5 January 2018

Record production of Horticulture Crops at 300.6 Million Tonnes which is 5% higher than the year 2015-16

Record production of Horticulture Crops at 300.6 Million Tonnes which is 5% higher than the year 2015-16
There has been a record production of Horticulture Crops with production during the year 2016-17(F) reaching 300.6 Million Tonnes which is 5% higher than in the previous year.
Productivity for horticulture sector as a whole, has increased by about 3.45% in 2016-17(Final Estimates) as compared to 2015-16.
In fruits, productivity has increased from 14.3 Tonnes/Ha in 2015-16 to 14.6 Tonnes/Ha in 2016-17(Final). In vegetables it has increased from 16.7 Tonnes/Ha in 2015-16 to 17.4 tonnes/ha.
Production of fruits is estimated to be 93 million tonnes which is 3% higher than previous year.
There has been a record production of 178 million tonnes of vegetables which is about 5% higher than the previous year.
With an increase of 7%, the production of Onion during the year 2016-17 is estimated at 224 lakh Tonnes as against 209 lakh Tonnes in 2015-16.
Production of Potato in the year 2016-17 (Final) is estimated at 486 lakh Tonnes as against 434 lakh Tonnes in 2015-16 which is 12% higher.
With an increase of 10.5%, the production of Tomato in year 2016-17(Final) is estimated at 207 lakh Tonnes as against 187 lakh Tonnes in 2015-16.
Highlights of 2017-18 (First Advance Estimates)
The Total Horticulture production of the country is estimated to be an impressive level of 305.4 Million Tonnes during 2017-18(First Adv. Est) which is 1.6% higher than the previous year and 8% higher than the past 5 years’ average production..
Productivity for horticulture sector as a whole, has marginally increased by about 1.3% in 2017-18(First Adv. Estimates) as compared to 2016-17.
Production of fruits is estimated to be about 95 million tonnes which is 2% higher than previous year.
Production of vegetables is estimated to be about 181 million tonnes which is about 1% higher than the previous year.
Onion production in the in the current year is likely to be around 214 lakh Tonnes as against 224 lakh Tonnes in 2016-17 (Final Est.), which is about 4.5% lower than the previous year.
Potato production is estimated at 493 lakh Tonnes as against 486 lakh Tonnes in 2016-17(Final) which is about 1% higher than the previous year.
Tomato production in the current year is likely to be around 223 lakh Tonnes as against 207 lakh Tonnes in 2016-17 (Final Est.) which is about 7.7% higher than the previous year.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Assistance for Deep Sea Fishing” under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) on Blue Revolution Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries.
The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has introduced a new Sub-component namely “Assistance for Deep Sea Fishing” under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) on Blue Revolution Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries. Under this, the traditional fishermen and their societies / associations can avail financial assistance to the extent of Rs. 40 lakh per vessel for purchase of deep sea fishing vessel including equipments to increase fish production. The unit cost per vessel is Rs. 80 lakh, wherein the DADF provides 50 % of the Unit cost with a ceiling of Rs. 40 lakh as Central subsidy and the remaining cost of the vessel has to be borne by the respective State Government / beneficiary / financial institutions. Training programmes on tuna long lining, onboard handling and processing of fish with the financial assistance of DADF is also being imparted by the DADF through the organizations like Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical Engineering & Training (CIFNET) and Fishery Survey of India (FSI).

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