14 December 2014

Consultation on Convergence of Resources for Tribal Development Held

              Union Tribal affairs Minister Shri Jual Oram  has said that efforts should be made to  bridge the gap of economic and social development between  tribals and non tribals in the country .Speaking at the daylong brainstorming  consultation on convergence of resources for tribal development held here today the Minister said issues like gainful employment, quality education, health facilities and availability of safe drinking water are very important in terms of the development of tribals. He urged the participants to give their suggestion with an open mind.

      The day long consultation was attended by senior officials from the Union Ministries of Rural Development, Health and Family Welfare, Culture , HRD, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Agriculture and various states and NGOs. Issues such as feasibilities of convergence of activities, funds and resources with key stakeholders, requisite timelines for effective implementation of programmes, issues and challenges in achieving the intended convergence, opportunities to overcome the constraints, model strategic framework for management of resources and innovative / corrective measures to be incorporated in the existing guidelines to address the critical missing links were discussed.
              Both Central Government and State Governments have taken various initiatives for development of tribal people in the past. However, the human development indices for tribal population is not showing expected trend in general over the years at par with other social groups. The indicators in respect of health, education, livelihood, women empowerment, access to drinking water etc. are alarmingly low, as per the figures reflected in Census 2011. Further, preservation, protection and promotion of their rich cultural and traditional heritage calls for  special attention.
             Funds for tribal development are sourced from (i) State Plans; (ii) Funds under TSP components of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) administered by Central Ministries/ Departments; (iii) Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP), Grant under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution and other schemes implemented by Ministry of Tribal Affairs; and (iv) Institutional Finance.

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