उधमपुर- कटरा रेलवे लाइन: शुक्रवार को राष्ट्र को समर्पित करेंगे प्रधानमंत्री |
प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी शुक्रवार को उधमपुर—कटरा रेलवे लाइन को राष्ट्र को समर्पित करेंगे। 25किमी लंबी इस रेलवे लाइन को पूरा करने में करीब 18 साल का लंबा समय लगा है। इसकी वजह यह थी कि इस लाइन पर बनाई गई दस सुरंगों में से एक में लगातार पानी रिसता था। इस कमी को दूर करने के लिएसभी संभव प्रयास किये गए लेकिन उसके बाद भी यह पता नहीं चल पाया था कि पानी कहां से निकल रहा है। हालांकि अंत में विदेशी इंजीनियरों के साथ मिलकर इस समस्या को निदान भी ढूंढ लिया। करीब 11 सौ करोड़ रूपये की लागत से तैयार इस रेलवे लाइन के शुरू हो जाने के बाद मां वैष्णों देवी की यात्रा पर जाने वाले श्रद्धालु दिल्ली से सीधे कटरा तक रेल से पहुंच पाएंगे। पहले उन्हें जम्मू या उधमपुर पर उतरकर वहां से वाया सड़क मार्ग कटरा तक जाना होता था। मां वैष्णों देवी के दर्शन के लिए बेस कैंप कटरा ही है। वहीं से यात्रा कीचढ़ाई शुरू होती है।
अगर उधमपुर—कटरा रेलवे लाइन की बात करें तो यह मार्ग कई खासियत से भरपूर है। इस रेलवे लाइन पर 50 पुल है। इसके अलावा इस मार्ग में 10 सुरंग है। यहां पर बने एक पुल की उंचाई 85 मीटर है। यह कुतुब मीनार की उंचाई 73 मीटर से भी अधिक है। इसकी कुल लंबाई 308 मीटर है। इस मार्ग पर पड़ने वाली सुरंगों की लंबाई भी करीब 10.936 किमी है। इस मार्ग पर कुल 2 स्टेशन हैं। उधमपुर—कटरा रेलवे लाइन जो 25.624 किमी है, इसकी शुरुआत 1996—97 में हुई थी। उस समय इसकी लागत 183.28 करोड़ रूपये आंकी गई थी। वहीं अब जब यह प्रोजेक्ट संपन्न हो रहा है तो यह लागत 1090 करोड़ रूपये पर पहुंच गयी। लेकिन यह प्रोजेक्ट रेलवे के इतिहास में एक मील का पत्थर बन गया है। इस प्रोजेक्ट में रेलवे ने यह जाना कि जब किसी कच्चे पहाड़ से लगातार पानी निकलता है तो उससे निपटने के लिए किस तरह की तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया जाए। इस मार्ग पर आधा सफर क्योंकि सुरंग में है इसलिए इनमें सुरक्षा के इंतजाम भी खास किए गए हैं। सुरंग में सुरक्षा के लिए विंड वेलोसिटी सेंसर, ट्रेन लोकेशन सेंसर, फायर फायटिंग सिस्टम—इंक्यूपमेंट, डायरेक्शन बोर्ड, ऑटोमैटेड हूटर जैसी तकनीक के अलावा इस पूरे मार्ग पर चौबीस घंटे रेलवे सुरक्षा बल और रेल राज्य पुलिस, जीआरपी, को तैनात किया गया है।
जम्मू-कश्मीर रेल लाइन
उधमपुर—कटरा रेल लाइन सरकार की महत्वाकांक्षी कश्मीर रेल परियोजना का हिस्सा है। इसके तहत कश्मीर को शेष भारत से रेल नेटवर्क से जोड़ने का निश्चय किया गया था। यह प्रोजेक्ट मौजूदा रूप में मूल रूप से अस्सी के दशक में सोचा गया था। हालांकि इससे भी पहले 19 वीं शताब्दी में जम्मू—कश्मीर के तत्कालीन राजा महाराजा प्रताप सिहं ने जम्मू और कश्मीर को जोड़ने के लिए रेल लाइन बिछाने की योजना बनाई थी। लेकिन इसमें लगने वाली भारी लागत और परिश्रम और उसके लिहाज से इस लाइन की कम उपयोगिता को देखते हुए उन्होंने इस पर अमल को टाल दिया। केंद्र सरकार ने जब अस्सी के दशक में इस योजना को तैयार किया तो पहले—पहल इसको लेकर काफी तेजी से काम हुआ। लेकिन फिर इसको लेकर कार्य थोड़ा धीमा हो गया। इसके बाद सरकार ने इस परियोजना की महत्ता को देखते हुए इसे राष्ट्रीय परियोजना के तौर पर मान्यता दी। इसका तात्पर्य यह हुआ कि बजट में इसके कार्य को लेकर पैसे की कमी नहीं रहने दी जाएगी। यह रेल लाइन कुल 326 किमी लंबी है। यह जम्मू—उधमपुर—कटरा—काजीकुंड—बारामूला रेल लाइन के तौर पर चिन्हित की गई है। यह हिमालय की पीर पंजाल श्रृंखला से होकर गुजरने वाली आजाद भारत के इतिहास में पहली ऐसी बड़ी परियोजना है, जिसमें इतने बड़े स्तर पर किसी पर्वत श्रृंखला में निर्माण कार्य हो रहा हो। योजना की विशालता और इसके कार्य की जटिलताओं को देखते हुए इसे तीन हिस्से में बांटकर इसका कार्य शुरू किया गया। इसके तहत पहले चरण में मैदानी इलाकों में निर्माण का निश्चय किया गया। इसके तहत जम्मू—उधमपुर के बीच 55 किमी की रेल लाइन का कार्य पूरा करते हुए अप्रैल 2005 में इसे जनता को समर्पित कर दिया गया। इसके साथ ही काजीकुंड—बारामूला के बीच 118 किमी के कार्य को भी पूरा करते हुए इसे तीन चरणों में जनता के लिए खोल दिया गया। यह क्योंकि मैदानी इलाके में है इसलिए इस रेल सेक्शन पर कोई सुरंग नहीं है। जिन तीन हिस्सों में इसे जनता के लिए खोला गया उसमें अनंतनाग—माजहोम के बीच 68किमी लाइन को 11 अक्टूबर 2008 को जनता के लिए खोला गया। मजहोम—बारामूला, 32 किमी, के बीच रेलवे परिचालन 14 फरवरी 2009 को खोला गया। जबकि इस खंड के तीसरे हिस्से काजीकुंड—अनंतनाग, 18किमी, के बीच रेल परिचालन 28 अक्टूबर 2009 को शुरू किया गया। इसी तरह काजीकुंड—बनिहाल के बीच17.70 किमी के रेल सेक्शन को 26 जून 2013 को जनता के लिए खोला गया। इस सेक्शन पर सबसे लंबी यातायात सुरंग भी है। यह करीब 11.30 किमी लंबी है।
यह खंड भारतीय रेलवे के सबसे दुर्गम मार्ग में से एक है। इस महत्वपूर्ण रेल परियोजना के एक अन्य खंड कटरा—बनिहाल के बीच 110.30 किमी का मार्ग अपने निर्माण के विभिन्न चरणों में है। रेलवे के एक अधिकारी के मुताबिक इस रेल मार्ग को चार प्रमुख खंड में विभाजित किया जा सकता है। इसमें से उधमपुर—कटरा का 25 किमी का रेल मार्ग है। इसे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी 4 जुलाई 2014 को राष्ट्र को समर्पित करने वाले हैं। इसके अलावा कटरा—बनिहाल के बीच 110.30 किमी का खंड है। यह अपने निर्माण के कई चरणों में है। तीसरा खंड बनिहाल—काजीकुंड के बीच 17.70 किमी है। यह मार्ग जनता के लिए खुल चुका है। वहीं चौथा खंडकाजीकुंड—बारामूला के बीच 118 किमी का है। इस खंड का कार्य भी पूरा हो चुका है और इसे जनता के लिए खोल दिया गया है। इस रेलवे लाइन के लिए जमीन अधिग्रहित करते हुए यह निश्चय किया गया था कि ऐसे परिवार जिनकी 75 प्रतिशत से अधिक जमीन का अधिग्रहण किया जाएगा ऐसे परिवारों में से एक व्यक्ति कोरेलवे में स्थाई नौकरी की दी जाएगी। इसके तहत करीब 700 लोगों को अभी तक नौकरी दी गई है। इस परियोजना के निर्माण के साथ ही रेलवे ने जम्मू—कश्मीर के विभिन्न इलाकों में 235 किमी की सड़क का निर्माण किया है। यह सड़क राज्य के दूर—दराज इलाकों तक लोगों की पहुंच सुनिश्चित करेगी। इसके अलावा इस रेलवे लाइन के पूरी तरह बन जाने के बाद राज्य में सभी मौसम में रेल के माध्यम से पहुंच भी सुनिश्चित होगी। राज्य में सवारी और माल ढुलाई का स्थाई माध्यम हो जाएगा। इससे राज्य में विकास को भी गति मिलेगी।
जम्मू से 50 किलोमीटर दूर शिवालिक रेंज की पहाड़ी पर मौजूद माता वैष्णव देवी मंदिर में हर साल लाखों भक्त दर्शन के लिए आते हैं। 04 जुलाई को जम्मू से कटरा के बीच रेल सेवा बहाल हो जाएगी। यानी देश के अलग-अलग इलाकों से आने वाले भक्तों को जम्मू में उतरने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी। अब मंदिर तक जाने के लिए वो सीधे बेस कैंप कटरा तक पहुंच सकेंगे। इस ऐलान का लोगों ने दिल खोलकर स्वागत किया है। माता वैष्णव देवी का मंदिर, बेस कैंप कटरा से 13 किलोमीटर दूर है। कटरा से लोग पैदल या पिट्ठू के सहारे मंदिर तक पहुंचते हैं। अभी तक कटरा पहुंचने के लिए सड़क ही एक मात्र रास्ता था। मौसम खराब होने की वजह लोगों की यात्रा अधूरी रह जाती थी। चट्टान गिरने की वजह से भी रास्ते बंद हो जाते थे। लेकिन अब इन सब मुश्किलों से जल्द ही छुटकारा मिल जाएगा। इस रूट पर 100 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे के रफ्तार से ट्रेनें दौड़ेंगीं।
Read,Write & Revise.Minimum reading & maximum learning
4 July 2014
25-point charter for urban planning and management |
Union Urban Development, Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today suggested a 25-point charter for urban planning and management to ensure planned urbanisation, assured amenities and decent urban life. Addressing the Conclave of Ministers of Housing and Urban Development of States and Union Territories here today, Shri Naidu called for ‘out of box’ thinking and solutions to address emerging challenges of urbanisation in the country. Shri Naidu noted that “housing is a basic indicator of well being of our people and particularly, the poor. Lack of own house, in my view is the basic deprivation and this has to be met in right earnest and hence, the central government’s initiative of providing housing for all by 2022”. He said, after the recent general elections, it is time for the central and state/UT governments to move forward as ‘Team India’ as desired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The Minister assured the ministers from states and Union Territories that there will be no discrimination in allocation of resources on any ground. Expressing concern over the present state of urban planning and management, Shri Naidu suggested a charter of actions to be addressed to while planning for urban development and management. These include –making towns and cities slum free, exploiting economic potential of cities with respect to tourism, health, education, business etc, inclusive zoning providing for old age homes, orphanages, night shelters etc, provision of efficient infrastructure, efficient energy use, clean and green cities, zero landfill waste, solid waste management, promoting cycling through dedicated cycling tracks, capacity building of municipalities, enacting for guaranteed services etc. The minister informed that to meet the housing shortage of 300 lakh houses in urban areas by 2022, various options including channelizing tax revenues generated through enhanced economic activity on account of massive housing scheme back into housing through an ESCROW account, interest subvention and Public Private Partnership are being examined. The Minister noted that the government would soon firm up the way forward on development of 100 ‘Smart Cities’. He said that there is considerable interest in this scheme from different developed countries. Shri Venkaiah Naidu urged the ministers to adopt a National Declaration on Housing and Urban Rejuvenation at the end of the day long deliberations to affirm the Nation’s commitment to provide the pride of owning a house by all and particularly, the poor besides reaping the advantages of urbanisation in a systemic manner. |
Positive Growth Registered in both Domestic and Foreign Tourist Visits During 2013
Market Research Division of Ministry of Tourism compiles data on domestic and foreign tourist visits to States/Union Territories (UTs) received from Departments of Tourism of various State Governments and UT Administrations. Following are the salient features of the compilation for 2013:
(a) Domestic Tourist Visits to States/ UTs
· During 2013, the number of domestic tourist visits to the States/ UTs was 1145 million as compared to 1045 million in 2012 and 865 million in 2011.
· During 2013, the number of domestic tourist visits to States/UTs registered a growth of 9.59% over 2012 as compared to growth of 20.9% in 2012 over 2011.
· The top ten States in terms of number of domestic tourist visits (in millions), during 2013, were Tamil Nadu (244.2), Uttar Pradesh (226.5), Andhra Pradesh (152.1), Karnataka (98.0), Maharashtra (82.7), Madhya Pradesh (63.1), Rajasthan (30.3), Gujarat (27.4), West Bengal (25.5) and Chhattisgarh (22.8).
· The contribution of top 10 States was about 84.9% to the total number of domestic tourist visits during 2013.
· Tamil Nadu has occupied the first rank in terms of DTVs in 2013 rising from 2nd rank during 2012 whereas Andhra Pradesh which was at 1st rank in 2012 has dropped down to the 3rd rank. Uttar Pradesh which was at 3rd rank in 2012 has moved up to 2nd place.
· Though the top ten States in terms of DTVs in 2013, remained almost the same as those in 2012 except the State of Chhattisgarh which was in 16th position has raised to the 10th position and Uttarakhand which was in 8th position by its negatively affected growth could not clinch a position among the top 10 States.
(b) Foreign Tourist Visits to States/ UTs
· During 2013, the number of foreign tourist visits (FTVs) to the States/ UTs was 19.95 million as compared to 18.26 million in 2012 and 19.50 million in 2011.
· During 2013, the number of FTVs to States/UTs registered a growth of 9.24% over 2012 as compared to a negative growth of 6.3% in 2012 over 2011.
· The top ten States in terms of number of FTVs (in millions) during 2013 were Maharashtra (4.16), Tamil Nadu (3.99), Delhi (2.30), Uttar Pradesh (2.05), Rajasthan (1.44), West Bengal (1.25), Kerala (0.86), Bihar (0.77), Karnataka (0.64) and Goa (0.49).
· The contribution of top 10 States was about 89.9% to the total number of FTVs in the country during 2013.
· The top ten States in terms of FTVs in 2013, almost remained the same as those in 2012 except that Himachal Pradesh which was at 10th position in 2012 got replaced by Goa, after sliding down by the position.
Agriculture Minister Calls for Rapid Development of Dairy Sector
Union Agriculture Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh has called for rapid development of dairy sector to meet the future demand of the country. He said that by 2020 demand of milk is going to touch more than 200 million tonne. The Minister said this while inaugurating a new plant of dairy project in Haryana today. The Minister highlighted on the National Dairy Development Board’s report which shows that during the year 2021-22, the demand of milk will surpass the earlier projection of 180 million tonne and it may go upto 210 million tonne. In next 10 years an increase of 6 million tonne per year is required to meet the growing demand. Shri Singh said that in last 10 years, Indian dairy sector grew by more than 4.2 % annually in comparison to world’s 2.2%. The per capita availability of milk in the country stands at 296 gram per day which is more than the world’s average. |
Fourth vaccine for adults to protect against Japanese Encephalitis to be introduced in high-priority districts PM: Government will now ensure that the benefits of vaccination reach all sections of the society, regardless of social and economic status |
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today announced the decision of the Government of India to introduce four new vaccines as part of India’s Universal Immunization Programme (UIP). Vaccines against rotavirus, rubella and polio (injectable) will collectively expedite India’s progress on meeting the Millennium Development Goal 4 targets to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by the year 2015 and meet global polio eradication targets. In addition, an adult vaccine against Japanese encephalitis will be introduced in districts with high levels of the disease.Along with the recent introduction of the pentavalent vaccine, this decision represents one of the most significant policy leaps in 30 years in public health, preventing at least 1 lakh infant deaths, deaths of adults in working age group and up to 10 lakhs hospitalizations each year. With these new vaccines, India’s UIP will now provide free vaccines against 13 life threatening diseases, to 27 million children annually, the largest birth cohort in the world. The Prime Minister said “The introduction of four new lifesaving vaccines, will play a key role in reducing the childhood and infant mortality and morbidity in the country. Many of these vaccines are already available through private practitioners to those who can afford them. The government will now ensure that the benefits of vaccination reach all sections of the society, regardless of social and economic status.” Diarrhea caused by rotavirus kills nearly 80 thousand children each year, results in up to 10 lakh hospitalizations, pushing many Indian families below the poverty line. It also imposes an economic burden of over 300 crore rupees each year to the country. India has developed and licensed its first indigenous rotavirus vaccine, developed under a public-private partnership by the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. India will introduce this vaccine in a phased manner. Tackling another major public health concern, the Government of India’s Universal Immunization Programme is set to introduce a vaccine against rubella which causes severe congenital defects in newborns, like blindness, deafness and heart defects. It is estimated that nearly 2 lakh babies are born with congenital defects each year in the country. The Universal Immunization Programme is also introducing an adult vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis (JE) in 179 endemic districts in 9 states. Reaffirming its commitment to the global goal of a polio free world, India is set to introduce Injectable Polio Vaccine (IPV), together with 125 countries in a globally synchronized manner. India has been certified polio free in March 2014, and the introduction of IPV in addition to the oral polio vaccine (OPV) will provide long lasting protection to the population against the virus. Shri Narendra Modi, who has consistently placed an emphasis on health as part of the nation’s development, said “India is committed to tackle child mortality and provide health for all through multiple initiatives taken up by the government. Strengthening routine immunization is an essential investment in India’s children and will ensure a healthy future of the country.” The recommendations to introduce new vaccines have been made after numerous scientific studies and comprehensive deliberations by the National Technical Advisory Group of India (NTAGI), the country’s apex scientific advisory body on immunization. |
Union, State and Union Territory governments adopt ‘National Declaration on Urban Governance and Housing for All’
Resolve to provide Housing for All by 2022 and to promote urban reforms |
The Union, State and Union Territory governments today unanimously agreed to work together to provide housing for all by the year 2022. They have also resolved to actively implement the 25-point Urban Reforms Agenda proposed by the Union Minister of Urban Development, Housing & Poverty Alleviation Shri M.Venkaiah Naidu. To this effect, Ministers of Urban Development and Housing of the Union, States and Union Territories have unanimously adopted a three page ‘National Declaration on Urban Governance and Housing For All’ after a daylong deliberations on related issues. The Declaration recognizes ‘housing as a part of the dignity and indicator of quality of life of the individual’ and housing and construction industry supports more than 250 ancillary industries and contributes 9% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. Acknowledging the Union Government’s aspiration to provide housing for all by the 75the Year of Independence of the country in 2022, the Declaration lays special emphasis on housing for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Low Income Groups (LIG) and other vulnerable sections such as slum dwellers, SCs/STs, BCs, senior citizens, differently abled persons, widows etc. Under the Declaration, the Union Government has committed itself to rationalize approval processes and fund flows to States and Union Territories. The governments of India, States and Union Territories will empower the third tier of Urban Local Bodies as envisaged in the 74th Amendment to the Constitution. The States and Union Territories will make all efforts to encourage and involve all stakeholders for affordable housing and will complete ongoing works in this regard. They will also make efforts to encourage EWS/LIG housing by examining the possibility of liberal FAR/FSI, Ground Coverage along with Transferable Development Rights and examine the concept of deemed building permissions. States and UTs will also take up amendment of Rental Laws to balance the interests of owner and tenant with the goal of encouraging rental housing in urban areas. They will also make efforts to implement single window scheme for approval of lay-out and building permissions. Special focus will be laid on skill development to eliminate urban poverty. States and UTs will ensure peoples’ participation in governance, maintenance of public amenities, transparency in the system and accountability for proper growth of cities and towns. They also pledged to provide basic amenities like better roads, transport, sanitation, drinking water etc. Union, State and UT governments resolved to actively consider implementing the reforms suggested by Shri Venkaiah Naidu earlier in the day. These include-planning for slum free cities/towns, exploiting economic potential of cities with respect to tourism, health, education, business, heritage etc., inclusive zoning providing old age homes, night shelters, orphanages etc., provision of efficient infrastructure, solid waste management, promoting cycling, energy conservation, capacity building of urban local bodies, enacting for guaranteed services etc. Shri Naidu thanked the States/UTs for sharing the concerns of the central government in respect of urban management and its vision for future. He affirmed that ‘only performance will be the criteria for allocation of funds under urban projects and schemes’. He asserted that urban governance should be made corruption free saying that ‘if the water tank is polluted only dirty water will flow down’. The Minister also assured the States/UTs that their suggestions and concerns will be taken into consideration while recasting the various ongoing urban related projects and schemes. |
3 July 2014
India a global military power by 2045, says UK study
A global scenario projected by Britain’s ministry of defence says that by 2045 India is likely to have the ability to project conventional military power globally with the third largest defence expenditure pegged at 654 billion US dollars.
Titled ‘Global Strategic Trends – Out to 2045’, the publication by the ministry’s Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre sets out what the world might look like 30 years from now. It looks at a range variables, including energy, mineral resources, conflict and migration.
“Although China’s military-industrial complex is unlikely to surpass the technological sophistication of the US by 2045, it may rival it in terms of size, as could India’s. Both India and China will probably seek to develop sizeable and technically advanced armed forces, including ocean-going navies, capable of delivering an enduring and capable maritime
presence both regionally and further afield”, the paper says.
The analysis on South & East Asia and Oceania says: “The military capabilities of other countries in the region are also likely to increase but only China, India, Australia, Japan (which is actively increasing its military capability) and South Korea are likely to have the ability to project conventional military power globally”.
However, the analysis notes that although India is likely to spend more on defence than the UK, it will “almost certainly have to overcome domestic political issues and improve the way it invests to attain the capabilities needed to project conventional military power globally”.
According to the projection, the US and China are likely to have similarly sized defence budgets, potentially out-spending the rest of the world by 2045. India could have a defence budget equivalent to the EU’s total spending on defence, it says.
“Additionally, China, India and the US are likely to lead in defence-related research and development – further enhancing their military capabilities”, the paper says.
In terms of Technology, the paper says that China and India are likely to attain global leadership in select technical disciplines, achieving parity with the West in a number of
niche areas as soon as 2015 and more widely by 2045.
Stating that China and India will “almost certainly continue to be the dominant powers” in the region, the paper says that the ways the two countries manage their societies’ demands and their internal methods of governance will be important to the region’s development.
In terms of conflict, it is projected that Kashmir would continue to one of the areas of tension, including the border between China and India. “The risk of a major state-on-state conflict in the region cannot be ruled out”, it says.
The paper is based on inputs from a range of individuals and global institutions, including India’s Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, United Services Institute and the Vivekananda International Foundation.
Titled ‘Global Strategic Trends – Out to 2045’, the publication by the ministry’s Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre sets out what the world might look like 30 years from now. It looks at a range variables, including energy, mineral resources, conflict and migration.
“Although China’s military-industrial complex is unlikely to surpass the technological sophistication of the US by 2045, it may rival it in terms of size, as could India’s. Both India and China will probably seek to develop sizeable and technically advanced armed forces, including ocean-going navies, capable of delivering an enduring and capable maritime
presence both regionally and further afield”, the paper says.
The analysis on South & East Asia and Oceania says: “The military capabilities of other countries in the region are also likely to increase but only China, India, Australia, Japan (which is actively increasing its military capability) and South Korea are likely to have the ability to project conventional military power globally”.
However, the analysis notes that although India is likely to spend more on defence than the UK, it will “almost certainly have to overcome domestic political issues and improve the way it invests to attain the capabilities needed to project conventional military power globally”.
According to the projection, the US and China are likely to have similarly sized defence budgets, potentially out-spending the rest of the world by 2045. India could have a defence budget equivalent to the EU’s total spending on defence, it says.
“Additionally, China, India and the US are likely to lead in defence-related research and development – further enhancing their military capabilities”, the paper says.
In terms of Technology, the paper says that China and India are likely to attain global leadership in select technical disciplines, achieving parity with the West in a number of
niche areas as soon as 2015 and more widely by 2045.
Stating that China and India will “almost certainly continue to be the dominant powers” in the region, the paper says that the ways the two countries manage their societies’ demands and their internal methods of governance will be important to the region’s development.
In terms of conflict, it is projected that Kashmir would continue to one of the areas of tension, including the border between China and India. “The risk of a major state-on-state conflict in the region cannot be ruled out”, it says.
The paper is based on inputs from a range of individuals and global institutions, including India’s Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, United Services Institute and the Vivekananda International Foundation.
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