National Energy Conservation Day
14th December
“Earlier our electricity bill used to be between three to four hundred rupees now it does not exceed Rs 250,” says Budhram a student of Government Senior Secondary School Rambas in Narnaul district of Haryana. Budhram is one of the twenty Energy Soldiers in the schools under Bal Urja Rakshak Mission. Budh ram says that people in his neighbourhood including his own family would not switch off lights even during the day and when not required but that is not the case now. Budhram says that they also educate villagers on how the electricity bill can be reduced by adopting various measures to use electricity in an efficient manner. Aum Prakash, Energy teacher in the schools says that many people have now started using CFL bulbs after they impressed upon how the electricity consumed by these bulbs is much less. He said they educate people on how tube lights give better light and save electricity. He says that as part of the mission they have also been discouraging people to use fire wood as it is polluting and harmful for cook but admits that it is not easy to change the mindset of the people.
Not very far from this village Preeti Verma of Government Senior secondary School in Pali village in Mahendergarh Block says she has been able to motivate families in her village not to use fire wood for cooking but LPG.
“ Some households in my neighbourhood are now using solar lighting system after I and my fellow Energy Soldiers started spreading awareness about renewable energy like solar power and the subsidies available” Preeti is one of the four Energy leaders in her school.
Bal Urja Rakshak Mission, BURMS initiated in the state in 2008 as a pilot project, is targeted at Secondary Schools (Class8-10 classes). Under the scheme, each participating school mobilizes a team of 20 Urja Rakshaks (Energy Soldiers), 4 Energy Leaders & two energy teachers. The 20 Energy Soldiers form an Energy Team to organize different events and competitions to generate awareness and understanding about energy saving. The programme is being implemented in a phased manner in selected schools in identified districts of the state and will be completed by the end next year.
The mission was initiated with objective of bringing about attitudinal and behavioural changes in children regarding saving energy by sensitizing them about energy efficiency, Renewable Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Under the mission, the aim was to develop a team of dedicated volunteer students known as Urja Rakshak who would organize activities in their schools, homes and neighborhood and community.The programme is designed to make full use of children’s potential as persuasive and powerful agents of change by reaching out to their family, fellow students and teachers and their immediate community.
Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA) which is the nodal agency for implementation of the programme has developed an elaborate information and promotional kit for the students including booklets, interactive games and CD, films, posters, and stickers. Apart from celebrating energy related days like National Energy Conservation Day, Akshay Urja Diwas & Urja Utsav, campaigns and rallies on saving power for future, visits to renewable energy projects and competitions in essay writing, slogan and paintings and working models and projects are organized . Quiz competitions are also organized with cash prizes for motivation at the school and district in order to inculcate their interest in adopting renewable energy sources, technologies ,devices as well efficient use of energy, environment climate change and sustainable development.
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi During his interaction with children on the Teachers Day this year , also urged the children to save electricity and not waste it . He said that it is expensive to make electricity but cheaper to save electricity.
There is no doubt that there is a pressing need to make the future generation more aware of the issues and options concerning modest and efficient use of energy resources. Towards that end the government is initiating a programme that is aimed at creating awareness among the school children by reaching out to them through a web portal. The web portal named “Energy Savers “ for school children on Energy Conservation is now all set to be launched on the National Energy Conservation Day.
Major Features of Web Portal for school children on Energy Conservation
· To create mass awareness and outreach among school children across all segments of the society.
· At the "going live" of the web portal, at-least 1 school in each state of the country will be connected and directly communicate with the school children / teachers.
· This portal will support the spread of a culture of energy efficiency among members of the school community, and help them in carrying out energy-conservation activities themselves, and to engage with their immediate environment including parents, teachers, friends and neighbors.
· The portal will enable interaction amongst school children through:
Creation of Energy Clubs.
Competitions based on Energy Audits and savings in their schools.
Essay Competitions etc.
· Children who achieve success in the competitions and tasks would be recognized for their achievement and awarded BUSS-labeled products, and assigned titles that recognize their progressive achievements.
· The portal will be subsequently developed in vernacular languages so as to maximize outreach among children all over the country.
· The portal will eventually connect with approximately 50,000 schools across the country and create mass awareness on the need for Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency.
· A category of best performing schools/high-achieving children could be included in the National Energy Conservation Awards in the subsequent years..
Energy values and habits of conserving energy in a country like ours need to be inculcated in the young generation by encouraging learning through participation and programmes like these that could become a mass movement to save energy, so very crucial for development of our country.