Achievements & Initiatives taken by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution during 2016
Completion of implementation of National Food Security Act, 2013 in all States/UTs of the country
Completion of implementation of National Food Security Act, 2013 in all States/UTs of the country
reforms in automation of the Distribution System (PDS)
Sustained efforts bring the cane price arrears down to Rs. 510
New provisions to promote quality products & services and to
boost consumer protection
stock of about 6.95 lakh tonnes of pulses under Price Stabilization Fund (PSF)
are the main highlights of the activities of the Department of Food
& Public Distribution during the year 2016:
National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013
National Food Security Act (NFSA) was enacted in 2013 and was being implemented
in only 11 States/UTs in May, 2014. During 2016, special attention was given
for its implementation wherein remaining
States/UTs were constantly pursued through meetings, conferences, video
conferences (VCs), correspondence, visits etc. to expedite implementation of
the Act. As a result, 13 more States/UTs joined NFSA during the year and the
Act is now being implemented in all the States/UTs and covers about 80 crore
persons under the Act.
For the first time under the NFSA, Rs.2200 crore
has been released to State Governments as Central assistance to meet the
expenditure incurred on intra-State movement of foodgrains and fair price shop
dealers’ margins. Under erstwhile TPDS, State Governments were required to
either meet this expenditure on their own or pass it on to beneficiaries.
The prices of foodgrains specified under NFSA – Rs.3
per kg for rice, Rs.2 per kg for wheat and Re.1 per kg for coarsegrains – which
were valid upto July, 2016, have been continued upto March, 2017. The Central
Government is thus providing highly subsidized foodgrains to about 80 crore
beneficiaries in the country.
Rates of foodgrains for Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS) and Mid Day Meal (MDM) schemes were also reduced to rates
prescribed under NFSA from April, 2016, much lower than under erstwhile TPDS,
i.e. Rs.4.15 per kg for wheat and Rs.5.65 per kg for rice.
Reforms in TPDS
627.99 lakh MT of foodgrains have been allocated to States/UTs for
distribution under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and other Welfare
Schemes during 2016-17.
- Sustained efforts have resulted in significant reforms in TPDS making it more transparent and leak proof and better targeting of food subsidy. Improvement in main components for this purpose are as follows:-
on 06.12.2016)
Price Shops automated
Digitization of
ration cards
100 %
Aadhaar seeding of
ration cards
line allocation of foodgrains started
29 States/UTs
chain computerised
19 States/UTs
free numbers/ online grievance redressal system implemented
36 States/UTs
Cast Transfer in PDS launched
Transfer for foodgrains under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme has been
implemented in 3 UTs namely Chandigarh, Puducherry w.e.f. 1-9-2015 and in Dadra
& Nagar Haveli (in urban areas) w.e.f. 01-03-2016. Total beneficiaries
covered under the scheme is 9.14 lakh and total amount of funds transferred is
Rs.11.98 crore per month.
The Department is making all efforts to
transit to a Cashless eco-system. Brainstorming sessions have been conducted
under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Minister and Hon’ble MOS on 25.11.2016
and 01.12.2016, on cashless transactions at FPSs. All the relevant stakeholders
like State/UT Food Secretaries, UIDAI, Department of Financial Services, NPCI,
NIC, CSC have been consulted and letters with detailed instructions have been
sent to the States/UTs on 25.11.2016, 28.11.2016 and 08.12.2016. A video
Conference chaired by AS & FA was also held on 28.11.2016 wherein all Food
Secretaries of the States/UTs were impressed upon and instructed at length
about all the 5 methods of rendering cashless transactions at the FPSs.
III. Supporting the Farmer
1. During
Rabi Marketing Season (RMS) 2016-17, Govt. agencies have procured 229.32 lakh
MT wheat as on 01.12.2016.
procurement in Eastern India:
5-year Action Plans have been drawn up by FCI for Uttar Pradesh (with focus on
Eastern U.P.), Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal & Assam. Procurement in
Chhattisgarh and Odisha is already robust. Attempt is to increase procurement
of rice from these States and to reach out to all farmers in various paddy
growing districts of these States.
has opened 232 procurement centres in comparison to only 141 in previous
season. Besides Government Agencies, FCI in consultation with States has
engaged private parties to expand procurement operations in hitherto poorly
covered clusters in Eastern U.P., Jharkhand and West Bengal. A total of 61837
procurement centres have been opened in this Kharif Marketing Season (KMS)
2015-16 in these States by FCI, State Govt. Agencies and private parties.
on 26.09.2016, 70.70 lakh MT of paddy in terms of rice has been procured in
these States in this season KMS 2015-16) compared to only 47.19 lakh MT in
season KMS 2014-15 and 34.28 lakh MT in KMS 2013-14.
has started procurement of pulses from farmers at market price under Price
Stabilisation Fund operation. FCI, during on-going KMS 2016-17 has procured
around 22542.85 MT of Moong and 9183.56 MT Urad as on 28.11.2016.
Foodgrain Management
bring all operations of FCI Godowns online and to check leakage and automate
operations at the depot level, “Depot Online” system has been launched in 31
Depots on pilot basis across 27 States on 17th March, 2016. As on
30.11.2016, this system has been implemented in 494 depots.
3. FCI
has developed a software for Online Procurement Management System (OPMS) which
is being used for procurement in the KMS 2016-17. While FCI will use it for
procurement operations in Assam in January, 2017, 12 major procuring States are
now using Online Procurement Management System (OPMS) for MSP procurement
operations. 3 other States are partially implementing OPMS. 3 States are
expected to go online in current KMS 2016-17 by end Dec/Jan in the paddy
4. Besides 15
States/UTs which are already under Decentralized Procurement (DCP), Maharashtra
has become a new DCP State for procurement of rice and Jharkhand has also
adopted this system partially during KMS 2016-17 to improve the efficiency of
foodgrains procurement and distribution operations.
5. Sufficient
food grains are available in Central Pool Stocks of FCI. Stocks as
on 01.12.2016 are 275.55 lakh MT, comprising 164.96 lakh MT wheat and 110.59
lakh MT rice. Under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) during 2016-17, 33.10 lakh MT of wheat and 1.12 lakh MT of
rice have been sold till November, 2016.
6. Under
Riverine movement of foodgrains, FCI moved 2267 MT foodgrains to Tripura via
Bangladesh during August, 2016 to September, 2016 from Kolkata.
7. Indian
Railways is providing wagons to FCI at priority B preference while same
preference was not being provided to states food corporations in DCP states,
which have taken up the role of FCI in Intra State movement of foodgrians under
PDS. On the request this department Ministry of Railways has also extended the
preference/facility under priority 'B'to five more States namely, Telangana,
Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh Odisha and Tamil Nadu for Public Distribution
System or Other Welfare Scheme sponsored by FCI, State Govt. or their agencies.
8. Adequate
supply of foodgrains ensured during 2016-17 for States/UTs facing natural
calamities such as drought in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand,
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh and flood in
9. A quantity of 20,000 metric tonnes of par-boiled rice
has been exported to Egyptian Government on Government to Government basis out
of Central Pool Stock. The export was done in the interest of diplomatic gain
for India. The Egyptian President had visited India around the time of exports.
2016-17(upto October 2016), storage losses and transit losses have been
contained to (-) 0.14% and 0.39% against the MoU target of 0.15% and 0.42%
respectively fixed with FCI.
godowns of 2,42,610 MT capacity under Private Entrepreneurs (PEG) Scheme have
been completed during 2016 till October, 2016. Further, a capacity of 34,410
MT is under construction under Plan Scheme in North Eastern States. During the
year 2015-16, CWC has constructed additional capacity of 1.62 lakh MTs (0.70
lakh MT for FCI under PEG Scheme and 0.92 lakh MT for other depositors).
A road map for creation of 100 Lakh MT
storage capacity in the form of Steel Silos by FCI and other agencies including
State Governments on PPP mode for wheat and rice has been approved. The
current status is as under:-
Food Corporation of India (FCI) has
awarded contract for total 2.5 Lakh MT capacity at 6 locations, namely
Changsari (Assam), Narela (Delhi), Sahnewal (Punjab), Kotkapura (Punjab),
Katihar (Bihar) and Whitefield (Karnataka) in March, 2016.
FCI has floated tenders on 7.12.2016
for capacity of 1 Lakh MT (50,000 MT each at Buxar and Kaimur in Bihar)
including 25000 MT of Rice Silos on pilot basis.
FCI has awarded contract for
construction of Silos of capacity of 9.5 Lakh MT at 19 locations on
CWC has initiated construction of Silo
of 50000 MT at Nabha in Punjab.
VI. Reforms
in Sugar Sector
surplus production over domestic consumption in the past 5 sugar seasons had
led to subdued sugar prices, which had stressed the liquidity position of the
industry throughout the country leading to build up cane price arrears. Due to
the above, the peak cane price arrears for 2014-15 sugar season at all India
level reached at Rs.21837 crore as on 15.4.2015.
mitigate the situation, Government has taken the following measures:
financial assistance of Rs.4305 crore directly credited to farmers account on
behalf of sugar mills through banks. About 32 lakh farmers have been benefited
supply of ethanol under EBP programme by fixing remunerative price and waiving
off excise duty on supply of ethanol during sugar season 2015-16 (up to 10th
August, 2016).
comprehensive performance based production subsidy has been extended @ Rs.4.50
per quintal of cane crushed payable to farmers against their cane dues
contingent on mills undertaking export and supplying of ethanol.
to these measures, 99.2% of cane dues payments of farmers for 2014-15 sugar
season and 98.5% (on FRP-basis) for 2015-16 sugar season have been cleared
already. The cane price arrears of 2014-15, which was Rs. 21,837 crore at peak
in April, 2015 have come down to Rs. 510 crore as on 03.12.2016.
Blending Programme (EBP) has achieved historical success as supplies of ethanol
during the current year have reached record level of more than 110 crore litres
which has never been achieved earlier. During 2014-15 and 2013-14 seasons
supplies were 68 crore litres and 37 crore litres respectively.
order to check speculative tendencies and possible hoardings, Government has
imposed stock holding and turn over limits on stockists/dealers of sugar on
29.04.2016 for six months which has further been extended for another six
months i.e. upto April, 2017. Stock holding limits were also imposed on sugar
mills for the months of September, 2016 and October, 2016 to remove regional
imbalance in supply and availability of sugar and thereby stabilise the
domestic sugar prices.
current FY 2016-17, as on date Rs. 2482 crores have been released towards
reimbursement of sugar subsidy to participating States/UTs so far.
the year 2016, 60 cases of loan under SDF were processed involving 6 cases for
Sugar Cane Development, 15 cases for Modernization/Rehabilitation, 24 cases for
Bagasse Based Cogeneration Power Project, 14 cases for Ethanol & 1 case for
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). Out of these 60 cases, 41 cases were approved
involving an amount of Rs.801.21 cr.
the year, disbursement of Rs.405.68 cr towards approved SDF loan have been
made. An amount of Rs.565.63 cr recoveries have also been made against SDF loan
during the period.
SEFASU-2014 scheme, about Rs. 6337.00 crores of loans have been disbursed by
the banks to various sugar factories for facilitating payment of cane dues of
farmers. Under the scheme, the Department has released an amount of Rs.679.95
cr., during 01..01.2016 to 8.12.2016, to the SBI for subvention of
interest on the above loan availed by the sugar factories.
SOFT Loan 2015 schemes, about Rs. 4213.00 crores of loans have been directly
remitted into the account of farmers for payment of cane dues on behalf of the
sugar mills by the banks. Under the scheme, the Department has released an
amount of Rs. 288.10 cr., during 01.01.2016 to 8.12.2016, to the SBI for
subvention of interest on the above loan.
- Recognising India as a major and leading player in the world sugar sector, the 50th Session of the Council Meeting of the International Sugar Organisation (ISO) held in London on 2nd Dec, 2016 unanimously decided for India to Chair a Working Group constituted to study, examine and recommend the new role to be played by ISO in the sugar economy keeping in view the current and future sugar scenario. At present, the ISO has 87 countries as members and is in force in terms of the International Sugar Agreement, 1992.
Prices in Edible Oil
prevent any shortage and tendency of pushing up of the price, Government has
imposed Stock Holding limits on edible oil upto 30.09.2017.
maintain balance in the interest of all stake holders i.e. farmers, industry
and consumer, Government, vide Notification No. 51/2016- Customs dated 23rd
September, 2016 has reduced import duty on Crude Palm Oil from 12.5% to 7.5%
and on Refined Palm Oil from 20% to 15%. Import duty on other crude and refined
oils remained at 12.5% and 20% respectively.
Achievements in FCI
Scheme: Defined
Contribution Pension Scheme for employees of FCI has been approved by Union
Cabinet in its meeting on 10.08.2016. Scheme will be effective from
01.12.2008. In pursuance of the decision of the Cabinet, the draft scheme has
since been approved by the Department.
Retirement Medical Scheme : Post Retirement Medical Scheme (PRMS)
for serving/retired employees of FCI has been approved by Union Cabinet
in its meeting on 10.08.2016. Scheme will be effective from 01.04.2016. In
pursuance of the decision of the Cabinet, the draft scheme has since been
approved by the Department.
& Ward staff in FCI: In order to ensure the security and safety of
foodgrains kept in godowns of FCI, a proposal for revision of strength of Watch
& Ward Staff of FCI has been approved by the Government in May, 2016. This
matter was also pending since the year 2010. As a result of this restructuring,
revised strength of regular W&W staff in FCI is now 5056. As a follow up of
this restructuring, FCI has initiated action for filling up of 3264 vacant
the issue of exemption of FCI depots & railheads from provision of Contract
Labour (R&A) Act, 1970, decision with regard to the exemption of FCI
depots/railheads/godowns for a period of two years under Section 31 of said Act
has been taken by M/O Labour & Employment in compliance to the direction
No.(i) of Hon’ble Bombay High Court, Nagpur Bench, vide Gazette Notification
No.S.O.2327(E) dated 06th July, 2016.
Centre of Excellence for PDS
The Government of India has signed a letter of intent on
12.01.2016 with World Food Programme (WFP) to prepare a proposal for the
establishment of the Centre of Excellence (CENEX). It was decided to prepare
the proposal jointly by the Government and the WFP through a Steering Committee
and Working Groups. In this regard, Six Members delegation led by Union Minister
of CA, F&PD had undertaken a visit to Brazil from 17th August, 2016 to
20th August, 2016 for studying the functioning of CENEX in Brazil and analysing
the benefits of establishing the Centre of Excellence in India. The CENEX would
inter alia work as a inter-ministerial think tank to advice on challenges of
food security before the nation, initiate and execute pilot projects for
improvement of food and nutrition security in India, advise on reforming public
sector food security system, besides showcasing the progress made by India in
food security to other developing and middle income countries. The Working
Group led by JS (Impex & IC), D/o F&PD, had prepared a Memorandum of
Association (MOA) which was approved by the Steering Committee in its meeting
held on 21st November, 2016 and subsequently the matter has been taken up with
the Ministry of Law, Department of legal Affairs for vetting of MOA.
Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)
& Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited (CRWC)
has achieved an all time high turnover of Rs. 1640 crore during the year
2015-16. CWC has paid a dividend of Rs. 32.93 crore (88% of equity) during
2015-16 to the Government of India.
the year 2015-16, CWC has constructed additional capacity of 1.62 lakh MTs
(0.70 lakh MT for FCI under PEG Scheme and 0.92 lakh MT for other depositors).
“Swachh Bharat- Swasth Bharat” were got printed in all the godowns of CWC.
Cleanliness drive at Shahpurjat village was carried out by the CWC.
Under CSR activities, CWC has
contributed Rs. 2 crore towards Swachh Bharat Kosh and Rs. 133.25 lakh towards
Namami Gange Programme.
achieved a turnover of Rs.78 crore in the year 2016 (January-November
2016). CRWC has paid a dividend of Rs.6.08 crore in the year 2015-16.
utilization of its CSR funds, CRWC has made a contribution of Rs. 11.37 lakh
towards ‘Swachh Bharat Kosh’ for the FY 2016-17.
As a part of its diversification
initiatives, a joint venture company named “IFFCO CRWC Logistics Limited
(ICLL)” has been formed with IFFCO Kisan SEZ (IKSEZ) and Indian Potash Limited
(IPL) for development of Integrated Railside Warehouse Complex and Freight
Terminal at Nellore. The phase-I of the project will involve construction
of 5000 MT General Warehouse and 2000 MT Cold Storage along with container
stacking area, truck parking space, roads, etc. in an area on 10 acres.
CRWC has taken up a road
transportation contract for transportation of Manganese Ore for Uranium
Corporation of India Ltd. from MOIL mines near Nagpur to their plant at
During the year 2016, CRWC has
taken up various projects under CSR Activities in the sectors of education,
health, protection of national heritage/art, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, etc.
which have really impacted the lives of people in the society at large.
An amount of Rs. 11,37,000/- has been contributed directly towards “Swachh
Bharat Kosh” under the “Swachh Bharat Abhaiyan” a national campaign by
Government of India.
Winding up HVOC
In order to
expedite liquidation of HVOC and relieve all the remaining employees of HVOC
with a better compensation package, a proposal was submitted to the Cabinet
Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for offering Improved Voluntary Retirement
Schemes (IVRS) at 2007 notional pay scales with a non plan grant of Rs.27.56
crore. The proposal was approved by CCEA on 18.05.2016. Accordingly, IVRS was
notified on 16.08.2016. Out of total 83 remaining employees, 82 employees opted
for IVRS. One employee has been retrenched.
Achievements of WDRA:
Total upto
01/01/2016 to
Number of Registered Warehouses
Warehouse Receipts (NWRs) issued
of commodities deposited against NWRs
Rs.4789.91 Crore
Rs. 765.03 Crore
availed against NWRs
Rs. 1516.18 Crore
Rs. 211.04 Crore
Warehousemen training programmes have been conducted and 96 warehousemen have
been trained in the warehousing producers and WDRA Act and related
activities.66 Farmer awareness programmes for farmer; traders, millers have
been conducted where 3350 participant were made aware about WDRA Act, NWR,
scientific storage, pledge etc.
on Repositories and caution and management of electronic negotiable warehouse
receipt have been issued by WDRA on 20th October, 2016.
Development and Regulatory Authority (Conditions of service of the Officers and
other Employees) Regulation, 2016 have been notified on 14.07.2016.
NSI, Kanpur
new course, namely, “Certificate Course in Industrial Instrumentation &
Process Instrumentation” was introduced during the current academic session
2016-17 in NSI Kanpur. Conversion of existing class rooms to “Smart Classrooms”,
setting up of instrumentation and auto-CAD laboratories, Nano-brewery &
ethanol unit and extension of better hostel facilities resulted in attracting
students of other countries viz. Bhutan, Nepal and Yemen to seek admission in
various regular courses and customized training programmes during the current
academic year. The institute also conducted many such customized training
programmes for the sugar factories in India and Kenya as well.
Other Achievements
a measure to boost working on e-Office, all the officers/ officials of the
Department had been imparted necessary training on e-Office followed by
hands-on with the help of NIC and e-Office Support Personnel. Further,
necessary equipment for implementation of e-Office has also been provided based
on requirement of individuals. During the year considerable progress has been
observed in implementation of various components of e-Office. Number of e-files
has been increased to 55% during the month of November, 2016 while it was 14%
in the month of December, 2015.
Signature Certificates has been provided to the more than 190
officers/officials of the Department and that for the rest of the employees is
being procured.
twitter account has been opened for the Department (
Further, a core team has been constituted in the Department under the charge of
a Joint Secretary & consisting of 3 Director level officers to deal with
Social Media Activities.
Bharat Abhiyan
Pakhwadas were organised by the Department and its associated organisations on
16.04.2016 to 30.04.2016, 16.06.2016 to 30.06.2016 and 16.10.2016 to
31.10.2016. During the occasions, in order to generate mass awareness various
activities such as taking of Swachhta Oath, cleanliness drives/rallies, street
plays in public spaces, improvement of hygiene and cleanliness in office
spaces, essay/painting competitions, institution of cleanest section award,
blood donations camps, felicitation of sanitation workers etc. were organised.
- The Minister
of State (CA,F&PD) Shri C.R. Chaudhary participated in the cleanliness
drive organized at Ghewara Depot of FCI. Message of Swacchta was delivered by
the Hon’ble MOS (CA, F&PD).
- Banners
& Stickers advocating swachhta were placed by this Department and its all
organizations to create awareness in the public
- Running
trophy was given to the most clean Section of the Department by the Minister of
State for CA,F&PD.
- Nose
mask and caps with swachhta logo were distributed by the Hon’ble MoS for
CA,F&PD to the Sanitation workers working in the Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Drawing
competition and essay writing competition were organized by the Department for
the wards of the officials of this Department and its organizations and
winners of competition were awarded and caps with printed logo were given to
the participants by the Minister of State for CA,F&PD.
- A
blood donation camp with the help of Red Cross Society was organized in this
Department on 27.10.2016.
- Nukkad
Nataks were organized by the Department and its organizations on 17.10.2016 and
27.10.2016 at public places for awareness on cleanliness. Video of the same are
also available on the you tube.
- Weeding
out and recording of old records were carried out including review of recorded
files in the record room. Total 946 files were reviewed during the Swachhhta
Pakhwada out of them 449 files have been weeded out and 497 files have been
retained for further retention.
- Obsolete
furniture items were disposed off through tender.
- To
improve hygiene in the office spaces, dustbins, oxygen emitting plants have
been placed in rooms/ corridors.
- To
create awareness on a sustained basis, Swachh Bharat Logo has been printed on
stationery items.
- Digital
Notice Boards have been installed for continuous display of messages on the
importance of swachhta.
HQ employees visited Central Park, Connaught Place and carried out a drive for
removal of plastic, polythene garbage. Dustbins have been placed in the public
places near FCI offices for use by general public.
- Cleanest
section was awarded in FCI.
- Talks
were organized by FCI on the importance of hygiene and cleanliness for its
- During
the pakhwada on 22.10.2016 awareness processions and cleanliness drives in
public spaces were carried out by FCI and DFPD officers in Connaught Place.
- All
members of DFPD and its associated organisations were exhorted to take up
swachhta activities and create awareness at their individual level in their
residential areas. Sh.T.C.Gautam, Manager(A/cs) along with RWA representatives
of the colony where he resides in Dwarka have installed 04 dustbins in their
Society and also carried out cleanliness drive in the surrounding areas.
- Similar
activities were also carried out by some other employees in their residential
- A
debate on the topic ‘The success of our country clean solely depends on
educating the general public’ was organized by FCI and winners were felicitated
with certificates.
- 10
Best Sanitation workers were felicitated by FCI for their outstanding work.
- A
blood donation camp was organized by FCI and NSI, Kanpur.
- Slogan
“ Swachh Bharat- Swasth Bharat” were got printed in all the godowns of CWC.
- Cleanliness
drive at Shahpurjat village was carried out by the CWC.
- Nukkad
Nataks were organized by FCI, Delhi and National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.
- Letters
were issued by NSI, Kanpur to sugars mills and distilleries to undertake
cleanliness drive in and surrounding areas .
- Some
of the photographs of the activities undertaken have been uploaded on the SBM
XVI. Policy
Fortification of Staple Food
To address acute
malnutrition in the population, a strategy of Fortification in Food has been
adopted. As a consequence of inputs and proactive initiatives taken by DFPD in
consultation with all Stakeholders, FSSAI has operationalized the standards for
fortification of Wheat Flour, and Oil w.e.f. 16th October, 2016.
Technology & cost for rice fortification are under review.
Wheat-Rice Policy
of India formulated a wheat-rice policy in June 2016 with an objective that the
States, which annually procure more wheat or rice than their present annual
entitlement/demand for wheat and rice respectively, will be allocated the
preferred foodgrains as per their requirement in the normal NFSA allocation
i.e. AAY and Priority category. The allocation in the tide over category will
be at the discretion of the Department and subject to availability of food
grains in the Central Pool and impact on food subsidy.
To augment/restrict the stock of wheat in the
Central Pool, foodgrains stocking norms that includes strategic reserve of 30
lakh MT of wheat and 20 lakh MT of rice have been revised to 20 lakh MT of
wheat and 30 lakh MT of rice with effect from November, 2016 to June, 2017.
Budgetary Position
With respect to MEP (Monthly
Expenditure Plan) of Rs.115687.15 crore, the Department of Food
& PD has achieved an expenditure of Rs.127050.24 crore achieving
a percentage expenditure of 109.82 % against MEP upto 30th November
As a consequence of
persistent efforts, full release of budget to FCI led to interest savings of
about Rs. 512 crore which otherwise would have been borne by FCI.
A proposal has been moved by Ministry of Finance
to grant NSSF loan of Rs. 45,000 crore at a reduced rate of interest to FCI to
meet its arrears and interest cost requirements.
are the main highlights of the activities of the Department of
Consumer Affairs during
the year 2016:
I. Buffer stock and Price Monitoring :
Government has approved creation of a buffer stock of upto 20
lakhs tonnes of pulses under Price Stabilization Fund (PSF) scheme .
Buffer stock of 6.95 lakh tonnes of pulses
has already been created utilizing budgetary allocation as well as on credit
through designated agencies including MMTC, NAFED, FCI, SFAC and STC at a cost
of Rs.4270 crores.
unmilled pulses from the buffer stock are being offered to States/Agencies for
direct distribution to public/consumer at reasonable rates as
and when required to intervene in the market to stabilize the prices of
pulses. So far, 55000 tonnes of pulses have been so released from the
During the current year i.e. 2016, 14 new price reporting centres
from different States were added to improve the coverage and representativeness
of data. The total number of price reporting centres have therefore increased
to 99 from 85.
During 2016, around 40 Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) meetings
were held on weekly basis under the chairmanship of Secretary (CA) to keep a
close watch on prices and to take important policy decisions/recommendations
for stabilizing the prices of 22 essential commodities.
II. Direct Selling :
size of the industry Direct Selling in India is INR
80 billion and it is growing @ 13 % per annum with some years showing more
than 20% growth. The direct selling industry had requested the Department to
issue guidelines to regulate the sector. An Advisory
to State Governments/UTs containing Model Guidelines on Direct Selling was issued
on 12th September, 2016. Direct Selling
entities were
to submit a declaration to Department of Consumer Affairs in compliance with
the guidelines.
companies have so far submitted declarations. The date for
submission of declaration has been extended to 24th Jan 2017.
III. Legal Metrology :
• The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 have
been revised to enable the Competent Authority under the Essential Commodities
Act, 1955 (10 of 1955) to fix standard quantities and retail sale prices of
essential commodities.
• The Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011 have been amended on
9.9 2016 to include specifications for Automatic instruments for weighing road
vehicles in motion and measuring axle loads. These specifications will help
from overloading of trucks to prevent accidents.
• RRSLs, Ahmedabad and Guwahati have been accredited by National
Accreditation Board of Laboratories (NABL).
• Two
new Regional Reference Standards Laboratories are being established at Varanasi
and Nagpur. The land for both the laboratories have already been purchased
from the respective State Government. The posts for these two new RRSLs have
been created.
IV. Consumer Awareness:
An Exhibition-cum-Seminar titled ‘Towards Food Security &
Consumer Empowerment’ was organized on 17.5.2016 at Sri Krishna Memorial
Hall, Patna to showcase the achievements of the Department of Consumer Affairs.
The participants of the Exhibition, were National Test House, Bureau of Indian
Standards, National Consumer Helpline, Legal Metrology Division and Voluntary
Consumer Organizations like SAVERA, Consumer Online Foundation and CERC etc.
The Conference was attended by approx. 3000 people.
Consumer Mela and Swachhata Pakhwada were organized/observed on
20th October, 2016 at Central Park, Connaught Place, New Delhi to bring
consumers, companies, regulators and Department of Consumer Affairs on one
platform for Consumer Awareness, grievance redressal and on the spot
registration of grievances. At Consumer Mela, the Minister also launched a
Consumer Empowerment week to be observed throughout the country. A short film
on the Achievements of this Department titled ‘BADLAV’ was screened during the
event apart from the Swachh Bharat Film of the Government of India. In
addition to the Mela at Delhi, the Department
participated in two month long Melas in Bihar viz. Shravani Mela in July and
Sonepur Mela in November.
Support was extended to Voluntary Consumer Organizations (VCOs)
for undertaking Consumer Protection and Awareness Raising e.g.Consumer
Online Foundation, Delhi: To protect consumers from spurious or contraband
medicines in the country. CONCERT,
Chennai: For empowering rural consumer choice through information by
conducting training camps. SAVERA,
Delhi: For publishing and distributing ‘Grameen Upbhokta Magazine’ in
the state of Bihar. VOICE Society, Delhi: For conducting comparative testing of 15 food products.
This year, an extensive Outdoor Publicity Plan is being carried
out keeping in view the growing population in the urban and semi urban areas.
The visibility of ‘Jago Grahak Jago’ Campaign in Bus-back panels, Railway
Stations, Metro trains, Airports, Bus stands, Bus stations etc. has increased
manifolds. Joint Publicity Campaign has been carried out in the Print Media with
NPPA on Jan Pharma Samadhan.
V. Bureau of Indian Standards :
BIS has published around 19000 Standards till now. Out of these,
110 are mandatory standards and 30 are under Compulsory Registration Scheme
of MEITY. With
effect from 9th June 2016, BIS has extended its simplified procedure
for grant of licence under the Product Certification Scheme to include products
covered under compulsory certification except for the product requiring
approval from other Statutory Bodies. Under the compulsory registration scheme for Electronics & IT
products, as on 25th November 2016, a total of 7299 registrations have been
granted by BIS to manufacturers located throughout the world. The following
MoUs have been entered into :-
BIS and Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
Mutual Recognition Agreement between BIS and Associacao
Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas (ABNT), Brazil on 24th Oct 2016.
BIS and Maruti Center for Excellence (MACE) on 18th May, 2016 to
facilitate vendors of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) in obtaining Management
Systems Certification from BIS.
VI. Essential
Commodities :
Under the EC Act and PBMMSEC Act, so far 74395 raids conducted,
5800 persons arrested, 3677 persons prosecuted, 217 persons convicted, 145
persons detained and goods of value of Rs.12743.00 lakh have been confiscated.
Enabling Notifications were issued for imposition of stock limits
on Pulses, Oil seeds, Oils and Sugar.
National consultation meetings with Ministers of the state
governments held on 21.05.2016. States were advised to
rationalize the stock limits on pulses
VII. Consumer
Grievances/Disputes :
Department of Consumer Affairs has launched an Integrated
Grievance Redress Mechanism (INGRAM) portal for bringing all stakeholders such
as consumers, Central and State Government Agencies, private companies,
regulators on to a single platform for implementation in a phased manner.
Keeping in view the increasing number of calls to the National
Consumer Helpline, the number of desks in the National Consumer Helpline has
been increased to sixty.
As value added services, an easy to remember five-digit short code
14404 has been obtained and will be launched shortly. Similarly, a mobile
application that allows a consumer to register and monitor complaints against
defective goods/deficient services will also be launched soon.
New set of Hardware was supplied to 47 districts under the
CONFONET scheme. The number of district fora
using CONFONET increased to 560. Since inception, 1392482 cases have been
reflected on the CONFONET portal. 332
personnel has been trained under CONFONET.
Two twitter handles (a)
@consaff for addressing consumer grievances including e-commerce related and
(b) @jagograhakjago for creating awareness amongst consumers were created
during the year and are being regularly watched and important information
pertaining to consumers disseminated
VIII. National
Test House :
NTH has conceived to start Testing of Packaged Drinking Water
inclusive of Micro-Biological Testing in All Six Regional Centres. Out of
these , Jaipur has already achieved the required Accreditation and has started
NTH has started Testing of “IT Hardware Products” at Ghaziabad ,
Chennai and Kolkata. NTH has also conceived to
start Testing of LED Based Luminaires at Kolkata.