30 December 2016

Year End Review :Ministry of Women & Child Development

Year End Review :Ministry of Women & Child Development
Year End Review

The Union Ministry of Women and Child launched several new initiatives and consolidated on those of the previous two years during the year 2016. Some of the key initiatives this year included launch of POCSO e-Box, Mahila e-Haat, passage of Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016 in Rajya Sabha, expansion of BBBP scheme, Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016, expansion of one stop centre scheme, launch of SMPV scheme on ground, draft anti-trafficking bill, draft national policy for women, training of women panchayats, greater engagement with media to generate awareness among others.
Expansion of One Stop Centres Scheme:

 One Stop Centre at Raipur, Chattisgarh)
The Ministry has launched the Scheme for setting up One Stop Centres to facilitate access to an integrated range of services including medical, legal, and psychological support to women affected by violence to be funded through Nirbhaya Fund.
In this year, there was a major thrust on stepping up the setting of these centres. Funds were sanctioned to 33 States/UTs during the year 2015-16 for establishment of One Stop Centre while 150 additional Centres have been taken up in second phase during 2016-17 utilising Nirbhaya Fund. 
As a result, 51 One Stop Centres have become operational. It has been envisaged that 100 OSCs will become operational by January end 2017, 150 OSCs by March end, 2017 and 186 OSCs by July end, 2017. The One Stop Centres will be integrated with 181 and other existing helplines.
Expansion of flagship scheme ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’: 
BBBP is one of the flagship programmes of the Government to address the declining Child Sex Ratio and related issues of disempowerment of women on a life- cycle continuum. This programme was launched in 100 critical districts with the lowest child sex ratio on 22nd January, 2015 at Panipat by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The scheme has been successful in establishing the improvement in Child Sex Ratio as a National Agenda. Given the criticality of the issue, this initiative has been this year expanded to 61 additional districts across the 11 States/UTs.
The specific objectives of the scheme include preventing gender biased sex selective elimination; ensuring survival and protection of the girl child and ensuring education and participation of the girl child.
Since its inception in January 2015, this programme has resulted in hundreds of local level innovative initiatives to promote the girl child. Some of these district/state  level initiatives include installing digital Guddi Gudda Display Boards in offices and public places in Jalgaon district, Maharashtra; multi-sectoral interventions by Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu; a social assistance scheme titled Ladli Beti for new born girl child born on or after 01st April 2015 by Jammu and Kashmir; cash reward of Rs. 1 lakh for whistle blowers informing about illegal sex selection announced by Haryana; Shaurya Dals and Har Ghar Dastak initiative in  Madhya Pradesh;  local  champions  and  brand ambassadors   identified  in   Gomati district,   Tripura,   Jhunjhunu   district, Rajasthan;  Ambassador of Girl Child launched by Nagaland; recognizing girl achievers in the community in Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh and Tripura among others.
With concerted efforts at national, state and district levels, the preliminary reports for 100 districts indicate that for the time period between April-March 2014-15 & 2015-16, an increasing trend in Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) is visible in 58% of the BBBP districts; 69 districts have reported progress in the first trimester registration against the reported ANC registrations during the previous year; and status of institutional  deliveries have improved in 80 districts against the total reported deliveries in comparison to the previous year.


(Increasing trend in Sex Ratio at Birth)
New Passport Rules
In a major progressive move, on insistence of WCD Ministry, the Ministry of External Affairs has issued new Passport Rules (https://www.mea.gov.in/press-releases.htm?)  on 23rd December , 2016 for the benefit of single/divorced mothers  and their children as well as adopted/adoptable children as follows:
·         The online passport application form now requires the applicant to provide the name of father or mother or legal guardian, i.e., only one parent and not both. This would enable single parents to apply for passports for their children and to also issue passports where the name of either the father or the mother is not required to be printed at the request of the applicant.
·         The Passport application form does not require the applicant to provide the name of her/his spouse in case of separated or divorced persons. Such applicants for passports would not be required to provide even the Divorce Decree.
·         Orphaned children who do not have any proof of DOB such as Birth Certificate or the Matriculation Certificate or the declaratory Court order, may now submit a declaration given by the Head of the Orphanage/Child Care Home on their official letter head of the organization confirming the DOB of the applicant.
·         In case of children not born out of wedlock, the applicant for the passport of such children should submit only Annexure G while submitting the passport application.
·         In case of issue of passport to in-country domestically adopted children, submission of the registered adoption deed would no longer be required. In the absence of any deed to this effect, the passport applicant may give a declaration on a plain paper confirming the adoption.
Operationalisation of Gender Champions Scheme:
The initiative of Gender Champions is being implemented through educational institutions for sensitizing young students and for creating awareness on laws, legislations, legal rights and life skills education. The Gender Champion Guidelines developed by WCD Ministry are being operationalized in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
A Training Module for Gender Champions has been developed for adoption by educational institutes.  As per report of the UGC, 100 Universities and 145 colleges have initiated implementation of Gender Champions.
On ground operationalization of Mahila Police Volunteer Scheme:
The Guidelines of Mahila Police Volunteers have been developed by WCD Ministry in collaboration with Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), Ministry of Home Affairs. The broad mandate of MPVs is to report to authorities/police the incidences of violence against women such as domestic violence, child marriage, dowry harassment and violence faced by women in public spaces. Home Ministry has given its consent for implementation of the scheme in April, 2016. 
Haryana has become the first state to operationalise the Mahila Police Volunteer scheme.  It was launched jointly by the WCD Ministry and Haryana Government at Karnal on 14th December, 2016 for the districts of Karnal and Mahendragarh in Haryana. Other states are expected to follow the same soon.
Progress on 33% Reservation for women in police force:
The WCD Ministry has been working along with the Ministry of Home Affairs to  improve overall police responsiveness to gender sensitive  cases and to bring visibility to more women and strengthen gender  sensitivity in police force.
An Advisory has been issued to all State Governments to increase representation of women in police to 33% of the total strength.
As a result, reservation has been extended in 13 States/Union Territories of Bihar, Gujarat, Odisha, Nagaland, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep & Dadra Nagar Haveli, NCT of Delhi. The Process has been initiated in 9 more States/UTs (Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Mizoram, Punjab, Kerala, Haryana, Uttarakhand and West Bengal).
Panic Button on Mobile Phones:
The Ministry of Women and Child Development had taken up the issue of installation of physical panic button on mobile phones as one of the initiatives since June 2014.  Based on extensive stakeholder consultations initiated by WCD Ministry, the ‘Panic Button and Global Positioning System in Mobile Phone Handsets Rules 2016’ have been notified by the Department of Telecommunications.
Under these rules, all new feature phones will have the facility of panic button configured to the numeric key 5 or 9 and all smart phones will have the  panic button configured to three times short pressing of the On-off button from the new year onwards.  Further, all new mobile phones will be required to have the facility of identifying the location through satellite based GPS
Guidelines for Matrimonial Websites issued:
In view of the increasing number of crimes committed against women on account of information shared on the matrimonial websites, it was decided in consultation with Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeITY), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and service providers to look into the issue and to put in place a regulatory framework in order to check this misuse. The Ministry has already carried out extensive work for the preparation of the due diligence guidelines for the matrimonial websites and prepared a concept paper detailing extent of the problem, existing safeguards, existing legal remedies, etc., which has been circulated to stakeholders concerned. Based on extensive stakeholders consultation initiated by WCD Ministry, an advisory on functioning of Matrimonial Website was issued by DeITY on 6th June, 2016(http://wcd.nic.in/acts/advisory-functioning-matrimonial-websites) . 
Implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013:
 After ensuring the establishment of Internal Complaints Committees in all Ministries/Departments of Government of India, the Ministry of WCD this year set up an Inter-Ministerial Committee headed by a senior official of the WCD Ministry to oversee the implementation of the Act in the Government. The inter ministerial committee will create a panel of resource persons from which ICCs can take the external members. The training programmes of all services will have a module on the Act and DoPT will issue necessary instructions for this.
(Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Workplace Act, 2013)
Based on the meeting held by WCD Minister, Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, the DoPT has issued a notification dated December 22, 2016 outlining the following:
·         Brief details of the implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act including the number of cases received and disposed shall form a part of the Annual Report of all ministries/ departments and authorities there under.
·         The enquiry of cases must be completed within 30 days and under any circumstances within 90 days from the date of the complaint.
·         The ministries/ departments etc. have to keep a watch on the complainant so as to ensure that she is not victimized in any manner because of her having filed the complaint. The aggrieved woman has been given further option to send representation to the Secretary or head of the organization in case she feels that she is being victimized because of her complaint. The concerned authority will be required to dispose of this complaint within 15 days.
·         All ministries/ departments etc. are now required to submit a monthly progress report to the Ministry of Women and Child Development so that the progress can be monitored.
The Ministry has already released a Handbook on the Act for ready reference. It is also available on www.wcd.nic.in.
Women Helpline:
A schematic proposal to enable the universalization of a Helpline specifically for women with a common number across the country has been approved. This Helpline will be linked with One Stop Centres being established by the Ministry of Women & Child Development.  The Department of Telecommunication, Government of India, has allocated short code 181 to all States/UTs which is already being used by some States/UTs such as Delhi, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh as Women Helpline. So far, Women Helplines have been operational in 18 States/UTs.
National Policy on Women:
The draft National Policy for Women, 2016, has been released by the Minister, WCD and is under finalization. The policy has been revised after 15 years and is expected to guide Government action on women’s issues over the next 15-20 years. Draft National Policy for Women 2016 prescribes the operational strategies for implementation of the policy. These include, framing of Action Plans at the national, State and local level; strengthening gender institutional architecture, enacting new legislations and reviewing/ harmonizing legislations, engaging with stakeholders for advocacy and awareness generation, strengthening institutionalization of gender budgeting  and creating an effective gender based data base. The policy looks into the entire life-cycle continuum of women’s issues and encompasses a wide spectrum ranging from discrimination against women to the expectations of new emerging inspirational woman. 
Utilisation of Nirbhaya Fund:
The Ministry of Finance, Government of India set up a dedicated fund called Nirbhaya Fund for implementation of initiatives aimed at enhancing the safety and security for women in the country. The corpus transferred to the Public Account for the Nirbhaya fund is Rs. 2000.00 Cr.
In 2015, keeping in mind the need to have schematic interventions and proper mechanism for handholding of women in distress, 2 schemes i.e. One Stop Centre amounting to Rs. 18.58 Cr. and Universalisation of Women Helpline amounting to Rs. 69.49 Cr. were initiated by Ministry of Women and Child Development.  The OSC Scheme has been expanded to 150 additional locations in July 2016. 51 centres have already become operational.
Under Nirbhaya Fund, 13 proposals of different Ministries/States have been appraised and recommended amounting to Rs. 2177.27 Cr.  These proposal/projects are at different stages of implementation. The procedure for release of funds from the Nirbhaya Fund has also been simplified.
Draft Bill on Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection & Rehabilitation) Bill, 2016:
             WCD Ministry in consultation with the line Ministries/Departments/State Govt./CSOs and domain experts has prepared a draft Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2016 which is in its final stages of finalization. The draft Bill proposes to tackle different aspects of trafficking by creating a strong legal, economic and social environment by putting in place dedicated institutional mechanisms at District, State & Central Level.
Training for Women Heads of Panchayats:
The National Commission for Women (NCW) of WCD Ministry has developed training modules to build capacity of elected women panchayat representatives. In May, 2016, the Commission undertook its first initiative in this regard at Jhalawar District, Rajasthan. More than 40 elected women representatives participated in the workshops aiming at empowering and developing their capacities. The training will be expanded in the states of Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Haryana from January, 2017 onwards. 
Village facilitation & Convergence Service:
Village Facilitation & Convergence Service (VCFS) aims to link women in need with the schemes/programs being implemented by Central/State Government impacting the lives of women such as BBBP, Sabla, One Stop Centre, Jan Dhan Yojana, Swach Bharat etc. The services under VCFS are provided by Village Coordinators at the Gram Panchayat level. VCFS Scheme has been approved for 161 BBBP districts and 200 high burden districts across the country. This will help to educate women about government schemes and their benefits as well and enhance community participation in implementation of schemes and programmes meant for women. 
Launch of Mahila e-Haat :
The Ministry of Women & Child Development launched Mahila e-Haat(http://mahilaehaat-rmk.gov.in/), a unique direct online digital marketing platform for women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs in March 2016. It also aims at financial inclusion and economic empowerment of women. Mahila e-Haat facilitates direct contact between the vendor and buyer. The unique features of Mahila E-haat not available on other e-commerce portals are (a) Sharing of contact details of vendors b) E-learning services (c) Pitara (Hamari Baat) conversations (d) Services.
Mahila e-Haat is a bilingual portal and has received over 14.50 lakh visitors/hits.

(Products for sale on Mahila e-Haat Portal)
Women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs from 22 states are showcasing approximately 1800 products/services. Today, there are 23000 SHGs registered on Mahila e-Haat with 3 lakh beneficiaries directly and indirectly. Women entrepreneurs/ SHGs/NGOs  as vendors on Mahila e-Haat portal in 6 months have transacted business of over Rs. 20 lakh which is a substantial amount keeping in mind the micro nature of the individual businesses. Major PSUs, IRCTC, Nationalised Banks like SBI, CBI, etc have given a link to Mahila e-Haat on their websites increasing visibility.
Mahila e-Haat received the SKOCH GOLD Award on 9th September 2016. It was also adjudged as one of the Top 100 Projects in India for the year 2016 and was awarded SKOCH Order-of-Merit Award.
Launch of POSCO e-Bwas launched in August 2016  and is a simple and easy to use facility for children or any adult to register complaints of child sexual abuse or  harassment. It is a direct online reporting mechanism where each complaint is handled with sensitivity and anonymity to provide optimum protection to these children.

(POCSO e-Box)
POCSO e- Box has been awarded the Skoch Silver and Skoch Order-of Merit award out of 3000 participants and was considered among the top 30 entries.
Extension of Maternity Leave:
The WCD Ministry has been working to extend the maternity leave period for working women to enable them to provide exclusive breastfeeding to children for six months after child birth. The Ministry of Labour & Employment has carried out suitable amendments in the Act, which are as follows:
1.      Enhancement of maternity leave under Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, from existing 12 weeks to 26 weeks.
2.      Extension of maternity benefit to adopting mothers and commissioning mothers.
3.      Establishment of crèche facility within the office/factory premises.
The Amendment Bill has already been passed by Rajya Sabha , clearing the first step towards achieving the goal. The Amendments are likely to be introduced and passed in Lok Sabha soon. 
Framing of the  Juvenile Justice (Care and  Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016 (JJ Model Rules, 2016):
The landmark Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 came into effect from 15th January, 2016.This Law strengthens provisions for both children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law. Under Section 15, special provisions have been made to tackle child offenders committing heinous offences in the age group of 16-18 years.

(WCD Minister releasing JJ Rule, 2016)

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016 (JJ Model Rules, 2016) have been notified and published in the Gazette of India.  The JJ Model Rules, 2016, are based on the philosophy that children need to be reformed and reintegrated into society. Best interest of the child along with child-friendly procedures is incorporated across the provisions and is the primary consideration.
SABLA-Scheme for Adolescent Girls:
Scheme for Adolescent Girls, Sabla, a Centrally- sponsored scheme being implemented in 205 districts selected from all the States/UTs. Sabla aims at the all—round development of adolescent girls of 11-18 years (with a focus on all out-of-school adolescent girls) by making them self reliant by improving their health and nutrition status, promoting awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition, Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health, family and child care and facilitating access to public services through various interventions such as guidance & counselling and imparting vocational training for girls aged 16 and above. It also aims towards mainstreaming out of school adolescent girls into formal/non formal education.
The details of funds released, utilized and beneficiaries covered during 2015-16 and current year under SABLA scheme is as under:-
Total Funds (Rs. in lakh)
Nutrition Beneficiaries
(in lakh)
2016-17 (as on 30.06.2016)

Initiative with Railways on Missing Children :
 The Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Railways have framed path-breaking Special Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be implemented by Railways for runaway, abandoned, kidnapped, trafficked children via medium of railways. Child Helpline Centres were initially set up at 20 major Railway Stations for rehabilitation and rescue of such children. Additional 15 stations have been approved this year  for providing similar facilities and 1000 stations across the country will be covered. Awareness campaign via posters in railway coaches was launched in November, 2015. Two lakh posters have been released  and  distributed in trains this year. All the 55000 coaches are being covered during 2016-17. The Posters caution the passengers about the children around them who may need protection.
(Poster for Railway Coaches)
               In a first of its kind, Kiosks with Child Helpline have been  set up   at key  24   railway stations where the identified children are brought for temporary stay before they are restored to  their parents or are sent to  a chidren’s home. Continuous announcements are made for passengers to keep a lookout for such children. Assistance has been provided to more than 11,000 children till date.


Expansion of Childline :
Childline is a nation-wide initiative for rescuing and assisting children in distress conditions. In the last two years, Childline (1098) has been extended to 409 districts through a network of 778 local NGO partners. It is available in 186 Rural (districts) and 223 Urban (cities) locations with 5 Centralised Contact centres at Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai and Gurgaon.
With the expanded reach, CHILDLINE has been able to help lakhs of children and restore them to their families. It makes nearly 2.50 lakh direct Interventions/ year.

Adoption & Mandatory Registration of all Child Care Institutions:
 Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 which has come into effect this year requires all Child Care Institutions (CCIs) whether run by State Government or by voluntary or non-governmental organisations to be registered under the Act. Accordingly, Central Adoption Resource  Authority(CARA) of WCD Ministry has carried out online registration of 31 State Adoption Resource  Agencies, 600 District Child Protection  Units, 431 Specialized Adoption  Agencies and uploaded 12038 Home Study Reports on Web Platform.
In first of its kind, in January, 2016, M/o WCD initiated review of Child Care Institutions across the country through Childline India Foundation and National Commission for Protection of Child Rights to review their legal status and standards of care maintained as per the Juvenile Justice Act. Till date, review has already completed in 28 states and 7 UTs. 9605 Homes covered across 675 districts. 2,630 Homes found to be un-registered.
Foster Care Guidelines:
         A new system of providing foster care to children has been put in place and new guidelines have been issued. This permits children to be looked after by individual families as foster parents thereby providing a much better standard of care and protection than what these children get in the child care institutions. Foster Family is selected, approved and supervised by Child Welfare Committee (CWC). Model Guidelines for Foster Care, 2016, have been formulated by Central Government and placed in public domain on 11th November, 2016.
Aadhar Cards for Children in Child Care Institutions:
Under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, Aadhar enrolment of children below 5 years has been taken up with States/ Union Territories. As per information available from UIDAI, Aadhaar saturation among children below 5 years of age is 30.7% as on 15.11.2016. States/ UTs have been requested to organise special enrolment camps at Anganwadi centres (AWCs) twice a year in coordination with the Registrar/ Enrolment Agencies active in States/ UTs for enrolment of children below 5 years under Aadhar.
This will help the children get a permanent identity for future and also help them to access various Government services after they grow up.
Expanding Anganwadi Infrastructure:

The WCD Ministry will construct four lakh anganwadi buildings by 2019 under MGNREGS in convergence with Ministry of Rural development.
In 2015-16, 29,941 units were approved and Rs. 182.60 Crore released for construction of anganwadi buildings. In 2016-17, 63531 Units were approved and Rs. 740.07 Crore have already been released.

 (Anganwadi Centre at Chainpura, Sunda)
    The ICDS scheme today operates through a network of 7073 fully operational Projects and 13.49 lakh Anganwadi Centres as on 30.09.2016. The services are currently being provided to 1010.56 lakh beneficiaries of which 820.65 lakh are children under six years of age and 189.91 lakh are P&L Mothers. 345.44 lakh children of 3-6 years are provided pre-school education.
National Nutrition Mission:
National Nutrition Mission (NNM) is proposed to achieve improvement in nutritional status of children (0-6 years), adolescent girls and pregnant & lactating mothers in a time bound manner over a period of three years with the objectives of preventing & reducing under-nutrition in children (0-3 years); reducing the prevalence of anaemia among young children (6-59 months); reducing the prevalence of anaemia among women and adolescent girls (15-49 years) and reducing low birth weight. The proposed NNM would provide for real time IT based monitoring of beneficiaries and service delivery besides bringing grass root level convergence of interventions of MWCD, MoHFW, MDWS, MoRD & PRIs etc.

Direct Benefit Transfer of Anganwadi Worker Remuneration:
A system for Direct Benefit Transfer of Anganwadi Worker Remuneration has started from April, 2016, in some States/UTs to ensure efficiency in delivery process, greater inclusion, particularly, financial inclusion, de-duplication & reduction of fraud/curbing leakages. All States/UTs will be covered under this gradually. In the National Conference of State/UT Secretaries held on 13.07.2016, remaining States/UTs have assured to implement the Direct Benefit Transfer of honorarium of ICDS functionaries (AWWs/AWHs) by December, 2016. This will benefit as well as motivate about lakhs of women workers engaged in implementing the ICDS Scheme.
Restructuring of ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP):
M/o WCD, with a view to bridge the gaps in the ICDS Service Delivery, is implementing International Development Association (IDA) assisted ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP), in 162 high burden districts of 8 States in the country covering 3.68 lakh Aanganwadi Centers. The Project was restructured on 29th September, 2015, with a major impetus on ICT solution for better service delivery in ICDS and behaviour change for nutritional outcomes.
The major achievements of restructured ISSNIP are as follows:
1.         Entering a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: The  Ministry signed an  MoC  on  20th  May, 2016,  with  Gates Foundation  to  provide technical support at  the  National and  State level for strengthening the delivery of nutrition goals. The Government has a significant focus on improving the health and lives of women and children in India, by strengthening nutrition  programs in order to promote their holistic development. In sync with this focus, the four priority areas of work as part of this MoC include:
a)         Digitisation of Anganwadi centres by Development and deployment of ICT   solutions for improving and strengthening ICDS Service Delivery System.
b)         Support MWCD in developing a shared national communications campaign for maternal and child nutrition among target populations.
c)         Technical Support Unit at the national and state level for strengthening their capacities to deliver nutrition especially during pre-conception, pregnancy and first two years of life.
d)         Technical support and Knowledge management support to strengthen human resource capabilities at various levels in order to deliver effective nutrition interventions.
2.         Launching ICT-enabled Real Time Monitoring (ICT-RTM) of ICDS: ISSNIP includes ICT-enabled Real Time Monitoring (ICT-RTM) of ICDS as a core activity. ICT-RTM are to be driven by a customized Common Application Software (ICDS- CAS), customized Common Application Software developed by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). ICT-RTM was launched by M/oWCD on 25th May, 2016. ICT-RTM would specifically help strengthen the ICDS capacity to deliver nutrition services.
3.         Communities Based Events: Communities based events are organised on monthly basis for all the 3.68 lakh Aanganwadis across 8 ISSNIP States. It aims to bring change in nutrition behaviour of community for better nutritional outcomes. The main events include the Godh Bharai- the commemoration of motherhood to identify the pregnancy and bring under focus of ICDS  and Annaprasan- the initiation of complementary feeding for children attaining 6 months of age.
4.         Capacity Building of ICDS functionaries in Incremental Learning Approach: This activity involves the capacity building and strengthening of ICDS functionaries in a cascade manner through which the front line functionaries and workers are trained in identified thematic areas on a monthly basis. ISSNIP has till now conducted trainings in 6 modules in 5 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and in 3 modules in States of Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
Comprehensive Regulation on Micro nutrient Fortification:
Food Fortification has significant role in reducing Micronutrient deficiency related disorders.WCD Ministry led the initiative with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in formulating Comprehensive Regulation on Micronutrient Fortification involving all Stakeholders.
Comprehensive regulations on fortification of food articles, namely "Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Regulation, 2016, were released by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The Logo for fortified food launched during National Summit on Fortification of Foods (16-17 October, 2016).
The ‘Group of Secretaries on Education & Health regarding food fortification’ has recommended the following:
·         Double Fortification of Salt with Iodine & Iron.
·         Fortification of Refined Oil and Milk with Vitamin-A & D.
·         Fortification of Rice with Iron & Folic Acid.
·         Proposal to introduce Fortified Food items  in Integrated Child Development Services  (ICDS) Scheme , Mid Day Meal (MDM) &  Public Distribution System (PDS) in a phased  manner.
Establishment of Food Testing Laboratories:
One Central Laboratory at Faridabad and three Regional Laboratories in Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata to test the quality of food provided under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme and other nutrition related programmes are being set up. Land    has been acquired for all four laboratories and MoU signed with NBCC for construction of laboratories.
Women of India Exhibitions:
The Initiative was started in November 2014 to link producers of organic products directly to the market. Three such exhibitions have already been held in Delhi, and many more such exhibitions are proposed to be organised in centres outside Delhi.

Adopt a Home(Child Care Institution)  programme:
A programme to enhance the physical, emotional,  intellectual, social and moral development of children staying  in the Children’s Homes with assistance from Corporate sector/ business houses  under Corporate Social Responsibility
The Corporate Houses are being requested to adopt a Children Home and support in Upgrading physical infrastructure, support to healthcare in children home, as well as sponsoring higher education of children. The Guidelines for the same were issued in April, 2016. The supporters of the Programme to get recognition certificate for their contribution.
National Children’s Fund:
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), an autonomous body under Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) has revised its guidelines on 24th June, 2016 to provide scholarship to a child who is orphan or destitute and is residing in a Child Care Institution (CCI) and has done well in his/her school by securing atleast 70% marks.  The scholarship is provided through National Children’s Fund, a trust created by WCD Ministry and managed by NIPCCD.

All India Women Journalists’ Workshops:

The Ministry of Women and Child Development organised the first ever All India Women Journalists’ Workshop with participation from nearly 250 journalists. The conference was held to empower the women journalists with correct and timely information since journalists are a big social multiplier and can become agents of social change.
In view the success of the first workshop, it was followed by a second ever All India Women Journalists’ Workshop in which more than 100 journalists participated. Women journalists from print, electronic and online media from the length and breadth of the country including small and regional media organizations participated in the conferences.

Engagement on Social Media
The Ministry is active on social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube with followers numbering in lakhs. Social media is being used as a medium to spread awareness among the general public on issues concerning women and children, aiding positive attitude and behaviour change. This medium is also being leveraged to disseminate information on the various schemes and programmes of the government so as to increase citizen engagement.

 In response to harassment of women in cyber space, the Ministry recently launched a campaign wherein such complaints could be made directly to the social media handles of the Ministry, with assured responses. The Ministry is also running a grievance redressal cell which registers and responds to direct complaints via email from women and children across the country. The complaints cell has a dedicated email id i.e. complaint-to report complaints relating to online trolling/harassment with effect from July, 2016. So far, 50 complaints have been received through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Year End Review- Ministry of skill Development

Year End Review- Ministry of skill Development
MSDE has an enormous skilling challenge at hand and in the year 2016 thrust was on skilling at scale, speed and standards. Some of the key highlights are mentioned below:

1.      First-ever Indian Institute of Skills:  Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the first-of-its-kind “Indian Institute of Skills” in the country in Kanpur on December 19, 2016. Conceptualized by the Prime Minister during his visit to Singapore’s Institute of Technical Education, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, headed by Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, in partnership with the Institute of Technical Education, Singapore, decided to open the institute inspired by the Singapore model of training. The Institute would adopt various best practices from the country. The MSDE has decided to have six such institutes across the country.
2.      Prime Minister also inaugurated the KaushalPradarshini (Skill Exhibition) for the youth of Uttar Pradesh at the Railway Grounds, Kanpur and launched an array of skill development initiatives, including Pradhan MantriKaushalKendras (PMKKs) and Drivers’ Training Institutes. There was also strategic partnership with various industries that will train and employ approximate 4 Lakh youth over the next 3 years.
The Prime Minister had shown concern about the training of drivers so to achieve his dream, the Ministry has decided to open 100 Driver Training Institutes all across India soon. NSDC has signed a MoU with OLA cabs which needs 1 lakh drivers.
3.      IndiaSkills 2016:Skill India” celebrated its first anniversary on 15thJuly, 2016. To mark the day, the Hon’ble President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the first edition of “IndiaSkills Competition” on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day. IndiaSkills is a national competition steered by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to select the best talent who will lead India’s participation at the biennial WorldSkills International Competition. The upcoming WorldSkills International Competition is scheduled at Abu Dhabi in 2017. More than 4500 candidates competed in 80 regional rounds to win their way to the IndiaSkills Competition 2016, which was held at PragatiMaidan on 16th &17th July, 2016. The winners have qualified for the final selection round for participating in WorldSkillsInternational Competition at Abu Dhabi, 2017

4.      Pradhan MantriKaushalVikasYojana (PMKVY): Launched on July 15, 2015 by Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, Pradhan MantriKaushalVikasYojana (PMKVY) is the flagship outcome-based skill training scheme of MSDE. It is also India’s largest skill certification scheme with the objective to enable and mobilize a large number of Indian youth to take up outcome-based skill training and become employable and earn their livelihood. Owing to its successful first year of implementation, the Union Cabinet has approved the scheme for another four years (2016-2020) to impart skill training to 10 million youth of the country with an outlay of Rs 12,000 crores. It is being implemented through the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
A detailed status (as on 02.12.2016) of PMKVY (2015-16) is given below.

PMKVY (2015-16) – Highlights – 2016

Total No of Youth trained under PMKVY#
Targets allocated under PMKVY 2 which are under registration, enrollment and training*

FY 2015-16
FY 2016-17
till 25.12.16
All India
#Refers to combined numbers for Recognition of Prior Learning and Short term Fresh training
*Refers to target allocated under Short term Fresh training only

In its current version, the scheme has four components: Short Term Training, Recognition of Prior Learning, Special Projects, and State Engagement.

5.      Pradhan MantriKaushalVikasKendras:
The MSDE is working towards the creation of PradhanMantriKaushal Kendra(s) (PMKKs) under the “Skill India Mission” of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.
As of December 9, 2016, allocation for setting up of 432 PMKKs in 415 districts (320 Parliamentary Constituencies) has been done to 34 training providers across 26 States and 1 Union territory. The allocation of the remaining districts of India will be completed by the end of the Financial Year 2016-17
So far, 44 PMKKs have been established across 18 states and another 115 PMKKs are in the process of setting up. The target is to deliver training to a minimum of 1 lakh candidates annually.
A unique brand book has been created and deployed for PMKK, which defines the quality of the centers prepared. Similarly, effort is underway to standardize lab equipment and machinery for labs under PMKVY 2.0. Standard lab guidelines have been designed for 10 labs. In phase 1 of the activity, guidelines will be developed for 20 labs by December 2016.

6.      NAPS (National Apprentice Promotion Scheme)
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) is a new scheme of Government of India to promote apprenticeship training and increase the engagement of apprentices from present 2.3 lakh to 50 lakh cumulatively by 2020. The scheme focuses on sharing of 25% of prescribed stipend subject to a maximum of Rs. 1500/- per month per apprentice to all apprentices with the employers. It was notified on August 19, 2016. Government supports Rs. 7500 for a maximum of 500 hours for basic training.
The target under the scheme is 5 lakh, 10 lakh, 15 lakh and 20 lakh apprentices respectively in 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-2019 and 2019-20. The engagement of fresher apprentices shall be 20% of total annual target. As on today, one lakh apprentices are undergoing training under NAPS.
States may create a State Apprenticeship Cell and encourage engagement of apprentices to the maximum of 10% of total strength of private establishments and State Public Sectors. They may also encourage them to avail the benefits of NAPS.
·      A web portal has been launched on Apprenticeship Training. Accordingly, all the establishments have been requested to register on the portal and declare the apprenticeship vacancies.

·      Out of 259 designated trades, syllabi for 123 designated trades have been revamped.

·      17 Awareness campaign/workshops were conducted in the first phase across different industry clusters of the country in coordination with CII and FICCI.

·      Workshops/Meetings are being held regularly by all State Apprenticeship Advisers and six Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training (RDATs) in their respective State/Regions.

·      Meeting with all Chairman-cum-managing Directors of Central Public Sector Undertakings convened to encourage them to take apprentices under NAPS.

7.      Directorate General of Training (DGT), MSDE
Academic equivalence to ITI course: DGT, MSDE and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) under Ministry of Human Resource Development signed an MoU on July 14, 2016   to put in place a system for academic equivalence to ITI qualification and provide options to meet aspirations of those candidates of ITI system who want to attain high academic qualification in addition to their skills. This MoU also opens pathways for ex-trainees of ITI, holding National Trade Certificate (NTC), to earn secondary/senior secondary qualification. Under the MoU following arrangements have been made

Dual System of Training: Training in both classrooms (ITI) and in Industries:  A Dual System of Training has been set up to enable industries to partner with (Government & Private) Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) for conducting training programmes under high employability courses to fulfill the needs of industries. The Curricula consists of Trade Theory & foundation practicals which will be completed at the ITI with the remaining portion of the practical training to be conducted in the concerned industry/ organization. This helps in ITI–Industry linkage.
Space-based Distance Learning Programme (SDLP) for MSDE: The vocational training facilities in the country have grown substantially in the last few years. There are around 2200 government & 10800 private ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes), which is the biggest vocational training infrastructure in the country. To address the requirements of capacity building through education and training of ITIs, MSDE now plans to make use of space technology for increasing the reach to thousands of ITIs spread across the country, including remote and difficult areas. 
 Benefits of proposed Concept
The resource persons at the Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs), will be able to deliver the lectures to a large number of students located at various ITIs including remote locations across the country, where SITs and ROTs installed. The interactions between the lecture originating ATI and SITs are transmitted to all the SITs, thus creating a virtual classroom. This will have a large positive impact on the skill development initiative taken up by the Government of India and significantly contribute towards National development.

Status of the Project
·         MOU signed with Development & Educational Communication Unit (DECU), ISRO for technical support.
·         Technical Specifications drawn by ISRO.
·         Funds for the first phase approved and sanction orders under issue.
·         RFP for purchase of equipments is being floated.
·         Letters issued to State Training Directors to identify one ITI per district for installation of SITs. 
 International Collaborations
The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has been collaborating with a number of countries in the area of skill development and entrepreneurship. Joint Working Group meetings on active collaborations were held with China, UK, Australia, and Germany. Over the last one year, new MoUs have been signed with UAE and Qatar (on mutual recognition of Qualifications); with France (for skill training in the Power sector); with Switzerland (on sharing of best practices) and with Singapore (with NSDC as the partner on the Indian side), to set up new centres for excellence.

With a view to ensure that Indians are equipped with the skills to be employed not only in India, but also overseas, MSDE has benchmarked standards of 82 job roles with UK standards and of 26 job roles with Indian standards.

In July this year, MSDE signed anMoU with the Ministry of External Affairs, to provide skills training opportunities for overseas employment. Under this MoU, MSDE will establish India International Skill Centres, which will train young Indians in internationally benchmarked standards. Those who are trained in these centres will also be given a pre departure orientation, language training and cultural orientation (supported by MEA) to ensure that youth in India are well prepared to take up employment overseas.
 Corporate Engagements
·           Major agreements were signed with PSUs including CIL, NTPC, RECL, POWERGRID, SAIL, RINL, AAI, NALCO, DPE among others under this initiative.
·           Major agreements were also signed with private sector including JSW, Uber, JCB, Schneider, Hindustan Zinc Limited, Indo-US Aviation Cooperation Program, etc. with at least 30 leading corporates to be signed in the next couple of months.
·          Contributions of over Rs 80 Crores have been received from both public and private sector companies to the National Skill Development Fund (NSDF) to support over 60,000 youth through skill development activities.
·           Special focus has also been accorded to train wives and families of jawans in Central Armed Police Forces (CRPF, CISF, SSB, ITBP, etc.) in their commanding units.
·           Special focus has been accorded to infrastructure-related projects (like ports, airports, roads, petroleum & natural gas, MSME clusters, etc.) where private sector is mobilised to setup PPP projects in skill development through umbrella MOUs between MSDE and various central ministries.
·           Direct job linkages with private sector for hiring skilled personnel through outreach activities (like Job Melas) and aggregator platforms (like Uber, LinkedIn, Ola, etc.) are underway.
·           A single-window online IT system (Skills to Jobs aggregator platform) has been developed with the assistance of World Bank to channelize more CSR contributions through matching fund contributions.

            All these steps will help ensure that skills training translates into sustainable livelihoods for India’s youth, making it an aspirational career choice for India’s youth.

Year End Review of Ministry of Mines

Year End Review of Ministry of Mines
Ø Use of Space Technology for curbing illegal mining issues
·         MoU with National Remote Sensing Centre: Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) has signed a MoU with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO on 21.01.2016 to undertake a pilot project on “monitoring of mining activities using satellite imagery and capacity building of IBM officers for three years including technical support for setting up of remote sensing laboratory in IBM”. The in principle approval and expenditure sanction of 2.03 Cr has already been accorded by the Ministry for setup of remote sensing laboratory in IBM at Hyderabad.
·         Mining Surveillance System:  A Mining Surveillance System (MSS) has been launched by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Coal, Power, New & Non Renewable Energy and Mines on 15th October 2016 from New Delhi. The Ministry of Mines, through Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), has developed the MSS, in coordination with Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics (BISAG), Gandhinagar and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), for curbing illegal mining activity in the country by the use of space technology and remote sensing imagery.
Ø Sustainable Mining Initiatives: Star Rating of Mines
·         An innovative scheme of ‘Star Rating’ system has been instituted by Ministry through IBM, in which star rating will be awarded to the mining leases for their efforts and initiatives taken for implementation of the Sustainable Development Framework (SDF).  One to five stars would be given to the mines by Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM). The best performing leases would be given 5 Stars. The Star Rating for this year of all the working mines is planned to be completed by Dec, 2016.
Ø Information Technology implementation in regulation of mining sector - Mining Tenement System (MTS)
·         The induction of Information Technology is being done to instill improvement in governmental capacity of mineral administration. The Union Ministry is committed to establishing a Mining Tenement System (MTS), which would primarily involve automating the entire mineral concession life-cycle, starting from identification of area and ending with closure of the mine; and connecting the various stakeholders for real-time transfer of electronic files and exchange of data. This shall enable effective management of mineral concession regime and transparency in mining operations, transportation of ore with the help of online electronic weighbridges and check-posts. The rolling out of the modules of MTS will start within six months and the project is likely to be fully operational in eighteen months.
·         Consequent to the amendment of MMDR Act, and adoption of auction as the method for granting of mineral concession 17 blocks have been successfully auctioned in various States. 
·         MMDR Act was amended during the year to include transferability of captive mines.
·         Union Cabinet approved the setting of a society “B6 International Geological Congress for organizing 36” International Geological Congress in NCR in 2020.
·         The following rules were notified during the year Minerals (Other than Atomic Minerals Hydrocarbon Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016 on 4th March, 2016.
·         National Geo-Science Awards for the year 2014 were conferred on 33 Geoscientist in recognition of their extra ordinary achievements and outstanding contributions in the fields of Geo-science.    
·         GSI has completed 3762 sq. km Specialized Thematic Mapping (on 1:25,000 scale) out of 9230 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2016-17 till the end of November 2016.
·         GSI has completed 46,064 sq. km National Geochemical Mapping (on 1: 50,000 scale) out of 1,37,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2016-17 till the end of November 2016
·         GSI has completed 40,121 sq. km National Geophysical Mapping (on 1: 50,000 scale) out of 95,200 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2016-17 till the end of November 2016
·         GSI has completed 32,355 line-km by airborne multi-sensor survey (including spill over) out of 60,000 line-km target during Annual Programme 2016-17 till the end of November 2016
·         GSI has completed preliminary marine mineral investigation for 18,439 sq. km in Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) out of 25,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2016-17 till the end of November 2016
·         GSI has been engaged in 37 programmes of National Landslide Susceptibility Mapping (NLSM on 1: 50,000 scale) during 2016-17.  GSI has covered 25,700 sq. km by Landslide Susceptibility Mapping out of 50,000 sq. km target during Annual Programme 2016-17 till the end of November 2016
·         GSI has digitized all its mineral exploration reports (6090 nos.) and is in the process of uploading these in public domain in phased manner.
·         In the calendar year 2016, GSI has reported augmentation of natural mineral resources to National Mineral Inventory (NMI of Indian Bureau of Mines) of copper (20.09 million tonne), iron (27.266 million tonne), bauxite (57.93 million tonne), limestone (765.76 million tonne), gold (1.807 million tonne), coal (578.57million tonne) and lignite (389.17 million tonne).
·         GSI is implementing an integrated IT-enablement system - Online Core Business Integrated System (OCBIS) with a goal towards comprehensive data management across Missions and Support systems. OCBIS has been scoped to enhance IT capability of GSI as well as to put GSI into an open standards based IT platform to effectively exchange information with external stakeholders, including Ministry of Mines, national and state level earth science organizations / departments, industry and citizens. GSI has rolled out beta go live version of OCBIS on 27th September 2016.
Ø  Achievements of IBM in 2016-17 (up to November, 2016)
·         For promotion of conservation and scientific development of mineral resources and ensuring protection of mines environment in mining areas, IBM carried out 864 Inspection of mines for enforcement of provision of MCDR, 1988 and examination of MP/MS, disposed 50 Mining Plans, 200 Schemes of Mining and 13 Final Mine Closure Plans. IBM issued detailed guidelines for disposal of mining Plan on 22.7.2016.
·         For up gradation and utilization of low grade and sub-grade ores and minerals, IBM carried out 26 Ore dressing investigations, 19951 Chemical Analysis and 1487 Mineralogical studies.
·         Updation of National Mineral Inventory as on 1.4.2015 is in progress, so far inventories for 31 minerals have been finalized.
·         For dissemination of data on mines and minerals, 13 Statistical and technical publications have been released.
Ø Mineral Sector Performance 2016-17
·         The total value of mineral production (excluding atomic minerals) during 2016-17 has been estimated at ` 257882 crores, which shows a decrease of about 6.78% over that of the previous year.  During 2016-17, estimated value for fuel minerals account for Rs. 178953 crores or 69.39%, metallic minerals, Rs. 29163 crores or 11.31% of the total value and non-metallic minerals including minor minerals Rs. 49767 crores or 19.30% of the total value.
·         The Gross Value Added (GVA) accrued from mining and quarrying sector at 2011-12 prices for the first quarters of 2016-17 is estimated at Rs. 86091 crore, indicated a decrease of about 0.4% over that in the same period of previous year.  Similarly, the advance estimates of GVA (at current prices) for the first quarter of the year 2016-17 is estimated at Rs. 97614 crore.  The mining and quarrying sector contributed to GVA accounted for about 3.0 % for the first quarters of the year 2016-17.
Ø Project “Sudoor Drishti” with National Remote Sensing Centre
·         IBM has entered into a MOU for project named “Sudoor Drishti” on 21st January, 2016, with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Department of Space, Government of India for monitoring of Mining activity through satellite under the Prime Minister’s vision of ‘Digital India’.
·         The project would ffacilitate to monitor periodic changes of the mining areas within the mining lease boundary.  As per the MOU, NRSC is imparting training to the IBM officials, on the developed methodology towards processing and interpretation of satellite data, so that the activity can be taken forward by IBM independently after the pilot study.  NRSC is also providing technical guidance for IBM in creating a remote sensing laboratory at IBM, Hyderabad. As a part of Pilot Project in Tandur area, Andhra Pradesh, volume changes in a cluster of mines (6) have been studied for 2007-2015 period and overall volume change of +10 to 11% has been observed.
Ø Opening of new Regional Offices of IBM in mineral rich states
·         Ministry of Mines, Government of India has approved opening of new regional offices of IBM in the States of Chhattisgarh and Gujarat and upgradation of Sub-Regional Office at Guwahati, Assam. Raipur Regional Office is effective from 1st April, 2016 and Gandhinagar Office is opening shortly and the Guwahati sub-regional office is being upgraded. This has facilitated better co-ordination with State DGM and synergy between Central and State Governments in most of the mineral rich states for better accessibility to the industry for ease of doing business.
·         The upward trend in physico-financial performance of the company has been maintained during 2016-17. The drilling performance of the company is 299054 m representing 24% higher achievement w.r.t. previous year. Similarly, the Gross Revenue of company is Rs. 215.50 crore representing 39 % higher achievement w.r.t. previous year for the same period.
·         Foundation stone was laid by Shri Balvinder Kumar, Secretary (Mines) in December 2016 for construction of a new Integrated building comprising Laboratory, Workshop, Conference cum Training Centre Complex at Utilities Complex of MECL.
·         MECL’s role in Auction of Mineral blocks by State Govt.: Out of 17 mineral blocks auctioned by State Governments, 9 blocks have been explored by MECL and 12 more Blocks explored by MECL are in pipeline for auction by State Governments of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Jharkhand
·         MECL has been designated as a “Nodal Exploration Agency” by the Governing Body of National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET). It is the first mineral exploration company to take up mineral exploration project through NMET. Presently, MECL is carrying out mineral exploration in 16 blocks in the states of Maharashtra, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh through NMET funding
Ø Performance Highlights
·         During the year 2015-16, Bauxite Mines and Alumina Refinery have achieved highest ever production since inception with bauxite transportation of 63.40 lakh MT and Alumina Hydrate production of 19.53 lakh MT respectively. Aluminium Smelter and CPP achieved cast metal production of 3.72 lakh MT and Net Power Generation of 5,841 MU respectively registering 14% growth over previous year. In the year, 156 MU of wind power was generated by the Company. Total metal sale has been 3.72 lakh as against 3.26 lakh MT in last year registering 14% growth.  The gross sales turnover of the Company for the year is Rs. 7157 crores.
·         Total dividend payment by the Company for FY 15-16 is Rs. 467 crores i.e. 40% of share capital against 35% dividend paid in FY 14-15. The Buy Back process of 25% of paid up capital (63.43 crore share) completed in Sep’16 with cash outflow of Rs. 2835 crore at Rs. 44 per share. After Buy back, the Govt. of India’s shareholding stands at 74.58 %.
Ø Projects:
The Company’s achievements with regards to various projects in the year are enlisted below:
                                    (i)        Utkal D&E Coal Blocks: Utkal D and E Coal blocks has been allotted to NALCO in May’ 16 by Ministry of Coal.
                                  (ii)        5th Stream Refinery & Pottangi Mines: Conditionof Lease agreement of Govt. of Odisha for Mining Lease of Pottangi Mines has been accepted by NALCO. Investment approval accorded for setting up a 5th Stream refinery at Damanjodi, Odisha of 1 million capacity. The process of Environmental Clearance is underway.
                                 (iii)        100 MW Wind Power Project: 50 MW Wind Power commissioned in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan in Sep’ 2016. Another wind power plant of 50.4 MW capacity at Sangli, Maharashtra is in final stages of commissioning.

Swachh Bharat-Health Ministry collaborate for sanitation in health centres

Swachh Bharat-Health Ministry collaborate for sanitation in health centres

 ‘Swachh SwasthSarvatra’, an inter-ministerial joint initiative between the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was launched in the Capital today. The Union Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Shri J.P. Nadda, Union Minister, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar, and Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Shri Parameswaran Iyer were present at the launch event which commemorated Good Governance Day 2016. Another joint initiative, ‘Swasth Bacche Swasth Bharat’, between Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Human Resource Development was also launched on the occasion.
The objective of the ‘Swachh Swasth Sarvatra’ initiative is to build on and leverage achievements of two complementary programmes – Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and Kayakalp – of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare, respectively. Under this initiative:
(a)    Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation has declared over 700 blocks as Open Defecation Free (ODF). Community Health Centres (CHCs) in ODF blocks of the country will be allocated Rs 10 lakhs under National Health Mission (NHM) to focus on sanitation and hygiene.
(b)   Under Kayakalp, one Primary Health Centre (PHCs) in each district is awarded for meeting quality standards including sanitation and hygiene. Under SBM, the Gram Panchayat in which the PHC which gets awarded under Kayakalp for that district will be noted, and special focus will be given to make it ODF at the earliest.
Speaking at the launch event, the Union Minister, Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare, Shri JP Nadda, said that this initiative would be a very important step towards convergence of various government schemes and programmes. He said that by merging the goals of Swachh Bharat with his Ministry’s focus on health, the two will be able to move the needle from hospital-care to healthcare, i.e. from treatment of diseases to prevention of diseases by focussing on improved overall health.
Shri Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister, Ministry of Human Resource Development, also spoke about the power of children as change agents. He said that Swachh Bharat focusses on mindset change – which does not need any big technological or infrastructural intervention – but a focussed behaviour change campaign. He said that educated children will be the best agents to spread the message of sanitation to their parents. By focusing on children, he said, Swachh Swasth Sarvatra will lead to an ODF India by 2019.
Shri Parameswaran Iyer, Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, spoke about the progress made by SBM so far. He said that over 70 districts, over 700 blocks, and over 1.3 lakh villages of the country have achieved ODF status so far, and many others are very close to the target. He highlighted convergence across Ministries undertaken to launch Swachh Swasth Sarvatra as the perfect example of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi’s message to make SBM a jan aandolan, i.e. sanitation as everybody’s business. He said that anothercollaboration is underway between Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and the Ministry of Human Resource Development for focused action in the sector of school sanitation.
Shri CK Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, spoke about how, the small cost of focusing on clean, sanitary and hygienic health centres in the country, will lead to huge health benefits in terms of avoidable communicable diseases through the initiative. He also lauded the commitment and dedication shown by SBM and health functionaries at grassroots, who are working on the frontlines to bring about this revolution in the country.

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    Heartfelt congratulations to all my dear student .this was outstanding performance .this was possible due to ...