15 December 2015

year End Review-2015 for the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry

year End Review-2015 for the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry

1.         GDP at factor cost is no longer relevant in the New Series. As per the international practices, industry-wise estimates have been presented as Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices, while ‘GDP at market prices’ of old series has been referred as GDP in new series.

India’s growth rate of the GVA at Basic Price at constant (2011-12) prices in 2014-15 was 7.2 % with growth of GVA in industry at 4.5 % and in manufacturing at 5.3 %. The sectoral share in GVA at basic price at constant (2011-12) price of manufacturing sector was 18.1 % in 2014-15.

GDP at constant (2011-12) prices in Q2 of 2015-16 is estimated at Rs. 27.57 lakh crore as against Rs. 25.66 lakh crore in Q2 of 2014-15, showing a  growth rate of 7.4%.

Quarterly GVA at basic prices for Q2 2015-16 from ‘manufacturing’ sector grew by 9.3 percent as compared to growth of 7.9 percent in Q2 2014-15.

2.         Doing Business Report
World Bank brings out Doing Business Report every year.  Report for the year 2016 came out in October, 2015.  In doing Business Report 2015, India was ranked at 142 among 189 countries.  India’s rank for 2015 has been re-calculated and reported in Doing Business Report for 2016.  The revised rank on account of various reforms initiated by the Government is 134.  Our position has further improved in 2016 ranking to 130th rank. The table below indicates India’s ranking on different parameters.
DB, 2016
DB, 2015
Starting a business
Dealing with construction permits
Getting electricity
Registering property
Getting credit
Protecting minority investors
Paying taxes
Trading across borders
Enforcing contracts
Resolving insolvency

Overall Rank

3.         Good Governance Measures Taken
Several steps have been taken in the past 18 months to give the necessary thrust to manufacturing, whose share in the GDP has hovered around 15% for many years. Major Initiatives have been taken for improving ‘Ease of Doing Business’ in India through simplification and rationalization of the existing rules and procedure and use of information technology to make governance more efficient and effective.

4.     Ease of Doing Business

(i)    eBiz Portal :
A total of fourteen services were previously integrated with eBiz portal in 2014-15. The total bouquet of eBiz services now stands at 20 Central Government services.
 (ii)   Assessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms
·           Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India with support from World Bank group and KPMG had carried out an assessment of implementation of business reforms by State Govt.  

·                     DIPP had shared an assessment framework consisting 98 point Action plan with States. This framework captures the implementation status of various factors enabling ease of doing business across the 8 areas that include (i) Setting up a business; (ii) Allotment of land and obtaining construction permit; (ii) Complying with environment procedures;(iv) Complying with labour regulations; (v) Obtaining infrastructure related utilities; (vi) Registering and complying with tax procedures; (vii) Carrying out inspections and (viii) Enforcing contracts. The States have been ranked on the basis of implementation of business reforms on this assessment framework.

·           These rankings, released  in September 2015, will  allow States  to  learn  from  one  another  and replicate success  stories,  thereby rapidly  improving  the  regulatory  environment  for  business  nationwide.
The validity of license for Defence Industries which was ten years with extension, has been further increased on 22.09.2015 to permit initial validity of fifteen years, extendable to eighteen years for both existing and future licenses.

(iii)       Reforms in Policy and Procedures for Industrial License (IL) and Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM)
·                     Mapping of Sector specific FDI policy with NIC 2008 code has been completed and press Note issued on 05.01.2015 (1 of 2015 series)
·                     Initial validity of Industrial License of Defence Sector has been increased from the existing seven years to fifteen years with a provision to get further extension of three years.
·                     DIPP vide Gazette Notification No. S O 998 € dated 10.04.2015 has de-reserved the remaining 20 items from the List of items reserved for exclusive manufacture in SSI sector. 


5.     Make in India

·                     The Government has launched the ‘Make in India’ initiative, which aims at promoting India as an important investment destination and a global hub for manufacturing design and innovation. The initiative is aimed at creating a conducive environment for investment, development of modern and efficient infrastructure, opening up new sectors for foreign investments and forging a partnership between government and industry through a positive mindset.

·                     A National Workshop was held on ‘Make in India’ initiative on 29th December 2014 in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi to prepare Action Plans for one year and three years for the 22 identified sectors. Concerned Ministries/Departments have since been requested to update their action plans to identify quantifiable and measurable milestones in respect of each activity of their Action Plan. DIPP is monitoring the progress on Make in India Action Plans with the help of a professional agency.
Make in India New Dynamic Portal
·                     With the objective to generate awareness about the investment opportunities and prospects of the country, to promote India as a preferred investment destination in the markets overseas and to increase Indian share of Global FDI, an interactive portal http://makeinindia.com for dissemination of information and interaction with the investors has been created. 

·                     India participated as partner country in Hannover Messe Fair, 2015 organized in Germany during 12-17 April, 2015. During India’s participation the Core theme of ‘Make in India’ was showcased and German as well as Companies from other countries were invited to make India their manufacturing base. Over 350 Indian Companies, 120 Indian CEO’s, 14 States of India participated this year at Hannover Messe. The fair was inaugurated jointly by the Prime Minister of India and Chancellor of Germany.

6.         Invest India
·                     The Government of India has established “Invest India” as the National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency, which is a joint venture between the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), State Governments of India and the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).  The mandate of Invest India is to proactively source and facilitate foreign investment in India.  With the objective to promote investment in the country, a full-fledged “Investment Facilitation Cell” has been set-up under the Make in India initiative, which primarily supports all investment queries apart from handholding and liasioning with various agencies on behalf of potential investors. As of 09.11.2015, a total of 14,800 queries have been received. 

·                     With the vision of further increasing investments, various other projects have been planned by Invest India viz., Investor Targeting Unit, Upgradation of Investor Facilitation Cell, National Investment Grid, Start Up facilitation, Invest India website and knowledge management and Protocol Cell.  For the said projects/activities, the Government has recently sanctioned Rs. 14.32 crores to Invest India, out of which Rs. 7.16 crores has been released to Invest India initially. Balance fund shall be released in January, 2016 on actual utilization up to December, 2015.
Major facilitation activities of Invest India
·                     Invest India has also worked in close coordination with many Indian missions across countries to facilitate global entities to establish their business in the Indian market. Some of the cases relate to, Wanda Group, Sany, TBEA and CFLD (all from China), Merlin International (UK) and NMC Healthcare (UAE).

·                     Invest India provided facilitation support at select domestic and international events where Make in India is being promoted. There is a focus on specific sectors or geographies at these events. These included Hannover Messe; Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2015 and ADIPEC. Assistance in setting up business is provided by Invest India at pre-investment stage as well as at the execution stage.  The Invest India team has accompanied more than 30 investors for site visits in multiple States to enable them to choose the suitable location for their proposed units. They have also been instrumental in getting approvals for H&M in India for their investments worth USD 100 million. The other companies with whom they are working at various stages are IKEA, Hellermann Tyton, Haier India. 

7.     Liberalisation in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

·                     During 2014-15, FDI in Defence Industry has been permitted through the Government route up to 49%. Also, higher FDI can be allowed on case to case basis. Further, portfolio investment which was not permitted earlier has now been allowed up to 24% under automatic route. Other important changes in the revised policy include doing away of the lock-in period of three years, mandating that Investee Company should be structured to be self-sufficient in areas of product design and development, with full Indian management and control along with Chief Security Officer being resident Indian citizen.
·                     Further, FDI in construction, operation and maintenance of identified railway transport infrastructure up to 100% has been permitted through the automatic route. In sensitive areas, from security point of view, FDI beyond 49% would be allowed on a case to case basis.
·                     The permissible FDI in insurance sector has been raised from 26% to 49%, effective from 02.03.2015, in which 26% FDI will be through automatic route and higher equity up to 49% would be permitted through the Government route.
·                     The norms for FDI in Construction Development Projects (which already permitted 100% FDI through automatic route) have been further liberalised. The minimum land area restriction has been removed for serviced plots. In case of construction-development projects, minimum built up area of 50,000 sq. meter has now been reduced to floor area of 20,000 sq. meter. Minimum capitalization has been reduced from USD 10 million to USD 5 million. Norms relating to repatriation of funds or exit from the project have also been liberalized. Investor can exit after the completion of the project or after development of trunk infrastructure. Earlier provision to bring in entire FDI within six months of the commencement of the project has been amended to provide that FDI can be brought in till the period of 10 years from the commencement of the project or its completion, whichever is earlier. To encourage investment in affordable housing, it has been provided that minimum area and capitalization norms will not apply to the projects committing 30% of the total project cost for low cost affordable housing.
·                     The Government has also decided to permit FDI up to 100% under the automatic route both for green field and brown field projects for manufacturing of defined medical devices, which would not attract conditions specific for pharmaceutical industryThe definition of medical device for the purpose would be subject to the amendment in Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 
·                     On 15.09.2015, partly paid shares and warrants have been allowed as capital instruments for the purpose of FDI policy.
·                     Composite caps for various sectors for foreign investment have been allowed (with the limited exception of defence and private sector banks) to provide uniformity and simplicity across the sectors for attracting FDI.
·                     The definition of Non Resident Indian (NRI)investment has been liberalised under Schedule 4 of FEMA.
·                     The permissible FDI ceiling for approval of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has been enhanced from Rs 2000 crore to Rs 3000 crore.
·                     Henceforth, facility sharing arrangements between group companies through leasing/subleasing arrangements for larger interest of business, when carried out at arm’s length price in accordance with the Income Tax Act and lease rent earned is under 5% of the revenue of the lessor, such  leasing will not be considered as ‘real estate business’ under FDI policy.
·                     The Foreign Direct Investment into White Labelled ATM Operations (WLAO) has been allowed upto 100% in automatic route. Prior to this foreign investment in WLAO, was being allowed only through government approval route.
·                     Vide Press Note No. 11 the Government of India has reviewed the extant FDI Policy and decided to allow Foreign Investment up to 100% in white Label ATM Operations under the automatic route.
·            The Government of India has reviewed the extant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy  on various sectors and made amendments in the Consolidated FDI Policy Circular of 2015 (FDI Policy) effective from May 12, 2015 and as amended from time to time.  The amendments may be seen in the Press Note No.12 (2015 series) dated 24th Nov. 2015 on DIPP’s website www.dipp.nic.in.

8.     Industrial Corridors

Government of India is building a pentagon of corridors across the country to boost manufacturing and to project India as a Global Manufacturing destination of the world. The progress so far has been as follows:

i.                    Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC):
            Master planning of three identified nodes namely Ponneri (Tamil Nadu), Tumkur (Karnataka) and Krishnapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) in CBIC has since been completed. Preliminary Environment Impact Assessment Study for these nodes is under progress.

ii.            Bengaluru-Mumbai Economic Corridor (BMEC):
            The Egis India Ltd., the consultant has since prepared the Draft Perspective Plan Report of BMEC region and also discussed with the concerned State Governments, DIPP and DMICDC, the nodal Agency recently. Four nodes in the State of Maharashtra and six nodes in the State of Karnataka have been identified under perspective planning, of which, one node from each State Governments is to be shortlisted by State Government for master planning. State Government of Karnataka identified ‘Dharwad’ as the first industrial node in Karnataka under the BMEC.

iii.        Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC):
Asian Development Bank (ADB), consultant of VCIC has since submitted the final report on Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) of VCIC. Out of four nodes namely Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Gannavaram and Kankipadu and Srikalahasti-Yerpedu of Andhra Pradesh identified by ADB in their CDP-VCIC region, ADB prioritized two nodes namely Vishakhapatnam and Srikalahasti-Yerpedu for which master planning has been initiated by third quarter of 2015. Regional Perspective Planning of VCIC is in progress. Department of Economic Affairs has accorded approval of project loan of USD 500 million and programme loan of USD 125 million from ADB to the proposal of Government of Andhra Pradesh for VCIC-DP.

iv.                Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC):
Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corpn. Ltd. (DMICDC) has been entrusted with the work of undertaking the feasibility study of AKIC as the nodal agency. DMICDC has since identified and appointed M/s LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. as Consultant for preparation of Perspective Plan for AKIC Project. The consultant has submitted the interim Report which has been discussed with the stakeholders.

v.                  National Industrial Corridor Development Authority (NICDA):
Cabinet Approval for the formation of the NICDA is still awaited.


9. Modified Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (MIIUS)

The year 2015 has been an eventful year for the scheme wherein 22 new projects have been sanctioned under ‘Modified Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (MIIUS)’ in various States of the country. Further 3 projects at Baddi, Alappuzha and Vijayawada have been completed under IIUS. 

The details of projects completed during 2015 are illustrated below:

i. Baddi Industrial Area was established in 1985. After the Special Package Scheme for Himachal Pradesh was notified in 2003, a large number of industries were established   at the Baddi Cluster.  At present there are about 1800 industries employing about 2 lakh persons.  This cluster accounts for  20% industries in pharma sector, 15% in packaging sector and there are about 50 manufacturers each in FMCG and automobile parts, and 20 in textile sector.  A project under ‘Recast IIUS’ was undertaken at ‘Pharma Cluster, Baddi’ with a  cost of Rs.86.76 crore.  Industries contributed Rs.9.22 crore and the State Government along with HP Pollution Control Board contributed about Rs.6.00 crore.

As a result of various concessions offered, a large number of units were set up, which led to increase in pollution. The effluents from about 700 industries are discharged into Sirsa river, a tributary to the Satluj. A 25 MLD CETP has been established under the Scheme which started working in March, 2015. It caters to the requirement of industries in food sector.  It is expected that the CETP would start functioning in full capacity in another 3 to 4 months and will provide much needed relief against pollution. 

(Baddi Technical Training Institute)

Further SPV at Baddi is also running a technical training institute (ITI level).  It trains about 125 trainees in various categories; such as, electrician, fitter, turner and computer operator cum programme assistant.  The capacity of training institute has been doubled, considering large demand for its courses.  

Coir processing at Alappuzha (Kerala) is a traditional handloom activity involving a large number of workers, particularly women from the lower strata of society. There are about 10 thousand Micro, Small & Medium coir manufacturing units which are involved in husk collection, coir fiber extraction, spinning & rope making, coir matting, coir carpets etc. The project at ‘Alappuzha Coir Cluster’ was sanctioned with a cost of Rs.56.80 crore with industrial contribution of Rs.14.20 crore. 

Under this project fibre extraction units, coir yarn production, coir mats and coir geotextiles, power-loom coir mattings, coir pith processing and common facility centre for facilities like weaving, spinning, matting (Coir-PVC tufted) have been created. The project is self-sustainable and adds value to the traditional products.  This   has led to better earnings for the workers who are involved in production of coir items.

10.       National Manufacturing Policy
Twelve National Investment & Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs) have been accorded in-principal approval.  In a High Level Committee meeting held on 25.8.2015 grant of final approval for Prakasam NIMZ was considered and the same was approved by the MoS(IC) for C&I on 30.9.2015.

The Scheme of Technology Acquisition and Development Fund was notified in the Gazette of India.  First meeting of Expert Committee constituted for evaluating the application format and methodology for funding support under Technology Acquisition and Development Fund held on 2nd September, 2015.

Launching of the Technology Acquisition and Development Fund (TADF) under National Manufacturing Policy" on 18.11.2015 by Hon'ble MOS, 

Government has launched the Technology Acquisition and Development Fund (TADF) as envisaged in the National Manufacturing Policy on 18th November, 2015.  The objective of TADF is to provide the funding specific to acquisition and development of clean and green technologies.The fund will support, via subsidies, manufacturing of equipment/machines/devices for controlling pollution, reducing energy consumption and water conservation.  Implementation and fund management will be done by Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA), an existing Joint Venture (Government & private sector) Section 25 Company promoted by the Technology Development Board of the Department of Science & Technology and Confederation of Indian Industry.

11. Leather Sector
·                     One of the major activities under Indian Leather Development Programme (ILDP) is to provide placement linked skill development training to unemployed youth.
·                     As against the target set out for 2015-16 to provide training under this programme to 1,44,000 persons, training has been provided to 56946 unemployed persons till 31.10.2015 in the current year during the 12th plan period.
·                     For augmentation of institutional infrastructure, funds have been released for establishment of two new branches of Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) at Banur (Punjab) and Ankleshwar (Gujrat) with Government of India assistance of Rs. 100 crore for each branch. Construction works are going on.
·                     Assistance has been given to a project on Solid Waste Management in Calcutta Leather Complex (CLC) by Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Chennai under the component of Leather Technology, Innovation & Environment issues sub-scheme of ILDP.

12.       Other Important Events:
·                     The Partnership Summit was organized by the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion in association with Confederation of Indian Industry during January 15-17, 2015 at Jaipur.  Hon’ble Minister of State (C&I) delivered the keynote address in the inaugural session – “Partnerships for Shared New Realities”, of the Summit.  Over 1000 delegates from 51 countries including Trade and Economic Ministers of 24 countries participated in the event.  On the sidelines of the Partnership Summit 2015, Hon’ble MOS(C&I) held bilateral meetings with the dignitaries from the participating countries as well representatives of international organizations.  These included meeting with counterpart ministers from China, Ghana, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Australia and Director Generals of World Intellectual Property Organization, UNIDO & WTO, Dy. Secretary General of OECD, Chair UKIBC & Deputy Director General CBI.

·                     15th CII-NID Design Summit was organized at Hotel, The Lalit, New Delhi with the theme “Make in India - Making It Happen by Design” from 2-3 December 2015. The summit was conducted with the active participation of  National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, a autonomous institute of DIPP,  which is also recognized as Institute of National Importance in the national Institute of Design Act, 2014. The summit was successful with participation of reputed and world class industries in which innovative designs were also showcased and recognition of the Design Excellence were also awarded.

Implementation of Euro-V/VI Standard

Implementation of Euro-V/VI Standard
Four wheelers in the country are BS IV compliant in the regions notified by the Government, as per notification No. GSR 643(E) dated 19.08.2015 issued by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.

It has been agreed with the recommendations of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Policy for implementation BS V & BS VI emission norms across the country by 2020 and 2024 respectively. However, in view of the deteriorating air quality, it is agreed to take on a more challenging task of compressing the timelines. In this regard, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has uploaded on their website draft notification for mandating Mass emission standards Bharat Stage (BS V) for category M & Category N vehicles, manufactured on or after 1st April 2019 for new models and on or after 1st April 2020 for existing models and mass emission standards Bharat Stage (BS VI) for M & N category vehicles manufactured on or after 1st April, 2021 for new models and on or after 1st April 2022 for existing models. 

Year End Review - Solar Power Target Reset to One Lakh MW;

Year End Review - Solar Power Target Reset to One Lakh MW;
Several States Witness Silent Revolution of Rooftop Solar Power Generation;
National Wind Energy Policy Brought in; PM Launches International Solar Alliance ;
56 Solar Cities in the Offing; One Lakh Solar Pumps for Irrigation; Renewable Energy Law to be Enacted
Year End Review –MNRE

India is running the largest renewable capacity expansion programme in the world. The government is aiming to increase share of clean energy through massive thrust in renewables. The year started with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s statement “India is graduating from Megawatts to Gigawatts in Renewable Energy production.  The quote itself set up the higher expectation of clean energy generation in the country. The target of 20,000 Mw of solar power proposed to be installed in the country has been reset by the NDA government to achieve five time more at one lakh mw of solar power by 2022.  The target, which looked overambitious, now seems to be within the realms of reality with several States already witnessing silent revolution on rooftop solar power generation with the launch of net metering in the country. As on 31.10.2015, cumulative capacity of about 38 GW of grid-interactive renewable energy capacity has been installed in the country. Confident by the growth rate in clean energy sector, the Government of India in its submission to the United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change on Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) has stated that India will achieve 40% cumulative Electric power capacity from non-fossil fuel based energy resources by 2030 with the help of transfer of technology and low cost International Finance including from Green Climate Fund.

The Centre has taken several initiatives to increase the uptake of renewable energy through policy initiatives including enactment of a National off shore Wind Energy Policy and throwing support behind generation-based incentives and accelerated depreciation.
Besides the ongoing policies and programmes of the Government in Renewable Energy  sector, several policy measures initiated recently by the Government to achieve this up-scaled target, inter-alia, include suitable amendments to the Electricity Act and Tariff Policy for strong enforcement of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and for providing Renewable Generation Obligation (RGO); setting up of exclusive solar parks; development of power transmission network through Green Energy Corridor project; identification of large government complexes/ buildings for rooftop projects; provision of roof top solar and 10 percent renewable energy as mandatory under Mission Statement and Guidelines for development of smart cities; amendments in building bye-laws for mandatory provision of roof top solar for new construction or higher FAR; infrastructure status for solar projects; raising tax free solar bonds; providing long tenor loans; making roof top solar a part of housing loan by banks/ NHB; incorporating measures in Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) for encouraging distribution companies and making net-metering compulsory and raising funds from bilateral and international donors as also the Green Climate Fund to achieve the target.

The details of year round achievements of the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy are as follows:


The Government has up-scaled the target of renewable energy capacity to 175 GW by the year 2022 which includes 100 GW from solar, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from bio-power and 5 GW from small hydro-power.Stepping up capacity target under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) by five times now India is aiming to generate reaching 1,00,000 MW solar power by by 2022. The target will principally comprise of 40 GW Rooftop and 60 GW through Large and Medium Scale Grid Connected Solar Power Projects. With this ambitious target, India will become one of the largest Green Energy producers in the world, surpassing several developed countries. The total investment in setting up 100 GW will be around Rs. 6,00,000 crore.
 A total of 2,311.88 MW of grid-connected power generation capacity from renewable energy sources like solar and wind has been added so far this fiscal in the country. The government has set a target of 4,460 MW of power generation capacity addition this fiscal from renewable energy sources, including solar, wind and small-hydro. During the first seven months of the fiscal, 827.22 MW of solar power generation capacity was added, taking the cumulative electricity generation capacity from the source to 4,579.24 MW. The Centre is aiming to add 1,400 MW solar power generation capacity during this fiscal. Similarly, 1,234.11 MW wind power generation capacity was added during the period, taking cumulative electricity generation capacity from this renewable source to 24,677.72 MW. The government has set a target of adding 2,400 MW of wind power generation capacity in 2015-16. Under the small-hydro category, 106.55 MW generation capacity was added till October, taking the total generation capacity in this segment to 4161.90 MW. The Centre has set a target of adding 250 MW of small-hydro power generation capacity this fiscal. In the bio-power (biomass & gasification and biogases cogeneration) segment, 132 MW of generation capacity was added till October end this fiscal, taking the total capacity to 4550.55 MW in this segment. The government has set a target of adding 400 MW capacity from these sources. In waste-to-power segment, 12 MW capacity has been created till October compared to a target of 10 MW for the entire 2015-16. Now, India has 127.08 MW of power generation capacity under this category. The country's total grid-connected power generation capacity from all the above mentioned renewable sources was 3,8096.49 MW at the end of October. The physical progress of achieving these targets is as follows:
Scheme wise Physical Progress in 2015-16 (During the month of October 2015)

FY 2015-16
(as on 31.10.2015)


I.       Grid Interactive Power (Capacities in MW)
Wind Power
Solar Power
Small Hydro Power
Bio Power
Waste to Power
II.    Off Grid Captive Power (Capacities in MWEQ)
Waste to Energy
Biomass Cogeneration
Biomass Gasifies
Aero-Generators/Hybrid System
Water Mills/Micro hydel
III. Other Renewable Energy System
Family Biogas Plants (Numbers in lakhs)
Solar Water Heating- Coll. Areas

First Renewable Energy Global Investment Promotion Meet & Expo (RE - INVEST) was organised with the intent of providing a platform to the global investment community to connect with stakeholders in India. The Central Theme of REINVEST 2015 is to increase growth of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the country. The Meet showcased the Government’s commitment in the development and scaling up of renewable energy in a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable manner to meet the national energy requirement. 118 exhibitors, 200 global investors and financers 202 speakers and 2500 delegates from 32 countries have participated in the event. The objective of World’s largest renewable energy financing meet is to showcase India as an investment destination for renewable energy and to encourage investors for setting up projects and manufacturing facilities of Renewable Energy equipment & products in India. The Ministry received total of 2,73,000 MW green commitments including 62,000 MW of renewable manufacturing in the event. On the occasion, 14 banks and financial institutions, 8 PSUs and private manufacturers, 15 private sector companies gave 70,000 MW of renewable finance Commitments.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched an International Solar Alliance (ISA) at the CoP21 Climate Conference in Paris on 30th November as a special platform for mutual cooperation among 121 solar resource rich countries lying fully or partially between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. The alliance is dedicated to address special energy needs of ISA member countries. The new body of Secretariat will be hosted by Government of India. The Centre will provide land and $30 million to form a secretariat for the Alliance, and also support it for five years. The participants, mostly in Latin America and Africa but also including the US, China, and France, would work together to increase solar capacity across emerging markets.
In an e-reverse auction conducted by NTPC on 03.11.2015 for 500 MW (10 projects of 50 MW each) to be set up at Ghani Solar Park in Andhra Pradesh under National Solar Mission, Phase-II, Batch-II, Tranche-I of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, NTPC received the lowest tariff of Rs. 4.63 per unit of electricity. Total 30 bids were received totaling to 5500 MW capacity.

In July 2015, the Cabinet has approved the creation of an intra state transmission system in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan at an estimated cost of Rs 8548.68 crore with Government of India contribution from National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) of Rs 3419.47 crore (40 percent of the total estimated cost of project). The activities envisaged under the project includes establishment of 48 new Grid sub-stations of different voltage levels with total transformation capacity around 17100 MVA (Mega Volt Ampere) by installing over 7800 ckt-kms (Circuit Kilometers) of transmission lines in these seven states. The project is proposed to be completed within a period of three to five years. The cost on creating intra-state transmission system is proposed to be met through KfW loan (40 percent of the total cost), NCEF grant (40 percent of the total cost) and the remaining 20 percent as State contribution. These States are rich in renewable resource potential and large capacity renewable power projects are planned there. Creation of an intra state transmission system will facilitate evacuation of renewable power from generation stations to load centres. 


The Ministry has approved 56 solar cities projects against the target of 60 solar cities under the Development of Solar Cities Programme. The Government  has also approved a Scheme for setting up of 25 Solar Parks, each with the capacity of 500 MW and above and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects to be developed in next 5 years in various States and will require Central Government financial support of Rs 4050 crore. These parks will be able to accommodate over 20,000 MW of solar power projects. As on date, 27 parks with capacity of about 18000 MW in 21 states have been sanctioned.

The Union Cabinet gave its approval for the implementation of the scheme for setting up of 15,000 MW of Grid-connected Solar PV Power projects under the National Solar Mission through NTPC/ NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN) in three tranches namely, 3000 MW under Tranche-l under mechanism of Bundling with Unallocated Coal based Thermal Power and fixed levellised tariffs, 5,000 MW under Tranche-ll with some support from Government to be decided after getting some experience while implementing Tranche-l and balance 7,000 MW under Tranche-Ill without any financial support from the Government. Successful completion of additional 15,000 MW capacity of Grid-connected solar PV power generation projects, mainly in the private sector, with largely private investment, under the National Solar Mission would accelerate the process of achieving grid tariff parity for solar power and also help reduce consumption of kerosene and diesel, which is presently in use to meet the unmet demand. 
The Government approved Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to apply to the Registrar of Companies for converting it into a Section 3 company and renaming it as the Renewable Energy Corporation of India (RECI). After this, SECI will become a self-sustaining and self-generating organization. It will engage itself in owning solar power plants generating and selling power and in other segments of solar sector activities, including manufacturing of solar products and materials. RECI will take up development of all segments of renewable energy namely, geo-thermal, off-shore wind, tidal etc. apart from solar energy.

In a communication to all central government ministries and departments, PSUs and organizations, state governments, educational institutions, the Ministry said the price of solar power has fallen drastically in the last two to three years and it is economical to generate the power through grid connected solar roof top systems for consumers in states where tariff is more than Rs 7 per unit. Pay back time is about 5-6 years and the life of plant is 25 years. The letter said that the incentive include 15% government subsidy for selected categories, accelerated depreciation benefits for industrial and commercial buildings besides a slew of incentives.
The government has implemented a scheme to install one lakh solar pumps for irrigation and drinking water through State Nodal Agencies and NABARD. These pumps helped lakhs of farmers to increase output, income and also provide drinking water. According to estimates, drinking water problems will be solved for more than 7.6 lakh families through solar pumps for drinking water. MNRE provides 30% capital subsidy to farmers for installation of solar pumps for irrigation purpose through state nodal agencies. The state governments can give additional subsidy through own funds. The government presented 40% subsidy with mandatory loan to farmers for irrigation purpose through NABARD. The ministry has issued supplementary guidelines for 1,00,000 solar pumps during 2014-15 and Rs 353.50 crore was released to various agencies.
The Unnat Chulha Abhiyan envisages developing and promoting deployment of efficient and cost effective improved biomass cook-stoves in the country. The programme involves demonstration of the various models of biomass cook-stoves both natural and forced draft types for domestic and large scale community cooking on cost sharing basis. The programme aims at providing improved cook stoves for clean cooking thus saving lives of thousands of people in the country. 3.5 lakh cook stoves have been sanction under the scheme last year.

Ø      Off-grid Rooftop:  It is proposed to set up 40 GW solar rooftop programmes where grid connectivity is already exist.  15% Government subsidy for non-commercial and non-industrial categories for using domestic solar panels would be provided.
Ø      Solar Parks: The Government  has approved on 10th December, 2014 a Scheme for setting up of 25 Solar Parks, each with the capacity of 500 MW and above and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects to be developed in next 5 years in various States and will require Central Government financial support of Rs 4050 crore. These parks will be able to accommodate over 20,000 MW of solar power projects. As on date, 27 parks with capacity of about 18000 MW in 21 states have been sanctioned.
Ø      Setting up of over 300 MW of Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects by Defence establishments and Para Military Forces with viability gap funding. More than 150 MW projects have been sanctioned under the scheme.
Ø      Implementation of Scheme for setting up 1000 MW of Grid Connected Solar PV Power projects by CPSUs and GOI organization’s with Viability Gap Funding in three years period from 2015-16 to 2017-18. About 100 MW have been allocated to various CPSUs under the scheme.
Ø      Scheme for Development of Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plants on Canal Banks and Canal Tops: MNRE launched a Scheme   for Development of Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plants on Canal Banks and Canal Tops in the country during the 12th Plan period at an estimated cost of Rs. 975 crore and with Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of Rs. 228 crore. The Solar PV Power Plants on Canal Banks and Canal Tops with 50 MW capacities under each category have been approved to 8 States (Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand and West Bengal).
Ø      Scheme for Decentralized Generation of Solar Energy Projects by Unemployed Youths & Farmers. It is expected that about 10 GW solar projects would be setup. Innovative Financing of such projects could be possible as equity is being put up by the state, local bodies and entrepreneurs.
Ø      New loan scheme to promote rooftop solar power projects announced by IREDA. The scheme will provide loans at interest rates between 9.9 and 10.75 percent to system aggregators and developers.
Ø      Surya Mitra Scheme launched for creating 50,000 trained personnel within a period of 5 years (2015-16 to 2019-20). The course content has been approved by the National Council of Vocational Training as per the National Skill, Qualification Framework. As on 30.9.2015, a total of 27 programmes involving Rs 17 crore have been sanctioned to SNAs by NISE.  In 2015-16, 70 programmes will be conducted against which 27 programmes have started.  As on 30.9.2015, about 360 Surya Mitras were trained under the scheme

Ø      National Offshore Wind Energy Policy, 2015 :  Under this Policy, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been authorized as the Nodal Ministry for use of offshore areas within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the country and the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) has been authorized as the Nodal Agency for development of offshore wind energy in the country and to carry out allocation of offshore wind energy blocks, coordination and allied functions with related ministries and agencies. It would pave the way for offshore wind energy development including, setting up of offshore wind power projects and research and development activities, in waters, in or adjacent to the country, up to the seaward distance of 200 Nautical Miles (EEZ of the country) from the base line.  The policy will provide a level playing field to all investors/beneficiaries, domestic and international. It is planned to set up the first offshore wind power project off the Gujarat coast soon.

Ø      Wind Atlas, 2015 Launched: A wind Atlas having information at 100 m height has been launched. It’s a GIS based software tool which will help not only the developers but also policy planners.

Ø      Restoration of Accelerated Depreciation Benefits for Wind Power Projects: After significant harm was done to the wind sector due to withdrawal of AD with effect from 1.4.2012, it has been restored on 18.7.2014. This decision of the Government will help in creating a robust manufacturing base for wind turbines in the country.

Ø        Establishment of PACE Setter Fund: U.S. and India have signed a MoU to establish PACE Setter Funds with a contribution of US$ 4 million (INR 25 crores) from each side for providing grants for seed capital for innovative clean energy projects. The PACE Setter Funds has been formally launched on 19th August, 2015 in New Delhi.

Ø      State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) of twenty States have notified regulatory framework on net-metering and feed-in-tariff to encourage rooftop solar plants.

Ø      Inclusion of Renewable Energy Projects in Priority Sector Lending Norms of Commercial BanksReserve Bank of India vide its circular dated 23rd April, 2015 on ‘Priority Sector Lending: Targets and Classification’ has issued revised guidelines for all scheduled commercial banks making significant inroads for renewable energy in the priority sector lending:
Ø    Inclusion of renewable energy in categories of priority sector, in addition to existing categories.
Ø    Bank loans up to a limit of Rs 15 crore to borrowers for purposes like solar based power generators, biomass based power generators, wind mills, micro-hydel plants and for non-conventional energy based public utilities viz. street lighting systems, and remote village electrification. For individual households, the loan limit will be Rs 10 lakh per borrower.
Ø    Investments in RE is on Automatic route. No RBI/FIPB approval required.
Ø    Automatic approval for up to 74% foreign equity participation in a JV. Liberalized foreign investment approval regime. 100% foreign investment as equity is permissible with the approval of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). Various chambers of commerce and industry associations offer guidance on partners
Ø    PPAs have been standardized for projects under JNNSM.
Ø    Land procurement- Many states have provided deemed Non Agricultural status for land purchased for RE projects.
Ø    Clean Energy Fund: Coal Cess has been increased from Rs 100 to Rs 200/ton which will make available around Rs 12000 crore/year for supporting and incentivizing development of RE in the country.
Ø    Enforcement of Renewable Purchase Obligations has been strengthened by recent judgement of Supreme Court for captive power generators and Appellate Tribunal Judgement on fulfilment of RPO obligation by State regulators.
Ø    Net-metering schemes has been rolled out in majority of States which will help in meeting 40 GW rooftop grid connected solar projects.
Ø    Must Run Status for RE projects in most of the states
Ø    Fiscal incentives in the form of Accelerated Depreciation for wind and solar by Central Govt. and refund of stamp duty, refund on Value Added Tax (VAT) & Goods and Service tax (GST) by some State Govts.

Ø    National Wind Energy Mission (Proposed): Initiated the process of establishing National Wind Energy Mission. The setting up of a Mission would help in (a) achieving the targets of 12th Plan and energy generation from renewable energy as set under NAPCC, and (b) addressing the issues and challenges which the wind sector is faced with, such as precise resource assessment, effective grid integration, improvement in technology and manufacturing base, to maintain its comparative advantage in the wind sector. 
Ø      Renewable Generation Obligation (Proposed): There is a policy proposal under consideration that all conventional power plants should have a minimum renewable generation obligation.

Ø      Amendment in Electricity Act, 2003 (proposed)

·            Proposed inclusion of “specific mention of penal provisions for non-compliance of RPO including financial penalty and punishment”.
·            Suggested amendment in the tariff policy to include a RPO trajectory reaching at minimum 15 % of the total electricity mix by March 2019 with solar RPO of Minimum 8% and support by states. It implies that there is a special category for solar RPO and other renewable energy sources have been clubbed in non-solar category.
·            To allow generating / purchasing and bundling of renewable and allow pass through to such power plants where generation and transmission assets are fully depreciated.

Ø      Draft RE Act 2015: In addition to the existing provisions in the above act. there is a need for a Renewable energy act in India to facilitate increase in the use of renewable energy for all relevant applications including off-grid, heat and transport in an effective and coordinated manner,  which  is  well  integrated  with  the  energy  and  electricity  system,  and  to do  so  by developing a supportive ecosystem, laying down an institutional structure, and by creating framework for transparent and effective incentive structure.  In  the  given  context,  increasing  the  share  of  RE  in  the  energy  mix  will  require  enabling policies  to stimulate  changes  not  only  in  policies  related  to  RE  deployment  but  also  in  policies  related  to  the planning of the complete energy system.  The mandatory provisions after the enactment of Renewable energy Law will provide the requisite backbone framework to facilitate increase in the use of renewable energy.


The Minister is seeking cooperation from other countries both on technical and financial side to promote the generation of power from renewable energy sources. On technical side, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is collaborating with premium institutions/ laboratories of USA, Japan and Germany in the fields of performance evaluation, long term operational reliability and indoor-performance testing of different technology modules. Similarly, National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) in collaboration with specialized institutions of Denmark; USA, Spain and Germany is working in the areas of wind forecasting, offshore wind, aero-structural design, training on testing inter-laboratory comparisons etc. On the financial side, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) is also operating Line of Credits from various Bilateral/ Multilateral institutions for further extending the credit to viable renewable energy projects in the country. 

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and France on 10th April, 2015 to establish the basis for a cooperative institutional relationship to encourage and promote technical bilateral cooperation on the new and renewable energy issues, on the basis of mutual benefit, equality and reciprocity. Another Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Renewable Energy Cooperation was signed between India and Seychelles in March, 2015, to strengthen, promote and develop renewable energy cooperation between the two countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The MoU will also help in strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the field of renewable energy. U.S. and India have signed a MoU to establish PACE Setter Funds with a contribution of US$ 4 million (INR 25 crores) from each side for providing grants for seed capital for innovative clean energy projects. The PACE Setter Funds has been formally launched on 19th August, 2015 in New Delhi.

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