Showing posts with label UPSC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UPSC. Show all posts

15 January 2018



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ABSOLUTELY TRUE...........................
This game is more luck than one can ever imagine. People who clear it in their first attempt usually talk about their 'strategy' 'unconventional approach' 'unique method of studying' and what not. Bullshit I call it.
This is just Russian roulette.There is no pattern,no strategy, nothing. Hard work- yes. But not everyone who works hard is rewarded equally. Only those who are sufficiently lucky will get their hard work rewarded.
Yes I sound like the fox who said the grapes are sour. Because right now, i am that creature. Didn't the fox work hard though? Didn't it jump many times? But was it rewarded? NO!
And to the coaching people- please don't start over with your 'right guidance' with the right people speech. I was a student of MGP, followed almost every test with my mentors, worked upon the feedback- diagram, heading, underline etc, made diligent notes, did multiple revisions, kept a positive attitude, didn't waste my time with extra material or any vices, didn't hang out with people/friends who could waste my time, prayed daily, had good food as far as possible in Delhi. Put in even more hard work for optional since I had low marks in that in my first attempt.. Outcome- zilch. nada.
I only wish somebody could tell me with full certainty that all my effort would be rewarded.....
The only truth about this exam is that there is no certainty, no guarantee, no method. Doing everything well, doing everything required and doing everything recommended still does not guarantee results.
The worse part is that 95% of those who make the cut start glorifying their methods, strategies, hardwork, focus, dedication, self belief and their brilliance. I agree it's just a bunch of junk - all this talk. Because for all that they did, there were probably 4 more people who did the same with the same dedication and hardwork and probably even more, but they lost out on luck. 90% hardwork and 10% luck? But it's a weighted average where it comes down to 50% hardwork+strategy etc and 50% luck.
I have spent 5 years (and counting) in the addiction of this exam and I know that nothing, absolutely nothing can take away this pain, this hurt. No words can help. I can't find an appropriate metaphor but it's probably like a bullet stuck inside ones chest. Can't take it out, can't live with the pain.
But I know one thing. I know it. I don't know if I believe in it or not, because when the time comes, I'm unable to practice this thought immediately to my own life. God/super power is not blind. This amount of hardwork, focus and dedication CANNOT go waste. One never knows where life might give happiness. And where this accumulated karma will shine. But it will. Mark these words. It will.
Mrunal today might be getting a ton more blessings and heartfelt wishes than an IAS officer. I don't know him. I don't know whether he's a happy person or not. But I know some rankers. With the best of cadres, and otherwise too, abundantly blessed materialistically in life - what all one aspires for. But they are not happy. I know that. I know them personally well enough to know this. I am still wearing glasses tinted with the colour of this exam. I am not able to let go. But once I will, I know I'll be able to choose which life is more rewarding and content. A life which has the elusive happiness.
But till the time one is in the pursuit, I personally believe the only goal one can strive for is understanding the true meaning of nishkaam karma. If God indeed said this shloka He meant - you have the right to work hard but not the right over the results thereof. And neither are you the reason for your success and nor should you become attached to inaction.
We're all in the same boat, to be honest. Take your time. Don't listen to any nonsense on how to write the exam. Listen to your heart. And believe that all will be well. That's how the cycle of life and karma completes itself. You can't see the dawn right now but it doesn't mean there won't be a sunrise. Have faith that something awesome will come out of all this hardwork

5 January 2018

जीतना ही सब कुछ नहीं है।winning in the game is not every thing.

जीतना ही सब कुछ नहीं है।winning in the game is not every thing.
'जीतना या हारना महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है, व्यक्तिगत तौर पर बेहतर बनना महत्वपूर्ण है।
very true for civil service aspirants too....
बैडमिंटन कोर्ट के बाहर पुलेला गोपीचंद बहुत धीमी आवाज में बोलते हैं, लेकिन जब वह कोर्ट के नजदीक होते हैं तो उनकी आवाज बहुत तेज हो जाती है, जैसे पी वी सिंधु के हाल ही में दुबई सुपर सीरीज फाइनल में खेलने पर उन्हें देखा गया था। ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि गोपीचंद जीतना पसंद करते हैं।
वह रोजाना सुधार करने को और भी पसंद करते हैं। गोपीचंद (44) ने हाल ही में कहा था, 'जीतना ही सब कुछ नहीं है। यह व्यक्तिगत तौर पर बेहतरीन बनना है। आज मैं क्या हूं और मैं क्या बेहतर कर सकता हूं।' उन्होंने कहा, 'आज को गुजरे हुए कल से बेहतर होना चाहिए और आने वाले कल को आज से बेहतर होना चाहिए। मैं इस पर ध्यान देता हूं।'
........................प्रकाश पादुकोण के बाद गोपीचंद ने भी प्रतिष्ठित ऑल-इंग्लैंड चैंपियनशिप जीती थी। हालांकि, चोट की वजह से बतौर खिलाड़ी उनका करियर छोटा हो गया। जिसके बाद उन्होंने कोचिंग देनी शुरू की। इस समय भारत बैडमिंटन के क्षेत्र में जो मुकाम हासिल कर रहा है, उसका काफी हद तक श्रेय गोपीचंद को जाता है। मौजूदा दौर में बैडमिंटन में भारत का नाम रोशन करने वाली पी वी सिंधु, सायना नेहवाल और किदंबी श्रीकांत जैसे प्लेयर गोपीचंद के शिष्य हैं।
..............गोपीचंद कहते हैं, 'कई वर्षों तक तक मेरे लिए खेल का मतलब सिर्फ जीतना था। एक छात्र या माता-पिता के रूप में अगर हम कहते हैं कि हम असफल हो गए, तो हम इसे छिपाने की कोशिश करते हैं। लेकिन एक खिलाड़ी के रूप में अगर आप नाकाम हो जाते हैं, तो आपको लोगों के सामने इस कड़वे सच को स्वीकार करना होता है कि 'मैं हार गया हूं'। अगर आप इसके बाद अपनी गलतियों को सुधार कर वापसी करते हैं तो आप जीत सकते हैं। यह सबसे बड़ा आत्मविश्वास है, जो जिंदगी आपको दे सकती है। यही वास्तविक खेल है।'
................गोपीचंद ने अपने शिष्यों को क्या सीख दी? उनके शिष्यों में ओलंपिक पदक और सुपर सीरीज के विजेता भी हैं, और उन्होंने जीवन के बारे में क्या महसूस किया। उनका कहना है, 'जीतना या हारना महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है, व्यक्तिगत तौर पर बेहतर बनना महत्वपूर्ण है। परिणाम के बजाय प्रक्रिया लक्ष्य है। मैं नहीं जानता कि कैसे चैंपियन पैदा होते हैं और कैसे वे बनाए जाते हैं। मुझे नहीं पता है कि उन्हें क्या प्रेरणा मिली है क्योंकि मेरा मानना ​​है कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के पास एक विशिष्ट विशेषता है। अगर जीतना ही सब कुछ था, तो हमें कुछ खेलों में हिस्सा नहीं लेना चाहिए।'
.................अपने करियर के दौरान गोपीचंद को लगातार चोटों से जूझना पड़ा था। इसी वजह से कई जीत उनके हाथ से निकल गई और उनकी शोहरत पर भी इसका असर पड़ा। हालांकि, इससे उन्हें अच्छी सीख भी मिली। गोपीचंद ने कहा, 'मेरी चोटों और अफलताओं ने मुझे अच्छा प्लेयर और कोच बनने में मदद की। अगर चोटें और असफलता नहीं होती तो मुझे अपने अंदर झांकने और खेल से प्यार करने के लिए पर्याप्त समय नहीं मिला होता। जितना समय मैंने खेल से दूर बिताया है, वह मेरे लिए अधिक कीमती रहा और चोटें एक प्रकार से मेरे लिए सफलता रही हैं।'

How do I keep a check whether my UPSC preparation is on right track?

Samveg GS
Samveg GS,
This is most important question that every aspirants should ask whether doing coaching or not ,preparing yourself or through guidance.till you donot know answer of this question,i bet you have little chance to clear the any stage of exam!!
for prelims
best way to know the right track,give at least 10% time for practicing old question
for example read executive and legislature part FROM M LAKSHMIKANT and honestly solve last 15 year question paper questions on this topic,find out your weakneses ,read again and solve some more question.believe you will get a sense of confidence,a sence of completeness, asence of right track.there is no other way.
i would suggest that do not solve chapter wise question as upsc makes difficult question by intermixing the related concept of different chapter. so read 2–3 interrelated chapter and then solve the question paper.
what is required is consistency for this exercise.what happened with most student first they do some exercise and then overconfidence take over the simple logic of practice makes a man perfect.
you can exercise old question of CPF and CDS exam too.they are very good quality.
for mains
as Debotosh MENTIONED YOU NEED some one who can point out seriously your common and not to do mistake first .
he can explain you what content and approach is required for a particular question,
most important thing is that you can improve your presentation only by writting in time bound manner not only by thinking or making structure,.by seeing questions on online sites.
hope this will help.thank you.

How do I cover economic survey for Mains and prelims? Does it need to be done or not?

How do I cover economic survey for Mains and prelims? Does it need to be done or not?
#answer written by samveg ias#
if i simply put what is importance of economic survey? why is it important to read it?
This is most authentic document on economic policy ,on component of economy presenting current ,past and future aspect.this is the document that represent what the government want to say about every aspect of economy in simply term.
This shows the thought,direction and process involved in economy.
But i have found that economic survey became very easy if you have very good understanding of basic economy,then you have to find particular new data in each chapter,policy and government effort and challenges.if you donot understand basic then it seems monumental work to read,retain and explain the concept?
sometimes it seems that examiner use same language and way as it is used in economic survey that increases it’s importance.
Economic survey help in identification of most important aspect of an issue in current scenario.
The chapter’s like climate change,external sector,agriculture,public finance ,service are like gems.who can explain better it than economic adviser to finance minister itself?
you get all important issues and challenges face by economy at one place that is very useful for mains too.
i always suggest to read economic survey in consonance with basic part.there are some important para and same time there are little less important para.analyse the old question paper and check yourself how much it is important
but read it at least once ,so that you can say with confidence what economic survey is all about????

Introduction of Indian Medical Civil Service

Introduction of Indian Medical Civil Service
There are three existing All India Civil Services, - Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service & Indian Forest Service.
Based on the recommendations of the Cadre Review Committee, the Central Government has sought views of all States / UT Governments on the proposal for creation of All India Medical Services.

download what nitiayog has done in last 3 year

download what nitiayog has done in last 3 year

IFOS 2017 mains result

IFOS 2017 mains result
within a month .....gajab hai!!

25 November 2017

UPSC Allows Candidates To Raise Objections On Exam Questions. The candidates now will be given a time frame of 7 days to raise their objections

UPSC Allows Candidates To Raise Objections On Exam Questions.
The candidates now will be given a time frame of 7 days to raise their objections
In a latest notification published on the official website of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the public sector recruiter, has come up with a time frame for the candidates to make representations on the questions asked in the papers of a certain examination.
In a latest notification published on the official website of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the public sector recruiter, has come up with a time frame for the candidates to make representations on the questions asked in the papers of a certain examination. The candidates now will be given a time frame of 7 days to raise their objections. A section of civil services aspirants have approached the Supreme Court recently against the conduct of the Civil Services preliminary examination of 2017, accusing the Commission of non-transparency and of framing ambiguous, incoherent questions.
UPSC conducts recruitment exams to various union services like, Civil Services exam, Medical Services exam, Economic an Statistical Services and Engineering Services.
"For each Examination, a time frame of 7 days (a week) i.e. from the next day of the Examination Date to 6.00 p.m. of the seventh day is fixed for the candidates to make representations to the Commission on the questions asked in the Papers of that Examination," said the notification.
"For Examination conducted on two or more days, the dates on which the Paper(s) of that Examination are held, will be the crucial reckoning date for making representation on the questions appeared in those Papers. For example: if Paper(s) of an Examination is/are conducted on 1st March, then a candidate can make representation by 6:00 p.m. of 8th March," added the notification.
The UPSC notification also said that such representation must be submitted online only (by email at email Id and no representation by post/hand will be entertained. It also said that no representation will be entertained under any circumstances after this window of 7 days is over.
Publishing the answer keys to the competitive and entrance examinations is a general practice in the country.
The Supreme Court has in August dismissed a plea which sought grace marks or removal of alleged wrong questions given in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) 2017 preliminary examination.
A bench, headed by Justice Dipak Misra, then said the court does not perceive any merit in the petition and is, hence, dismissed.
The bench, also comprising justices Amitava Roy and A M Khanwilkar, noted that the petitioner who gave the exam had not given any representation to the UPSC claiming there was a question with more than one correct answer.
More than 4.6 lakh aspirants had appeared for the UPSC prelims exams held on June 18, 2017.

Most awaited test series schedule for civil services prelims exam -2018 (in dehradun)

Most awaited test series schedule for civil services prelims exam -2018 (in dehradun)
if you have prepared a topic very well,then check out what kind of question upsc has asked earlier ,what are critical concept,how to understand twisted question,how difficult is the language of questions.This all can be done only when you have prepared very well.Preparation of topic is very important at first instance.if you have not prepared very well,you does not have conceptual clarity ,test series will not help you and vice versa you have prepared well but didnot practice that may also reduce your chance to qualify pre. so first prepare the subject very well and then practice through test series.
यदि आपने एक विषय बहुत अच्छी तरह से तैयार किया है, तो देखें कि किस तरह के प्रश्न upsc ने पहले पूछा है, महत्वपूर्ण अवधारणा क्या है, twisted सवाल कैसे समझ सकता है, प्रश्नों की भाषा कितनी मुश्किल है। यह सब तब ही किया जा सकता है जब आपने तैयार किया हो बहुत अच्छी तरह से।
विषय की तैयारी बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। यदि आपने बहुत अच्छी तरह से तैयार नहीं किया है, आपके पास वैचारिक स्पष्टता नहीं है, परीक्षण श्रृंखला आपकी मदद नहीं करेगी और इसके विपरीत आपने अच्छी तरह से तैयार किया है लेकिन अभ्यास नहीं तो यह आपके मौका को भी कम कर सकता है
पहले विषय को बहुत अच्छी तरह से तैयार करें और फिर परीक्षण श्रृंखला के माध्यम से अभ्यास करें।
Everything that you can think for @Rs 4500/,candidate having written upsc/ukpcs mains then fees Rs 3000/ only.


संवेग IAS द्वारा UPSC निबंध पेपर का विश्लेषण

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India sends 1st wheat shipment to Afghanistan via Chabahar port

India sends 1st wheat shipment to Afghanistan via Chabahar port
Sushma Swaraj and her Afghan counterpart Salahuddin Rabbani flagged off the shipment of wheat from India to Afghanistan via video conferencing
India on Sunday flagged off a shipment of wheat for Afghanistan through Iran’s Chabahar port—marking the operationalization of the port for the trans-shipment of goods from India to the landlocked country.
The development is seen as a significant one as it torpedoes Pakistan’s veto over trade between India and Afghanistan—a move aimed at circumscribing India’s role in Afghanistan. And it comes almost 15 years after India and Iran first agreed to develop the Chabahar port to ease connectivity bottlenecks for New Delhi in reaching out to landlocked Central Asia and Afghanistan. It also follows US president Donald Trump in August calling on India to play a larger role in stabilizing war-torn Afghanistan as he announced a revamped security plan to defeat a resurgent Taliban.
On Sunday, Afghan foreign minister Salahuddin Rabbani joined his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj through a joint video conference as the latter in New Delhi flagged off a ship carrying the first consignment of wheat from India’s Kandla port to Afghanistan.
“The shipment is part of commitment made by the Government of India to supply 1.1 million tonnes of wheat for the people of Afghanistan on grant basis,” an Indian foreign ministry statement said. “Six more wheat shipments will be sent to Afghanistan over the next few months,” it said.
“The wheat shipment is a landmark moment as it will pave the way for operationalisation of the Chabahar port as an alternate, reliable and robust connectivity for Afghanistan. It will open up new opportunities for trade and transit from and to Afghanistan and enhance trade and commerce between the three countries (India, Iran, Afghanistan) and the wider region,” the statement added.
It was in 2003 that India and Iran first agreed to develop the Chabahar port, located in the Gulf of Oman near Iran’s border with Pakistan, to allow New Delhi to reach markets in Afghanistan and landlocked Central Asia. The project was delayed due to international sanctions on Iran over its suspect nuclear programme and India’s focus on concluding a civil nuclear pact with the US. Interest in the project was rekindled in 2013 after Iran and the US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany reached an interim agreement on Tehran’s nuclear programme and some sanctions were lifted.
And in May last year, India, Iran and Afghanistan signed a trilateral trade pact when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Tehran to enable the movement of goods from Chabahar to Afghanistan.
The Chabahar port is also less than 100km from Pakistan’s Chinese-built port of Gwadar, which is part of the China-Pakistan-Economic Corridor project (CPEC) aimed at opening up an energy and trade corridor from the Gulf to western China. The CPEC is also a strand of China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative that aims to connect around 60 countries across Asia, Africa and Europe through a series of roads, railways and ports.
When linked to the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), the Chabahar-Zahedan-Zaranj corridor would connect South Asia on one hand and Europe on the other, Modi had said. INSTC is an ambitious multimodal transport system established in 2000 by Iran, Russia and India to promote transportation cooperation. It is planned to connect the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea through Iran and then onwards to St. Petersburg and northern Europe through Russia.
It was expected that a 2010 US-supported pact between Afghanistan and Pakistan on transit trade would be extended to India to allow Indian goods to pass through Pakistan. But that floundered when Pakistan refused to allow Afghan trucks to come up to the Indian border at Attari, Punjab, or take back Indian goods. At present, Afghan trucks with Afghan products come up to Torkham on Afghan-Pakistan border where the goods are loaded onto Pakistan trucks that in turn come up to the India-Pakistan border at Wagah. Once the goods are offloaded, the trucks go back into Pakistan empty, an Indian official said.
With the US refusing to certify that Iran was complying with its commitments under the international nuclear pact, there were doubts that India’s plans to use Chabahar for trade with Kabul could come under a cloud once again. Last week, however, US secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the US did not intend to “interfere with legitimate business activities that are going on with other businesses, whether they be from Europe, India, or agreements that are in place that promote economic development and activity to the benefit of our friends and allies”.

upsc mains 2017 GS PAPER I and its analysis

upsc mains 2017 GS PAPER I and its analysis
10 questions of 150 word ,each of 10 marks
10 questions of 250 word ,each of 15 marks

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Predictable current affairs and well known traditional topic but still very difficult paper.
10questions(150 word)-10 markers
10 questions(250 words)-15 markers
Total words to be written : 10x150+10x250=4000/(almost same
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upsc 2018 test series

Finally upsc 2018 test series is going to start.due to hindi medium candidates demand we will conduct it in both medium.
Timing : 10 am. for working people flexible time is also available.
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13 June 2017


CPF:12TH AUG2018

31 May 2017

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    Heartfelt congratulations to all my dear student .this was outstanding performance .this was possible due to ...