus of uttarakhand is mentioned in UKPCS mains syllabus.They should think about the problems and find out their own solutions (innovative and implementable in time bound manner).This  part will contribute most to score high marks.if you prepared it very well,it will boost up your confidence.

Indian polity should be prepared from basic and dynamic point of should revise the provisions and article in constitution and current affairs related to new bills ,their provision and their impact on common man.You should prepare their pros and cons. 


In Economics one should prepare basic concept ,their definition and their implications (on increase or decrease).Economy of uttarakhand, their resources and government policies. Current affairs related to policies ,schemes and decisions.


Social problems like poverty,unemployment,migration and other issues,schemes related with them.
In bio data 
Personal Information: Your Detailed Application Form ( DAF ) includes the following Bio-Data :
-Home State, District and Place of birth : Special features, peculiarities, typical problems, famous persons and places etc.
– Schools, Colleges, Places of Schooling.
– Mother’s and Father’s profession.
– Your own previous professions/jobs and organisation, if any.
– Date of Birth, Meaning of Name, any special occasion that coincides with the Date and Year.
– Hobbies : Be honest. No manufactured or cooked up hobby.
– Awards and any extra-curricular activities : Be honest. Do not cook up.
-Reasons for a long time gap after graduation without employment, if any.
– Optional Subjects, Subject of graduation : general questions of applied nature like how the subject or a concept helps in administration or in real life etc.

                                   Some sample interview of UKPSC 2012                            

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To give a full and clear insight of the Personality Test (Interview), UPSC explains and clarifies in detail.same is true in case of UKPSC also.This should be the guiding principles.
“The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his/her career. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The object of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service by a Board of competent and unbiased observers. The test is intended to judge the mental caliber of a candidate. In broad terms this is really an assessment of not only his/her intellectual qualities but also social traits and his/her interest in current affairs. Some of the qualities to be judged are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgment, variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity”.
“The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation which is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.”
“The interview test is not intended to be a test either of the specialised or general knowledge of the candidates which has been already tested through their written papers. Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside their own state or country as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.”
To rule out any possible ambiguity or misconception about its objective, it even lists out following mental qualities to be assessed to finally judge your suitability as a person :
Mental alertness :Means presence of mind, confidence and mental composer.
Critical powers of assimilation: To assimilate means to understand or take in fully. Grasp many dimensions of an issue.
Clear and logical exposition: clarity of thoughts and expression.
Balance of judgment: objectivity and optimism. No cynics needed.
Variety and depth of interest: hobbies and passions.
Intellectual and moral integrity: A synthesis of morality and intellect.
Ability for social cohesion and leadership Empathy to social problems and weaker sections.
– Order of preferences for services : justification for the same, especially when it is unusual. E.g. why IPS and not IAS or IFS? (In case of UKPCS like SDM,DSP,etc).

SAMVEG IAS will start interview guidance classes within a week of UKPCS mains result.This will include 5 days classroom classes related to current affairs , uttarakhand,economy,polity and bio data and two personal sitting and two mock interview .


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