Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), has been once again awarded the prestigious Thomson Reuters India Innovation Award- 2014 in category of “Research Institutions”. Shri Avinash Kumar, Additional Director (IPR), DRDO HQ received the award on behalf of DRDO at a function held in Mumbai on yesterday. The award was adjudged on the basis of patents filed, efficiency and effectiveness of research, the impact of innovations as measured by patent citations and international competitiveness. DRDO had also won the Thomson Reuters India Innovation Award- 2011 in the category of “Hi-Tech Academic & Government”. DRDO is dedicated towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design and development of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the express needs and qualitative requirements of the three services and leading them to production with industry. DRDO has been working in various areas of military technology including aeronautics, armaments, electronics, combat vehicles, engineering systems, instrumentation, missiles, advanced computing and simulation, special materials, naval systems, life sciences, training and information systems and has generated cutting edge defence technologies covering various disciplines over the years. The innovation has been integral part of DRDO’s R&D efforts which have led to the current IPR portfolio of around 1600 including patents, copyrights, trademarks and designs. It has also provided ample spin-off benefits to the society by allowing some of its technologies released for civilian applications |
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14 December 2014
DRDO Wins Innovation Excellence Award
Mega Food Park inaugurated at Dabwala Kalan, in Fazilka District Punja
b. |
Union Minister for Food Processing Industries,Smt Harsimrat Kaur Badal inaugurated the first of its kind Rs 136 Crore Mega International Food Park at Dabwala Kalan, in Fazilka District Punjab in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sukhbir Singh Badal today. Inaugurating the food park, which is among the fourth such parks in the country, the Union Minister gave a clarion call for establishment of more food processing units to reduce the huge food wastage worth Rs 45,000 crores in the country. She said that "This is just the beginning. The Ministry has succeeded in promoting International Food Park by extending a subsidy of Rs 50 crore. In the near future you will see many more parks and food processing units coming up in the State", she said while addressing public gathering on the occasion. Giving details of forthcoming projects in Punjab, Smt Badal said ITC was coming up with a Rs 1,000 crore food park in Kapurthala. "We are also promoting establishment of a cold chain for which we are giving a subsidy of Rs 10 crore besides creation of modern processing centres for milk, fruits and vegetables", she added. Urging farmers to add value to their crops she said they could also form small self help groups for this purpose. Making out a case for diversifying from paddy cultivation, Smt Badal said the need of the hour was to add value to fruits and vegetables grown in Punjab. Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sh Sukhbir Singh Badal said diversification would become a reality with creation of more food parks including the one coming up in Kapurthala Sh Badal lauded the food park promoters for providing more than 700 jobs to local youth and said more youngsters would be employed in the park once other companies also established their units in the 55 acre facility. The 55 acre food park has come up at a cost of Rs 136 crore having facilities for processing milk and milk products besides packaging vegetables and fruits. |
12 December 2014
Measures to make Agriculture Profitable
The Various measures taken for quality improvement and availability of essential factors like fertilizers, seeds,electricity and irrigation facilities for agriculture in order to make it a profitable business include the following:
The Government is implementing various Missions, Schemes and Projects which facilitate production, availability & distribution of quality seeds and fertilizers to farmers. The Government of India has launched a new schemes viz. Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) which aims to provide reliable and adequate power supply to farmers by separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders and strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution infrastructure in rural areas, among others. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana for rural electrification will get subsumed in DDUGJY.
Water is a State subject; water resources/ irrigation projects are planned, executed and maintained by State Governments from their own resources and as per their own priorities. Government of India provides financial and technical assistance to the States under Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme, Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies Scheme and CADWM Programme, to enhance the irrigation potential of the country as well as to ensure its effective utilization. Financial assistance is also being provided to farmers for micro irrigation and protected cultivation under various schemes viz., Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), On-Farm Water Management (OFWM) under National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY). Assistance for micro irrigation is being provided under OFWM @ 35% for small & marginal farmers and 25% for other farmers for an area upto 5 ha per farmer. This assistance is 50% & 35% respectively in the areas covered under Drought Prone Areas Programme, Desert Development Programme and North Eastern & Himalayan regions.
For protected cultivation, assistance is being provided under MIDH @ 50 % for setting up green houses, etc. for an area upto 4000 square meters per farmer. State Governments are also promoting these technologies under RKVY.
The Government is implementing many Missions/ Schemes such as Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) and Grameen Bhandaran Yojana etc. for raising investments in agriculture. In addition, Government has issued a framework for Public Private Partnership for Integrated Agriculture Development (PPPIAD) for using RKVY allocation for bringing greater association of private sector in agricultural development projects in the States.
Agriculture sector has been identified by Government as priority lending sector, which constitutes at last 18% of the total loan portfolio of the banks. Crop loans are provided to farmers at a concessional rate of 7% per annum with 3% interest subvention for timely repayment. Post harvest loan is also available to farmers on the basis of negotiable warehouse receipts for a period of six months on the same terms so as to prevent distress sales. Thus, crop loans are available to farmers at more favourable terms then loans available to industries sector. However, loans for post harvest management activities including marketing, processing etc. are available on rates decided by the banks concerned.
Government has also taken several fiscal incentive measures such as tax deduction, waiver/reduction of Excise Duty, reduction of Custom Duty on specific food items etc. with a view to encouraging the growth of food processing industries. Agricultural & Processed Food Products Exports Development Authority (APEDA) is also implementing various schemes for promotion of export of agricultural and processed food products.
To provide high quality seeds and fertilizers to farmers, details of various Missions, Schemes and Projects is as follows:
a. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) envisages to promote seed production for vegetables and spices. Assistance is provided @ 100% of total cost to public sector. In case of Private Sector, assistance is 50% of the cost as credit linked back ended subsidy for a maximum area of 5 ha. per beneficiary.
b. Under the Sub-mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP) under National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET), number of programmes and activities are organized to develop/strengthen seed sector and to enhance production and multiplication of high yielding certified/ quality seeds of all agricultural crops and making it available to the farmers at affordable prices and also place an effective system for protection of plant varieties, rights of farmers and plant breeders to encourage development of new varieties of plants. Financial assistance/grants-in-aid is also provided to private/ public entities under the component ‘Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds’.
c. The Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) also organise quality seed production and distribution to farmers .During the last one year 1.57 lakh quintal seeds of improved varieties and hybrids of cereals. Oilseeds, pulses, commercial crops, vegetables, flowers, fruits, spices, fodder, forest species, medicinal plants and fibre crops were produced and provided to 2.61 lakh farmers by KVKs.
d. Under the National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) support is provided for purchase of breeder seeds, production/ distribution of certified seeds, distribution of seek Minikits (Varietal Diversification) for demonstration of new technologies, seed infrastructure Development, Variety Specific Targeted Seed Production (VSTSP), planting material for oil palm and Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs), establishment of seed gardens of oil palm, maintenance cost for oil palm and TBOs. NMOOP also provides support for production of bio-fertilizers/ bio-agents, gypsum/pyrite/ liming /dolomite and construction of vermi- compost.
e. Under the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) certified seeds of high yielding varities/hybrids which have been released during last 10 years are distributed on subsidy to the farmers under NFSM. Micronutrients, soil ameliorants are provided to the farmers on subsidy under NFSM on rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals. Bio-fertilizer (Rhyzobium/PSB culture) is given to the farmers under NFSM-pulses on subsidy.
f. Fertilizer (Control) Order, 1985 has been promulgated for regulation of quality of fertilisers. No person shall manufacture/import for sale, sell, offer for sale, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute any fertiliser which is not notified in the said Order or not of standard prescribed in the said Order. Samples of fertilizers are drawn periodically by notified fertiliser inspectors of State Governments to check their quality whereas in case of imported fertilisers, the fertiliser inspectors of the Central Government draw samples from ships/containers for checking their quality.
g. The Department of Fertilizers under Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers provides Quality Urea and 22 grades of Phosphatic and Potassic fertilizers to the farmers on subsidized rates strictly as per the stipulation under the Fertilizer (Control) Order (FCO), 1985.
Restructuring of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes
Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) ordinarily covers such subjects which are enumerated in State/concurrent list and are crucial for realising national development goals. While the schemes are implemented by the State Governments, their guidelines are framed by the concerned Central Ministries after stakeholder consultation including consultation with States. This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Planning, Shri Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.
The Minister said that while there is no such specific information that the guidelines of the schemes are very complex, from time to time, many State Governments have raised the issue of looking into the guidelines of the CSS. Their key concern is about providing of requisite flexibility to States to meet their requirements. Many states have pointed out that because of lack of flexibility, it is difficult to spent allocations in many of these schemes.
He said that in view of above, the Planning Commission set up a Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri B.K. Chaturvedi, Member, Planning Commission to look into the issue of restructuring/rationalization of CSS for enhancing their flexibility, scale and efficiency, which submitted its report to Planning commission on September, 2011.
Shri Rao said that based on the recommendations and comments thereon by States and Union Ministries, in June 2013, the government has approved restructuring of the CSS which is as follows:
(a) Restructure the existing CSS/ACA Schemes in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan into 66 Schemes, including Flagship Programmes.
The Government/Cabinet, while approving the aforesaid re-structuring has also inter-alia approved following for improving their efficiency.
(i) At least 10% of outlay of CSS be kept as flexi fund which may be used for funding innovations or taking up the activities/projects which even though not strictly as per the guidelines of the scheme, serve the broad objective of a scheme.
(ii) A provision for introduction of State specific guidelines in a CSS has been provided. For this an Inter-Ministerial Committee under the Co- chairpersonship of the Secretary (Planning Commission) and Secretary (Department of Expenditure) with representative of the State Government and the Administrative Ministries concerned has been constituted to consider the suggestions of the State Governments for introduction of State specific guidelines for implementation of the schemes.
These two measures are expected to provide flexibility in implementing the scheme and would improve their efficiency.
(iii) For each new CSS/ACA/Flagship scheme, at least 25% of funds may be contributed by the General Category States and 10% fund by the Special Category States including States of J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
(iv)The Budget provisions of these schemes would be provided to the Administrative Ministry so that central fund would flow to the States through Consolidated Fund of States.
New schemes and projects to be initiated for development
The Government has decided to take up a number of schemes and projects for the development and welfare of people. Major new schemes / projects announced in the Union Budget 2014-15 include:
· Development of one hundred “Smart Cities”, an allocation of Rs. 7,060 crore provided in 2014-15.
· “Skill India” programme with emphasis on employability, entrepreneur skills, training and support for professions like welders, carpenters, cobblers, masons, blacksmiths, weavers, etc.
· “Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana”, a sum of Rs. 1,000 crore has been allocated for this purpose in 2014-15.
· . “Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan”. Subsequently, it was launched on October 2, 2014.
· “Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission” to deliver integrated project based infrastructure in the rural areas, including development of economic activities and skill development. An allocation of Rs. 90 crore has been made in 2014-15.
· “Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana” for electricity feeder separation and strengthening sub-transmission and distribution systems in rural areas. A sum of Rs. 500 crore has been allocated for the scheme in 2014-15.
· Revival of “Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana” from 15 August 2014 to 14 August 2015 for the benefit of senior citizens.
· Scheme on “Safety for Women on Public Road Transport”. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has been allocated Rs. 50 crore for pilot testing the scheme.
· Scheme on “Safety of women in large cities”. The Ministry of Home Affairs has been allocated Rs. 150 crore in 2014-15 for this purpose. Setting up “Crisis Management Centres” in all the districts of NCT of Delhi during 2014-15 at all government and private hospitals with funding from the Nirbhaya Fund.
· “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” a focused scheme for generating awareness and improving the efficiency of delivery of welfare services meant for women. An allocation of Rs. 100 crore has been made for this scheme.
· Programme “Neeranchal” to provide impetus to watershed development. An allocation of Rs. 2,142 crore made in 2014-15.
· “Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya New Teachers Training Programme” with an initial allocation of Rs. 500 crore in 2014-15.
· “Digital India” programme for ensuring Broad band connectivity at village level, improved access to services through IT enabled platforms, greater transparency in Government processes and increased indigenous production of IT hardware and software for exports and improved domestic availability. Special focus under the programme would be on supporting software product start-ups. A provision of Rs. 500 crore has been made in 2014-15 for digital India programme.
· “National Rural Internet and Technology Mission” for services in villages and schools, training in IT skills and E-Kranti for government service delivery. An allocation of Rs. 500 crore has been made in 2014-15 for this purpose.
· “Good Governance” programmes with an allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· Plan scheme to support 600 new and existing Community Radio Stations with an allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· Initiating development of metro rail projects in Lucknow and Ahmedabad. An initial allocation of Rs. 100 crore made in 2014-15.
· Allocation of Rs. 4,000 crore made in 2014-15 for National Housing Bank to increase flow of cheaper credit for affordable housing to the urban poor/ Economically Weaker Sections/Low Income Group segment.
· “Up gradation of Traditional Skills in Arts, Resources and Goods” programme for development of minorities to preserve the traditional arts and crafts.
· “Blue Revolution” for increasing fish production with an allocation of Rs. 50 crore in 2014-15.
· Creation of “Price Stabilisation Fund” with a corpus of Rs. 500 crore to mitigate uncertainties and hardships arising out of price volatility in agriculture produce.
· Setting up of “Agri-Tech Infrastructure Fund” with a corpus of Rs. 100 crore.
· Development of “Indigenous Cattle Breed” with an allocation of Rs. 50 crore in 2014-15.
· New Agriculture Universities in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan and Horticulture Universities in Haryana and Telangana with an initial allocation of Rs. 200 crore in 2014-15.
· “National Adaptation Fund” for climate change with an allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· Setting up “Indian Agriculture Research Institute” (IARI) like institutes in Assam and Jharkhand with an initial allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· “Soil Health Card” scheme to check deteriorating soil health and setting up 100 “Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories” with allocations of Rs. 100 crore and Rs. 56 crore respectively in 2014-15.
· Setting up “Long Term Rural Credit Fund” in National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) for providing refinance support to Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks with an initial corpus of Rs. 5,000 crore.
· Launching of “Kisan TV”, to disseminate real time information to the farmers regarding new farming techniques, water conservation, organic farming etc., with an allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· Setting up “National Industrial Corridor Authority” at Pune to coordinate the development of the industrial corridors, with smart cities linked to transport connectivity, drive India’s growth in manufacturing and urbanization with an initial allocation Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· Setting up a Rs. 10,000 crore “Venture Capital” fund to create a conducive eco-system in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector for attracting private capital by way of providing equity, quasi equity, soft loans and other risk capital for start-up companies.
· Establishing “Technology Centre Network” fund to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and agro-industry with a corpus of Rs. 200 crore.
· Setting up a “Trade Facilitation Centre” and a “Crafts Museum” with an outlay of Rs. 50 crore in 2014-15 to develop and promote handloom products and carry forward the rich tradition of handlooms of Varanasi.
· Setting up “Textile Mega-clusters” at Bareily, Lucknow, Surat, Kuttch, Bhagalpur, Mysore and one in Tamil Nadu with an allocation of Rs. 200 crore in 2014-15.
· Setting up a “Hastkala Academy” in Delhi for the preservation, revival, and documentation of the handloom/handicraft sector with an allocation of Rs. 30 crore in 2014-15.
· Starting up a “Pashmina Promotion Programme” and a programme for the development of other crafts of Jammu & Kashmir. A total sum of Rs.50 crore in 2014-15 has been allocated for this purpose.
· Setting up an institution called “3P India” to provide support to mainstreaming Public Private Partnerships with a corpus of Rs. 500 crore.
· Development of “Outer Harbour Project” phase I in Tuticorin at a total cost of Rs. 11,635 crore.
· Development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Kandla and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Mumbai.
· Development of 1,620 kms ‘Jal Marg Vikas’ (National Waterways-I) on river Ganga between Allahabad and Haldia. The project will be completed over six years at an estimated cost of Rs. 4,200 crore.
· “Ultra-Modern Super Critical Coal Based Thermal Power Technology” scheme for promotion of cleaner and more efficient thermal power, with an initial allocation of Rs. 100 crore for preparatory work.
· Taking up “Ultra Mega Solar Power” projects in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, and Laddakh in J&K with initial allocation of Rs. 500 crore.
· Launching a scheme of “Solar Power Driven Agricultural Pump Sets” and “Water Pumping Stations” for energizing one lakh pumps with an allocation of Rs. 400 crore in 2014-15.
· 44. Development of 1 MW Solar Parks on the banks of canals with an additional allocation of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15.
· Launching of Financial Inclusion Mission to empower the weaker sections of the society, including women, small and marginal farmers and labourers. Subsequently, this scheme called as “Jan Dhan Yojana” was launched on August 15, 2014.
· Construction of a “War Memorial” and a “War Museum”. Allocation of Rs. 100 crore has been allocated for this purpose.
· Construction of a “National Police Memorial”. An allocation of Rs. 50 crore has been allocated for this purpose in 2014-15.
· Creation of 5 tourist circuits around specific themes. A sum of Rs. 500 crore in 2014-15 has been allocated for this purpose.
· Launching of “National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive” (PRASAD). A sum of Rs. 100 crore in 2014-15 has been allocated for this purpose.
· Launching of “National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana” (HRIDAY). An allocation of Rs. 200 crore has been earmarked for the scheme.
· Setting up an “Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission” called “Namami Gange”. A sum of Rs. 2,037 crore has been earmarked for this purpose.
· “Ghat Development and Beautification of River Front” at Kedarnath, Haridwar, Kanpur, Varanasi, Allahabad, Patna and Delhi. An allocation of Rs. 100 crore has been made in 2014-15.
· An “NRI Fund for Ganga” is proposed to be set up for financing special projects.
· Two agri-biotech clusters in Pune and Kolkata are proposed to be established.
· Setting up a sports university in Manipur. An allocation of Rs.100 crore has been made in 2014-15 for this purpose.
· Setting up a National Centre for Himalayan Studies in Uttarakhand with an initial allocation of Rs. 100 crore.
· Setting up a Central University in Seemandhra. A token provision of Rs.1 crore has been made in 2014-15 for this purpose.
· Setting up Tribal Universities in Seemandhra and Telengana. A token provision of Rs. 2 crore made in 2014-15 for this purpose.
· Setting up IITs/IIMs including upgradation of 5 IITs/IIMs. A fund of Rs. 500 crore has been earmarked for this purpose in 2014-15.
· Setting up IIT, NIT, IIM, IISER and IIIT in Seemandhra. A token provision of Rs.1 crore for each institute has been made in 2014-15.
· Enhancement of sports facility in Jammu & Kashmir. A sum of Rs. 200 crore has been provided for upgrading the indoor and outdoor sports stadiums to international standards.
· A National Sports Talent Search System Programme is proposed. A sum of Rs.50 crore has been set aside for this purpose.
· Promotion of leadership skills through “A Young Leaders Programme” with an initial allocation of Rs.100 crore.
This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Planning, Shri Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.
The Minister said that certain new schemes announced post Union Budget 2014-15 include:
· Make in India:
Make in India is a new national program designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property and build best in class manufacturing infrastructure. It focuses on sectors such as automobiles, aviation, bio-technology, chemicals, construction, food processing, defence manufacturing, electronic machinery, mining, oil and gas, ports, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, tourism and hospitality, etc.
· Saansad Gram Adarsh Yojana:
Saansad Gram Adarsh Yojana is a village development programme aimed at instilling certain values in the villages and their people so that they get transformed into models for others. Under this scheme, each Member of Parliament will take the responsibility of developing physical and institutional infrastructure in three villages by 2019 of which one would be achieved by 2016. Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) will be selected and developed by 2024
G20 Summit and india
India participated in the G-20 Summit held in Australia recently. The G20 Summit was held in Brisbane on 15-16 November 2014. The topics for discussion in the plenary sessions focussed on: (i) `Global Economy` with an emphasis on increasing investment in infrastructure and strengthening job creation; (VI) `Delivering global economic resilience` with an emphasis on strengthening the international `cax system, the financial system and IMF Reforms; (iii) `Energy` with an emphasis on strengthening collaboration, energy efficiency and gas markets; (iv) `Trade` with an emphasis on the trade as a driver of growth and strengthening of the global trading, system. On conclusion, the G20 Leaders formally adopted the Leaders` Communique which provides the details of discussions and agreements arrived at by the member countries. The Brisbane Leaders Communique provides details of all the outcomes of the Summit. The Communique can be accessed at Some of the key selected outcomes, of significance to India, as contained in the Communique are as follows: 1. The Leaders agreed to an ambitious goal of lifting the G20`s GDP by at least an additional two per cent by 2018 and creating millions of jobs. India is likely to benefit from higher global growth which can ensure greater economic development of the country. 2. The Leaders endorsed the Global Infrastructure Initiative, a multi-year work programme to lift quality public and private infrastructure investment. To support implementation of the Initiative, G20 agreed to establish a Global Infrastructure Hub with a four-year mandate. The Hub will facilitate knowledge sharing and also promote financing of infrastructure, which are critical for India. 3. The Leaders agreed to continue working on measures to facilitate long-term financing from institutional investors and to encourage market sources of finance, including transparent securitisation, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises which are important sectors for India. 4. The Leaders also endorsed the global Common Reporting Standard (CRS) for the Automatic Exchange of Tax Information (AEOI) on a reciprocal basis to prevent cross-border tax evasion. In this regard, G20 member agreed to exchange information automatically with each other and with other countries by 2017 or end-2018, subject to completing necessary legislative procedures. The AEOI based on CRS, when fully implemented, would enable India to receive information from every country in the world including offshore financial centres and tax havens. This would prevent international tax evasion and avoidance and would be instrumental in getting information and repatriation of unaccounted money stashed abroad. 5. India has been insisting that reducing the cost of transferring remittances under a timeline was very crucial for developing countries. Subsequently, the G20 members committed to take strong practical measures to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances to five per cent and to enhance financial inclusion as a priority. 6. The Leaders also agreed to the collective goal of reducing the gap in labour participation rates between men and women by 25 per cent by 2025, taking into account national circumstances. 7. The Leaders also urged the United States to ratify implementation of the IMF 2010 reforms. Further, in case this does not happen by year-end, then the G20 has asked the IMF to build on its existing work and stand ready with options for next steps. |
Shyamala Gopinath Committee for KVP
The Shyamala Gopinath Comrnittee constituted on Small Savings Schemes has submitted its report to the Government. Major recommendations of the committee were:- (i) to reduce/abolish agent`s commission except Manila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana (MPKBY) agents to restrict management cost (ii) secondary market yields on Central Government Securities of comparable maturities should be the benchmarks for the interest on various small savings instruments and should be reset every 1s1 April (iii) Committee recommended to reduce minimum share for States from 80% to 50% against net collection and recommended that amount received on redemption of Central/State Governments securities should be reinvested between Centre and States in the ratio of 50:50. After detailed deliberation and in light of views received from State Governments, various Departments of Central Government and Agent`s Association, most of the recommendations of the Committee are being implemented. In view of developments observed by the Committee in 2011 on AML/CFT front the KVP was recommended to be discontinued by the Committee. KVP has been re-notified by the Government on 23-9-2014. Under the re-notified KVP the investor has to undergo the Know Your Customer (KYC) modalities at Post Office or Bank. |
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